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Posts posted by JunMcKill

  1. On 10/27/2022 at 8:57 AM, Кош said:

    Which tests? Which model of AIM-7? It would be nice to talk numbers. 

    How do you think the combat employment manual is written?

    Photo depicts an R-24.


    As for the T missiles there was a conversation somewhere that launch authorisation required a distance measuring radar ping, although this should not be picked up by RWR. A good thing if you think that seeker can lock some targets way further than kinematic and battery range.


    I was in the Cuban armed forces for more than 15 years and all my life I have been a fan of airplanes and combat and I was lucky enough to participate in the first attempts to create a basic combat simulator (fPS of the HUD) at the end of the 80s and early 90s.

    But going back to the subject, I had all those manuals in Russian in my hands (and are the same ones that are on the internet today), but according to the pilots with whom I spoke, although the manuals gave those distances, in the real tests they fall below the manual specs by far (at that time Soviet scientists were sometimes forced to give data to please the party leadership)

    Note: compared to the AIM-7M of the 80s

    • Like 3
  2. 3 hours ago, æck said:

    you're in luck! Lucas (community manager of RAZBAM) made this translated version a while ago: R-24_Guide.pdf

    and yes it won't alert the target, and the seeker can be cued by the IRST.



    Amazing doc, the MLA model if by far better than the standard ML used by cuban/angolan MIG-23 in the 80s. And the R-24 missile with longer range than the 23, anyway compared with western AIM-7 of the 80s, the range of the 23, 24 and even the R-27 sucks. And I'm talking about the tests done IRL, not what the manuals said.

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  3. On 8/6/2022 at 10:25 AM, Semor76 said:

    Not much, but at least a glimpse of hope.

    Every time I see that way of work projects, I recall how right is the proverb: Don't bite off more than you can chew


    And please, before any want to bite me, coincidentally I am a full stack engineer and software projects designer.

  4. On 6/6/2022 at 9:32 AM, Ala13_ManOWar said:

    To finish something you have to start it first, and a few 3D renders aren't exactly a module start, maybe a proof of concept, a show of good will for the future, but a proper start… I want a proper -23 bad like most of us here I believe, but I believe either it's better for them to finish their current WIP modules to a good level rather than spreading the teams among several things before they can release confidently something while they have too much to chew on their plate. It's a change in their policy for Razbam from a time ago and I think it's a good one and in the right direction to keep focus in one module at a time instead of redoing the whole module years later M2000 like.

    This thing maybe will be finished by 2025, mark my words!

    • Thanks 1
  5. Is incredible that the Pucara started long after the MIG-23 and now is in a more advance stage than the Russian MIG 😒

    Reminds me a spanish refrain, "quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta" (do not bite off more than you can chew)

    • Like 3
  6. 5 hours ago, Lovcar said:

    Миг23 это перехватчик?).Парни,это фронтовой штурмовик!).Истрибитель бомбардировщик если хотите).Очень жду этот самолёт! Когда его доделают?

    Это версия МИГ-23МЛА, да, это перехватчик, неизвестно, когда он будет завершен, пока мы видели только часть внешней модели, а не кабину пилота.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dragon1-1 said:

    AFAIK, Cuba had the version with a downgraded radar, though. USSR made two versions of both the MF and ML, and the one sold to Cuba was the "monkey model" one. We're getting the Soviet version with full radar and IFF capabilities. 


    That's wrong, Cuba always had the same MIG-23 version of the former East Germany (several MIG-23 in Angola were brought from the USSR directly to Angola, other came from Cuba), even the MIG-29A in Cuba, is not the export version of Iraq and Serbia.

    • Like 2
  8. The radar was really bad in the MIG-23, I remember when the pilots in Cuba who fought in Angola, told me that they never saw a sh** in the radar, that sometimes the target appeared and dissapeared inmediately, before they can lock or launch a R-23.

    • Like 2
  9. Surely, but surely a proper Manual is an absolute bare minimum requirement before leaving EA...even if there are future systems to be implemented/polished

    Crazy they could even consider calling it out of EA (even if not feature complete) without a manual...its meant to be a study sim...what are you supposed to study?

    I truly hope this isn't something being run up the flagpole to see if they can get the F/A18C out of EA without a manual...


    I wonder how many people have ever read an ED manual, I mean, compared to the people who fly a DCS module. In my years flying simulators, the average of those I know come to ask first how to do this or that, or to watch videos on YouTube, than to read a manual. Many here have given extreme importance to this, in a digital world in which documentation can be done in a thousand ways, and not necessarily written. :book:

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