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Posts posted by battguano

  1. That sir, is truly an impressive setup....you mentioned the two networked PC's - I have a power user setup at home, network wise, with several PC's, xbox, laptops, etc, on my home network. I custom build my PC's for gaming purposes (not quite as over the top as yours) but still, powerful machines. I currently have two machines that are doing nothing; what program are you using that allows you to use a different machine to render the cockpit portion? I have triple SLI on one machine (eVga450's) and another machine that has SLI with 2 9800 series cards that is currently doing nothing. I have often wondered if there wasn't someway that I could use a separate machine (or two) for other "parts" of the game be it AI, graphics, etc. Any advice greatly appreciated and once again, Wow on the cockpit :)

  2. I am trying to use my track IR with this game and it is just about impossible. I've used some settings that were recommended by various individuals, I've completely eliminated back lighting but no matter what, I cannot use track IR, or to be more precise, I cannot use track IR for in-cockpit use. Track IR is fine for flying; I can fly ok, look around, etc. but for in-cockpit use, it's just not possible. I can look down but the view is just too unstable for me to effectively hit the various switches that are needed. While going through the startup training mission, I have to hover over the off key then once I get a view of the specific panel/area, I quickly hit it to turn off the trackIR then flick the switches. I then turn it back on but once I get adept at using the cockpit and flying missions this will allow me to be an effective pilot. Is my camera too close perhaps? I have it on top of my middle monitor about 2 foot away, or should I upgrade to a newer model? I have trackIR 4 - are there improvements in the newer models? If anyone has any suggestions as to how to improve the use of it I would greatly appreciate hearing them as this is a major stumbling block to my game playing.

  3. I have a similar problem; engines won't start because my throttle won't move. I know the controls are mapped fine because if I do any training where the engines are started already I can use my throttle but for a cold start, they won't move. I am using the checklist provided by Konkkussion but for whatever reason no movement on the throttle.

  4. i don't know about the 580's but I'm pretty sure your power supply is more than enough. As far as the overclocking, if you've not done it before and are the least bit unsure, I would play it safe. The last thing you want to do is damage your CPU or mobo. In my experience the gains made by cranking up your CPU can be accomplished in other ways; memory, vid cards, hard drive speed, etc., and with the GPU you have you should be fine. I've been building my own PC's for 5 or 6 years now and have done all the wrong, and right things, so if you have any more questions let me know and i'll try and help out. Good luck.

  5. thank you sir! I will give it a try when and if I get some time. Between work, training, travel, I am giving short shrift to A10. Hopefully I will be able to indulge myself over this long weekend.

  6. So that entry has some unnecessary information in it? I'm confused as to why this worked in 3D originally; perhaps the new drivers erased that registry entry? My OS is win7 64 bit, ultimate.

  7. thanks for that info pyro; i can try that but i'm a bit hesitant to mess with that registry given the fact it works for all my other 3d applications. I'd hate to muck things up and make it worse than it already is. I would think there would have to be similar registry entries for my other games, i.e. black shark, etc.... given the fact i have 2d surround going now anyway I'm inclined to let sleeping dogs lie and just use that, unless of course, I end up biting the bullet and getting 2 more 3D monitors.

  8. I have the same i7, O/C'd to 3.8Ghz - that was very difficult and took a lot of time testing, stressing, etc, before I found the right combination of voltages, settings, that would work. You can check the evga forums for a step by step guide for the O/C part if you want to try it on your own. There is a stock program that evga provides an easy utility for getting your CPU to step up to 3.2Ghz. Requires nothing more than a couple of mouse clicks and works. As far as your video cards, your psu should be sufficient to run those. I'm running 2 450's in SLI mode, as well as several fans, 3 hard drives, 12G RAM, all sort of USB devices, etc., etc., and the only problem I've had is some of the USB devices have to plug directly into the PC as I'm overworking the connections on my logitech k/b.

  9. btw topdog, nice rig you have there. checked out that obutto cockpit, looks sweet! that might be my first step in building my pit - could easily settle on their all in one setup as I also play a race sim

  10. thanks topdog, i'll check that out when I get home...although to be honest, I probably won't play it in 3D now. I finally put together my 3 25" 1080p monitors and enabled 2D surround on my nvidia cards...awesome experience seeing that expanse of sky & earth....even my wife who has ZERO interest in this was like, WOW! My original intention was to have surround in 3D but given the expense of those monitors that could be a while plus now that I'm really starting to explore this SIM I'm sorta inclined to use my $$ towards building a pit.

  11. well....after watching that vid my first reaction is to go have a stiff drink and rue the fact I spent time & money on this sim. I'll never get that far!

    How long did it take you to learn the starting, navigating, arming portion of this? Second reaction is, how in the world is your TIR so stable? I can barely look down, let alone look down then manipulate switches/knobs, and finally, your flight is so smooth! In any action I'm all over the place with my hog; level flight is almost impossible to maintain. I'm inclined to drink myself to sleep tonight :|

  12. Just an update on this particular problem....I installed the new nvidia drivers last night and now 3D doesn't activate at all. It works fine in all my other games (Black Shark, call of duty, etc). It automatically starts the 3d but in A-10 it won't activate at all, which might be a blessing really. I'm going to try and get multi monitors going on this for the various screens. I have four 25" monitors, with one of them being the 3D one but am only using two on this machine. My intention was to eventually have 3 screens with the display spanning and all in 3D....might have to scale back my aspirations.


    I see that a lot of people have smaller monitors that they are using for different views, of the cockpit is it? I guess that means they are not using TIR as why else would you need that if you could just look down or am I missing something?

  13. Hi All, hope someone can help me on this...


    long, detailed problem but will try to be succint. I bought this game, downloaded it and installed and other than the huge learning curve this was working ok. I have Nvidia 3D and it functioned flawlessly. I then installed another game, which caused me much grief (CoD) and now 3D does not work correctly. The problem I am having now is that when using the 3D the pictures don't match. What I mean is that if you're looking straight ahead and not moving at all then everything is fine but if you look wherever the picture moves then the same movement catches up to where you are looking so it's like you see the same movement twice. It's still 3D but you look right, then the screen does the same movement again. I have tried everything I can think of to resolve this but no luck. Any ideas? I blame this all on IL-2 CoD as it completely buggered my system including my Logitech G940 which no longer works in any flight sim.

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