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Everything posted by BigBlue

  1. Since the laser is TGP dependent, it would not operate without it defining the SPI. Is your TGP SOI when your setting the SPI?
  2. He might consider getting a Gameboard which will allow for easy access to often used key presses like the autopilot mode and others. I have a Logitech G-13 Gameboard which i've strategically placed alongside my chair and at hip height. I use it for snap and toggle views of the two MFCD's(really usefull), AP, radio communication, and HOTAS functions I need to map to keyboard including slew control, the gameboard comes with an 8 way hat.
  3. I've been meaning to ask if others think dropping anti-armor cluster bombs on T-72's is a waste of(simulated) tax payer dollars.
  4. That's what i understand as well for the light Piper AC. High performance landing procedure for those, including raising flaps on the roll-out to place more weight on the mains. Perhaps because the Piper's big clumsy flap handle is hard to miss, they figure that method can be included in the "normal Procedures" section.
  5. kk, MK-82's on TER's, loaded on stations 5 and 7. I create a new MK-82 profile and change only the rel. mode to--PRS. Confirm my new profile is active by the HUD display. Tried a quick press of the wpn release button and also a long press(up to 5 seconds). Pickle button is wpn release?
  6. Hi All, I just cant get any weapons to release in pairs. In the DSMS I set and save the release mode to "PRS" but always get a single release. What could I be doing wrong. Also, why do vehicles illuminate the runway ends with spotlights. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for that. I'm now creating waypoints with and navigating steerpoints with ease!!
  8. Hello All, First off, congratulations to DCS for raising the bar with PC Flight/Combat Sims!! Outstanding product, thank you!! I'm having a lot of fun learning the Warthog.......baby steps for me at the moment. However I'm stuck right now with understanding the WP search function of the CDU. Does the the CDU have a WP database default loaded? Does it use ICAO identifiers? or do i have to build the database manually in the mission editor? ......Likely I'm missing something altogether in trying to use this feature.
  9. Thanks EthereaIN, found this right after i posted.......http://forums.logitech.com/t5/G-Series-Gaming-Keyboards/G13-Windows-7-64bit-UAC-turned-off-No-keys-on-G13-working/td-p/354637 Did the trick!
  10. Hi All, I'm trying to use a Logitech g13 gamepad in windows 7 64bit. I'm having trouble getting the profile to load. When i first launch BS the gamepad shows that the profile is loaded but only for a few seconds. I've set UAC to off and am running BS and the Logitech Profiller in Administrator. Can anyone help? Thanks
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