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  1. Track IR I just perchased TrackIR Pro 4, about a month ago, and I'll never go without again, it improves your situational awareness, and gives you a true feeling of flying. My only issue with it is the high price I paid, which was well worth it, but my TrackIR suddenly stopped working couple of days ago, so I've sent it back and will get a replacement shortly. I cant play without it anymore, and anxiously await its return.
  2. Hey Comrades, Is there anyone hosting multiplayer games for Flaming Cliff? If so, could you please provide me with the URL and schedule. Thanks
  3. 1.1 from naturalpoint Hi, I've ordered 1.1 from Natural Point also and it took 2 weeks for it to arrive, and I also live in Toronto. Hope you receive your copy soon, great game. p.s. let me know if you would like to play online together sometime, my email address is evogear54@hotmail.com peace
  4. Hopefully they will add the Mil Mi-24 Hind to that list, awesome aircraft, and its been in service all over the world for many years.
  5. This helicopter sim is great for the sim community, because there is really nothing out there except Longbow 2, which came out some time ago, which in my opinion is best helicopter sim out there. Im certain Black Shark will replace it
  6. Hi all, finally received my copy of FC fron Natural Point, and its a fabulous game, with great frame rates from my Gigabyte Nvidia 6600Gt. Whenever I crash using the Su25t even at low speeds the entire crash sequence isn't show, it disappears into the grounds and the view switches to the next aircraft. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks in Advance
  7. Longbow 2 I have Longbow 2, and it works on Windows98, its an excellent game. Its a really immercive game, with good graphics, that has a decent multiplayer mode, including the ability of sitting either in the front or rear cockpit at the press of a button. This feature is also available in multiplayer mode, with one piloting the aircraft while the other mans the guns. I would definitely recommend installing that game on a Windows 98 computer because I haven't seen anything as good as LB2 is. I am hoping the Lock On developers will study it while creating the new helicopter sim.
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