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Posts posted by Flyby

  1. I'm 100% with you on this Flyby, they choose to take that route and if they fail because of that decision thats tough on all of us, I love the era but no way am I going to pay to play on line only, so it fell off my shopping list as soon as I read that.


    Unlikely they will change their minds from what I have read from them on their site, so it strikes me they are not listening to their core customers and we all pay the price for that - I doubt they will be around long, sadly.



    Welcome to what I call the wait-and-see Mafia. ;)

    Flyby out

  2. Well buy the sim that way you participate to help the devs... all flight combat sims are on the same bowl...

    Do you mean help them as in help them change their minds about the DRM thing? Is it not valid to vote with my wallet, and voice my concerns? I'm not trying to pick an arguement here, but RoF is not (yet) going to get my support (sadly for me) until I can find an acceptable comfort level. That comfort level at the moment means if I buy it I own it and it's playable beyond the demise of Neoqb (like other sims whose developers are no longer around).

    Flyby out

  3. Rise of flight drops in north america tomorrow!


    OH YEAH! Who's in?

    There is a bit of controversy about Neoqb's DRM over at SimHq. Here are a couple of topical links




    I have to say that I've canceled my RoF order until a later time. One over-riding issue as to why is this: if Neoqb goes out of business, RoF won't work on my pc, not even offline play. I'd be left with a coaster and a pretty box. Makes me nervous.

    Flyby out

  4. Question is: What if anything would I gain, going from my 4670 (1gig) and avg. 38 fps to the 4850/4870 or 4890 in Lomac/FC/bs?

    what is your system spec?

    now go here and look at the this comparison I found for you: http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=579&card2=564


    now read this article (check out the page for Flight Simulator X) : http://enthusiast.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MTY0NCwxLCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdA==


    IMO, you'll benefit from the better (of the 2) GPU once you have a processor that can relieve the CPU bottleneck. I've often seen it reported that cpu-intensive flight sims do well on dual or quad cores when the cpu is ticking along at 3.6ghz or better (but not much better). Hope this helps.

    Flyby out

    ps what screen resolution are you running? Do you need to worry about jaggies?

  5. hi K9. That's a tough question for me. But I did a search and found this article:

    http://www.build-gaming-computer-guide.com/ddr3-vs-ddr2.html As you can see, the article is over a year old. Things change, primarily the price of ddr3 is dropping. Still, it's good info. If I had to choose today, I'd take the advantages of ddr3 over '2 right now. If I find more recent info, I'll post a link. BTW, glad I found the site in the link. Maybe I'll learn sumptin. ;) Of course if anyone finds a good link to answer this question, the more info the better, I say. :D

    Flyby out

    edit:check out this link from the same site. Apparently the site needs a serious updating (July of '08 article), but it still rings true: http://www.build-gaming-computer-guide.com/the-complete-guide-to-choose-a-gaming-memoryram.html

  6. Something which should be taken under consideration in a future patch would be to make Black Shark SLI and CrossfireX capable. It's a pitty for those (me for example:cry:) who have multiple GPUs and can just use one in the game. It would give a much better fps.

    I don't think multiple GPU efficiency is on DCS at all. It's on the video card makers. They are the ones who created the tech. IMO how many GPUs is present is invisible to the game.

    May I recommend this as a read? http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/crossfire_vs_sli/

    Also, this article supports my statement about multi-gpu tech not being on software makers like DCS (I can hardly wait for this to be available):

    http://www.itexaminer.com/lucid-hydra--graphics-solved.aspx Of course you can do a search for Lucid's Hydra, and find more recent info like this: http://www.devhardware.com/c/a/Video-Cards/Lucid-Hydra-100/

    Flyby out

  7. good links Mikemonster! we need all the info we can get. I hope this thread becomes a sticky so people can have the various links as a guide. Maybe we just need a sticky thread for monitor links.

    Zembla, I'm still using a crt, on the wife's pc. I need the lcd info for a system I'll be building in the coming months. I need to make an educated decision.

    Flyby out

    ps here's a site of use, I hope:


  8. that was a Monster of a reply,...Mike. Point well taken on selecting the right sort of panel for one's purposes. Since my main purpose will be gaming perhaps a TN panel will better suit me. Then again, maybe I can use my "Way-Back" travel machine and find a good 26" crt monitor. Well. no. Thing probably weighs as much as a small car.

    thanks again! add more when you get time!

    Flyby out

  9. Hi Vault and DratsaB,

    so maybe a monitor with 2ms response time is the silver bullet? and maybe 5ms is the upper limit for simming? That's a good question about response time compensation too. I hope someone with such a monitor can comment on it here.

    Hey! We might be doing some good! Thanks all for the interest and replies.

    Flyby out (and learning something)

  10. konkussion and Kuky, thank you both for the info. I suppose at one time a 12ms monitor was blazing fast for it's time (prolly just a couple of years ago). It occurs to me to ask, Kuky, if when you notice ghosting in ArmA, the scene displayed is an outside scene? More to the point, in a combat flight sim is the ghosting less noticeable when the view is from inside the cockpit? Do either of you see ghosting from inside the ccokpit when quickly panning, for instance? Is it correct to assume (anyone chime in here if they know) that the lower the monitor's response time, the less ghosting one sees when quickly panning with TIR inside the ccokpit?thanks guys!

    Flyby out

  11. I use a Dell 2408WFP. Because it has an S-PVA panel rather than a TN panel it has a higher response time (but much better viewing angle, and 8 bits, rather than 6 bits colors).


    The response time is fairly high, but tbh, I haven't noticed much ghosting, or anything that's really a problem. This isn't twitch gaming like CounterStrike etc is. The need for a split microsecond response time is just absent all together.



    Zembla, this too is great info. There's always been a struggle for me as to going with a TN panel rather than an S-PVA. Something to be said for true 8 bit color, I suppose. If ghosting is not a problem for you with flight sims, then that is a definite plus for me!:thumbup:

    Flyby out

    ps I hope others find this thread useful too. ;)

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