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Everything posted by BasilFaulty

  1. Is it the F15 for reset and F16 for pause you want to set up if so run the script first then open Trackir in your profile select the drop down menu for center click on the set key box and press the pinky leaver it should say F15 do the same for the pause key exept hold the pinky leaver for 1 sec and you should get F16 for the pause. if you want to change the keys for trackir the script uses look for this line at the bottom of the script MapKey(&Joystick, S4, TEMPO(1000));USB[0x6A], USB[0x6b], S4 is the pinky leaver change it to what you want to use USB[0x6A], USB[0x6b], is the codes for F15 and F16 if you click help at the top right of the script editor all the USB codes are in the manual near the bottom change them to the key u want. If you want to use Trackir like it is setup here in your own GUI profile you can only do it using the scripteditor its easy to do tho , I use the GUI to do most of the stuff I need, then in the GUI editor click view script copy the script (Ctrl+C) close the GUI open the script editor and paste the code (Ctrl + V) and just add MapKey(&Joystick, S4, TEMPO(1000));USB[0x6A], USB[0x6b],
  2. I have a Target script if u want it Knecht_ , I have added a aileron trim, track ir and Vac the script uses F15 for track ir reset and F16 for pause , Vac is set to F14, see the included XPS doc for the layout. Track ir is set to the Pinky leaver tap to reset hold for 1 sec to pause, unpause starter flaps and throttle work the same as the profile I posted You must run this from the script editor not the gui. added a track with a dodgy takeoff using the aileron trim to help. DoraTargetScript.zip Doratrimtakeoff.trk
  3. Here is a quick target profile for the Warthog throttle flaps and starter, it uses the default keys, the starter uses the APU switch , flick it on when all the throttle lights have lit up flick it to off to start the engine. DCS-DORA.zip
  4. Have a look at this thread Thick8 http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=1449681#post1449681
  5. What Iornbird37 said is correct, I used to sit around waiting for a few mins each time a game stated, in fact it got to the point where I stopped playing DCS because of the load times, but have just upgraded to 16 gigs ram and a SSD, it has made a huge difference in the load times and has made playing the game more enjoyable for me.
  6. Just a quick target profile I put together for the Huey, its my first try using Target seems to work ok so far me , anyway maybe someone will find this useful. The profile uses Track ir with pause set to F9 and center to Num5, u will need to map the throttle to the left throttle (collector) axis in dcs and the right throttle to collective and zoom to the slider axis in dcs Target-Huey.zip
  7. Check this thread out http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=87543
  8. That was the first thing I tryed Rehtnap, but it would not work for me for some reason it would always use the settings for game mode online, I even went though and remapped all the controls to be the same as sim mode but every time I join an online game the throttles on my warthog hotas failed to respond from a ramp start, I had to use the keyboard short cut to enable the throttles, a small annoyance and very strange, the only fix for me was to copy.
  9. Thats exactly what was happening to me Joker with my Hotas Warthog, I copyed the contents of the ac10 folder to ac10_easy and it fixed the problems for me, all works fine now.
  10. I had the same problem, if u have set up your controls for sim mode then copy the the folder C:\Users\yourname\Saved Games\DCS Warthog\Config\Input\AC10 , to C:\Users\yourname\Saved Games\DCS Warthog\Config\Input\AC10_easy, saves you having to reassign all the controls again for easy, if you have set up the controls for easy mode then copy the folder ac10_easy to ac10.
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