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Posts posted by Flyby

  1. About the multiplayer aspect.



    “Coming soon to your screens…”



    “2 flags, 2 teams, 4 classes (?). 1 winner! Capture the flag. Black Shark 1.0.1”.


    Commercial… Bah!

    cool links, but having two breathers sharing the same war-bird online will be a next-level event. If DCS can pull that off it will own online simulation war gaming, imo. Exciting to think about (unless your crew dog is an idiot! :D )

    Flyby out

  2. Black Shark is much more of a challenge, at least for me. The main reason is because I was already a pilot in real life when I first flew F4, so it was more or less mastering the weapon systems and quirks of the sim. With Black Shark, however, I have to start from square one having never flown a chopper before. I spent the first two weeks just flying - no weapon systems, no abris - just taking off, hovering, point a to point b stuff. I have now come to the point where I am comfortable with the weapon system which I think is easier than F4s, but the abris is still something I am trying to wrap my head around.


    BS is by far the superior sim apart from the lack of a dynamic campaign.

    thanks for the opinion, '61. think you'll get into the multiplayer aspect of it? that would be the end-all for me (once I get the sim).


    fox_, I've been told in no uncertain terms that DCS will not, I repeat, will not model a helicopter based on educated speculation. I too had posed this idea some time ago, and it was poo-pooed instantly and imo vigorously. Sorry for our luck. Imagine the possible game play with the two-seater Alligator, or any two-place gunship. I believe the sim world is still waiting for a successor the Janes Longbow2, especially with two-place multiplayer capability. Still, it's good to know people seem very satisfied with Black Shark as a sim. :)

    Flyby out

  3. thanks for the reply, '61. So do you think BS is as challenging as F4? I remember feeling good because I could land the plane, and feeling great because I mastered in-flight refueling.


    hey '45 here's a Gunship! page. It's not been updated in over a year, but you may find some items of use:


    Flyby out

    ps hey, maybe if I'm lucky there will be an add-on available from DCS by the time I have a new gaming rig! :D

  4. Gunship 2000 must've come out for Amiga in the mid 90s. i played it quite a bit. It included a flyable blackhawk and little recon heli (forget its name). The original gunship came out sometime in the 80s. I played that a lot on the c64. I bought falcon 1 the day I got my first amiga.


    Can't wait for the ah64, whichever version, and a Mi24 in DCS. :)

    I actually still own Gunship!, the last version. I think it was published in '98 maybe. It was panned in most reviews because of the gameplay and mission builder, iirc. But I enjoyed it in it's relative simplicity compared to Jane's Longbow. They were definitely different sims. I guess I just thought that LB was far more a technical exercise while Gunship! was the better, imo, for practicing the tactical aspects of helicopter gunship warfare.

    Flyby out

  5. Comments appreciated, guys. It's good to read that people are into Black Shark, and are looking forward to add-on releases. surely this bodes well for DCS's long term viability as a top notch sim maker. Then there are those modders out there; who knows what wondrous terrains await this series? :)

    Flyby out

  6. DCS:BS is for me the best simulation of an aircraft made to date. Once you get comfortable with all the avionics, you become one with it. And multiplayer rocks!


    As you say Flyby - It depends on the mission designers skills. Luckily you can download lots of great missions from this very site. I feel very immersed with this sim.

    I hear what you're sayin' Zorg. Too bad I can only relate via my experiences online with IL2 and Hyperlobby. There, good COOPS and online wars with "full real" settings was quite immersing, and helped in the suspension of disbelief. I'll be happiest when there are OPFOR breathers in dissimilar a/c for BS, but I suspect that is not the direction DCS will be taking in the short term; not with helicopter gunships anyway (nor with ground attack planes). I guess that's what LockON/FC is for. ;)


    Odd, but I think of Gunship! as a nice little sim where stalking was fairly challenging, and really dangerous, but fun. Not a technical feat like LB, but immersing in it's own right. I can just see the DCS world of Apache Longbow online, trying to survive and slugging it out. D'oh! There I go again!:doh:

    Flyby out

  7. thanks for the comments, rotorheads!


    You guys make a good case for Black Shark in the most basic way: you think it's a great sim. That's high praise, and good enough for me. I will add it to my wish list. I want to support DCS with more than just words anyway, but had/have the luxury of time to allow the sim to "breathe" for a while before asking how it's faring.

    Hey TheMoose, that's an interesting analogy you threw in there. Let's hope Black Shark and it's subsequent iterations build a fan loyalty base such as IL2 has done. ;)

    Flyby out

  8. Great, so far so good so what!

    Well I hope the sim has legs, but with the addition of other a/c (when that happens) I guess that's a bygone conclusion. Also I suppose the eventual release of a new graphics engine will make the series even more long-lasting.

    Flyby out

  9. great going there, Hitman. I hope you get the assignment you most want. But if you were a true believer, you'd opt for the Raptor or the -35 so you could feed our voracious appetites for pictures (sanctioned ones of course!) :D


    Flyby out

    • Like 1
  10. hello troops! While I await my personal stimulus package (so I can get a gaming rig one day) I thought I'd ask the knowledgeable for an update on Black Shark. How is life with the sim these days? It's been out long enough, imo, for the shock and awe to wear off, and for the day-to-day routine of simming to set in. As a matter of perspective, when I first bought IL2 I was really happy with it. As time went by (plus a few add-on releases) I grew comfortable with it in the sense of spending time with a good friend. Online play certainly added a bunch of friends too! :D

    So, again, how's life with BS?

