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    Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

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  1. Squad Name: TORO SQN. Squad Lead: Fer109 Aircraft Selection: TBD TimeZone: UTC+1 Roster: TBD
  2. Team: TORO SQN. Tag: TORO Aircraft: ALL Team Roster: TBD Play Times: 2100z-2300z Logo:
  3. Squadron Name: TORO SQN. Aircraft Selection: All Time-zone: UTC+2 Pilot Roster: TBD
  4. Squadron Name: TORO SQN. Aircraft Selection: F-18, F-16, F-15E, J-11, JF-17, ??? Pilot Roster: To be filled Timezone: EU
  5. Standby Sign-up Squad Name: TORO SQN. Squad Lead: Fer109 Time Zone: UTC+1
  6. Squadron: Toro Timezone: 1900 - 21:00Z Aircraft: F-16C, F/A-18C, F-14B, JF-17 Maps: Cauc, PG, Syria Point of Contact: TORO 1-1 || Fer109#0055
  7. Squadron: TORO Timezone: 19:00Z - 22:00Z Maps: PG, Caucasus, Syria. c
  8. Squadron: TORO Timezone: GMT+1, usually available from 1900Z - 2300Z weekdays or 1700Z-2100Z weekends. Aircraft: F-14, F-16, F-18. Maps: Cauc, PG.
  9. League: 6v6 Squadron Name: TORO Discord: https://discord.gg/7k5A7w5BTU Contact person: TORO 1-1 || Fer109#0055 Alternative POC: Pirox#4994
  10. [TORO] Fer109 F-5E. Some questions: 1. Which F10 map view will be selected for pilots: only map or own ac? 2. GCI can fly if someone from team not appear. But can he/she provide picture after losing three pilot lives? 3. Are AWACS immortal?
  11. Unfortunately, I had the same frustrating experience. I am glad some other players could enjoy more than me.
  12. I am afraid I will not able be fly this Saturday. So I request to be moved from Gazelle slot to the "reserve list", just in case I could make it in the last minute.
  13. Fer109 - SA342L Gazelle
  14. Fer109 - Red Navy F-14B (pilot) with Kistoy (RIO)
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