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Posts posted by Flyby

  1. Actually it's PPRuNE; "Professional Pilots Rumor Network" I thought some might find it interesting. I found the link over at SimHq. There was a thread there discussing the War for the Malvenas/Falkland war:http://www.pprune.org/military-aircrew/297920-falklands-crash-sites.html

    There's also a forum there for rotorheads. Well, here's the link to the main forum page. Good hunting!:D


    Flyby out

  2. Man is that dark DARK!!! :shocking: you guys are havin all the fun! :beer:

    I can hardly wait until I get permission from the Warden to start buying some components for my new system. Come oooonnnnnn June!:D

    Flyby out

    ps looks like ronht is becoming master mission builder (which bodes well for the BS community. ;) )

  3. yeah! get online!!


    Masonator, you'll never be sorry for flying online. I've met people from all over the world while flying IL2 online. I'm in Ohio, but the first online squadron I ever flew with was based out of Romania (go mighty D13_th!). Those guys helped me immensely. If you want great immersion and a sense of community, there's nothing like being online, and talking friends over comms. Besides that, it's a great way to learn about a particluar sim, and to learn teamwork (if you join a squad). Flying offline with AI is one thing, but it will never compare to the richness of the experience of flying with "breathers". Someone will be glad to help you get sorted out once you're online. So give it a try. Don't be shy in asking for help if you need it. Next thing you know, you'll be paying it forward one day by helping some new guy get sorted out on line.:thumbup:

    Now be sure to tell us how your online experiences are going. GET MOVING, PILOT!!!:pilotfly:

    Flyby out

  4. damned nice rig! Test! Test!! Test!!! obtw, what monitor ya usin? rez?

    my wife makes me pick up beer cans off the highway to raise money for a new system. I'd be at it for two years before I had enough to duplicate your system, Prophet (the wife gets a cut of every bag I bring home.:D)

    Flyby out

  5. why not introduce her as "Candy-the-attack-poodle"? Or as "Candy, the Leaping Nut Cracker!" :eek: Well...maybe it's a bit more of a challenge than I first thought. Maybe your mom will let you get a Rott?

    Anyway, if we're lucky some enterprising soul will market the manual if he can get a deal on volume. Maybe someone will host a group buy?:music_whistling:

  6. if you are planning on going to Fedex kinkos I suggest the following:


    1. Be nice

    2. If you have a nice looking sister; take her with you.




    1. Everytime I go alone to kinkos, my prints don't work, they take a million hours to print; another "lady" insults me saying "excuse sir I got here first, That is unrespectful" when I go ask the guy where are my prints; but because I don't like conflicts I don't tell her that I been there 2 hours before her:evil:

    2. Every time I go with my sis I get free prints, paper, my prints work and it takes like 5 minutes to print all my stuff. so go figure


    and she is not super hot, so don't worry if you have a not very graceful sis



    take a Rottweiler in there with you. Bet you get great service, no bitchy females from Hades, and don't have to bribe your sister!:smartass:

  7. perhaps but...


    :cry: To have kinko's print out the entire manual in color will cost more than your cpu upgrade :megalol:

    I can offset the cost by plucking the eyeballs from mongrel dogs and selling their corneas for implants. Then to celebrate my good fortune I'll saute their livers in a fine red port!;)

    are you 20-20 my good man?:D

  8. Hahah you're talking about uber ultra-high-en PC and I must be happy from mine AMD 3000+ :D


    I also wait for i7 test results in BS.

    Uber ultra-high end PC? That's a Nehalem system, in my thinking. I'll be lucky to get the wife to go along with a P45 chipset, and a powerful single-GPU card. Any sort of quad will be a dream for me!:lol: I'd have to wait until this time next year to afford i7 system unless mobos and tri-channel ram drop in prices. I hope Gigabyte comes out with a moderate or low end X58 mobo that overclocks decently. I can see paying for an i7-920, but the other stuff is just too expensive for me now.:( Don't get mer started!:P

  9. That link shows the difference that can be managed by the 920 i7 slightly overclocked compared to a 1300 dollar quad core. Im spending 800 bucks on my upgrade. :)

    it also shows how much one can get from a dual core E8500. Since I'll be building from scratch I'm looking at a different dynamic. For me, Nehalem does not yet seem to be the best upgrade for a purely gaming rig just now, particularly at the popular gaming resolutions (1600x and higher). For my limited $$ building a gaming rig from scratch is probably better served with other than the X58 chipset for now. But m y build is still a ways off, and maybe X58 mobo prices will drop (tri-channel ram too). We'll see. Meanwhile, hitman, I truly await your performance report on your new system running Black Shark (with plenty of AI stuff, and explosions going on :) )

  10. i7 is good with integers, games like floating point numbers. There are articles out here saying that games will not benefit much (if ay) from i7 advanced architecture.


    Nevertheless, Prophet, let us know how your systems does.


    I've also read some of those articles. I tend to believe them for the most part, but I'm trying to keep an open mind until someone (cough**hitman!***cough) reports on how the i7 performs in combat flight sims since my next build will be almost purely for that purpose.

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