    Flyby out

  11. QFT!


    I've commented before on the fact that LOMAC/DCS/Eagle Dynamics seems to attract a crap load of knowledgeable people. Between the aerospace experts, science experts, computer experts, real life military pilots and aircraft maintenance people, I think the regular joes might be in the minority! I just started playing because I wanted to fly some planes around and shoot at stuff. :music_whistling:

    +1, RT. A guy could get an inferiority complex hangin with this hi-tech crowd. Might even lead to contracting small cox (well, not me).:D

    Flyby out

  12. worst gas guzzler?


    Man! You guys talk as though you're actually deep in the defense contractor business. Is all this info readily available on the web? It certainly is impressive to read your back-and-forths. Maybe I'll do a search and see how the two planes stack up in flatulence evacuation. The winner will probably be able to detect those emissions at a a greater distance!:P

    Anyway, you guys do impress.

    Flyby out

    • Like 1
  13. THat's right. Why have nukes or guns at all, right? I'm sorry, but that line of reasoning is non-sensical.




    You're sayin' what - that such a threat won't emerge in the future? That you should drop everything when yesterday's war is over?

    That people will be nice to you from now on?

    What are you sayin'? ;)

    :doh: Well we certainly can't give up our nukes now, can we. It's always harder to put the Genie back in the bottle. I'm saying I don't see the threat out there where the Raptor is required. In the future? Who can know that? Maybe it will be China when it decides it wants to strong-arm Taiwan (while we're too deep in debt to them to really be able to afford to intervene). It has the money to build a very strong military. I just hope it doesn't call in the markers it holds on the U.S debt. Maybe the best way to prevent that scenario is to remain economically engaged with China, pay down the debt, but not so far as to let them think they can fluff off the rest and go for Taiwan?

    My reference to the Apache was simply to state that it has been used to it's purpose as a tank buster and then some. I was asking what was the purpose of the Raptor. Sure, air dominance, but where? Over whom, or what? Su35s? Su47s?

    Better to be prepared, for sure, but the U.S is in a recession, and the Raptor seems to be a luxury, if I may guess at Gates' read on the project. It's just politicians in effected states, plus the political contributions by the Defense industry that are trying to squeeze a bit more juice from the suckling pig (tax payer), imo.

    Great plane, no argument. Great need? I'm not so sure. I don't think I'm alone on that perspective. I guess that's all I have to say on it. I'm certainly no military or geo-political specialist. Just my opinion. You win. OK? ;)

    Flyby out

  14. Let me make it painfully clear to you then:


    The Commanche offered NOTHING over other helicopters that would have made it more useful or effective. That is why it was scrapped.


    The Raptor is a generation ahead of current fighter designs and completely dominates them. It has been explosed to Red/Green/Whatever flags which short of shooting real weapons, do their absolute best to simulate a realistic combat environment so that pilots can get their ten 'up your chances of survival' combat flights in.


    Is the difference clear yet or do I need to attempt another explanation? ;)


    North Korea has old aircraft, but it has a huge whopping lot of them. And they train.

    Painfully clear? If it hurts you, don't do it!:P Just because it can do a thing does not mean it will ever do that thing irl. Heck the Apache was a cold war concept designed to hold off armor in the Fulda gap. Which threat was the Raptor designed to conquer, and does that threat still exist? I'm just sayin'.

    Flyby out

  15. You can't compare the Comanche to the Raptor.


    The Raptor offers capabilities that far exceed existing fighter capabilities for the price - useful ones at that in the arena it's supposed to operate in.


    The Comanche offered new capabilities that didn't make a difference.


    See the difference? ;)

    Well...we may be talking red apples and golden apples, imo. Both ac offer new capabilities. As far as making a difference goes, the Comanche never got to that stage before it was abandoned while the Raptor hasn't made a difference (yet). So far, just like the Comanche, it simply has new capabilities as I see it. But those haven't been exposed to a combat arena yet. With world changes as they are, it may yet wind up being a plane without a mission. Unless, that is, the U.S decides to strike North Korea, in which case it will bring everything it's got, including the Raptor (does North Korea have much of an air force?).

    Flyby out

  16. Bah!! :mad: Politicians think they know more than the SecDef? IMO it's more than just keeping the production lines open, though that is a very key point. It's the scum politicians lining their own nests so they can go forth at election time and say "See what I've done for you?" I read an article this morning stating that the Air Force will train more UAV pilots this year than fighter or bomber pilots. My country spends more in it's defense budget than the next five or six nations combined. As much as I like the idea of the Raptor, it reminds me of the Comanche project; another do-all end-all machine that ultimately was not needed for the current mission. Gates knows best, but politicians control the purse strings (pork spending).

    Flyby out

    How do you know when a politician is lying? His lips are moving!

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