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Everything posted by BrackishWater

  1. What happened to the SR-71 mod? Was that not this forum? I recall the model was almost complete and I wanted to fly it. Also, I haven't seen any new campaigns or missions for this game in almost a year. What am I missing? Where's the beef? :)
  2. I haven't seen any new F-15 campaigns. I've been playing the 3 I have forever now and haven't seen a new one in about a year. I'm searching but just can't seem to find any. Any F-15 enthusiasts out there that can recommend some new/fresh missions/campaigns?
  3. What happened to the SR-71 Blackbird mod that was a work-in-progress. I've been away for awhile and now I come back and can't find it when I search. The model looked like it was 60-80% complete or so I thought. Is it available somewhere?
  4. I have a motherboard with 3 PCIX slots. I have 2 PCIX GeForce cards with SLI bridge and it's all that. But I have 1 slot that's empty and I was told to put a physics card in that slot. Do any of you use one? Does Lock On take advantage of it? If so, what kind do you recommend? How good is the performance increase?
  5. Thanks for the feedback Thanks for all the feedback. Yeah, I agree Top Gun was great, just not very realistic (by ANY stretch). And now that it's been brought out of the closet I have to burn my DVD of it. :cry: I've seen Stealth, and I also liked Fly Boys, but again I'm looking for something modern. So my list for now is: Speed and Angels The Hunters The Final Countdown If there's anything else let me know, but it sounds like all flight movies are black & white and old or gay. Oh yeah, I remember seening a movie at Blockbuster called "Into the Sun" with Michael Anthony Hall. I never watched it, but now it's like it's been erased from the past. Must have been bad. Thanks again and any other suggestions welcome.
  6. Can anyone recommend any hollywood film that have lots of good fighter jet footage? I've seen Top Gun and it's weak. I love Flight of the Intruder (my favorite). I've seen the stuff on Discovery like Red Flag (weak) but I'm not sure what else is out there? Where are the good flight movies? And I'm not talking WWII planes or fantasy stuff like Firefox. Any recommendations?
  7. While you may be right, I would find it very, VERY hard to believe that there aren't several (free for commercial use) models available. Moreoever, they've probably been available for 10 years.
  8. Dual The game has nothing to do with it. Your video card needs to support it. Then you can have 2, 3, 4, whatever. But realize that it's still 1 channel. So if you have 4 monitors it would be the case where each monitor displays 1/4 of the screen. For example, if you want to display your view in your HDTV and then have the map showing on the monitor, that won't happen. That would require 2 channels which the games doesn't support (to my knowledge).
  9. Why not visit a repository? Why not just download a model of the SR-71 and convert it to whatever format Lock-on uses? Maybe you just want to model it? That's cool too. By the way, what 3D modeler are you using and what format does Lock-on require for 3D models?
  10. Lock On Settings When I bought my Saitek X52 I had to go into the lock on settings and map most of the buttons and sliders. So you will likely have to do the same.
  11. Blue Angles Another incredible link! Although the caption is obviously wrong in the the water isn't coming from the lake. http://break.com/index/blue-angels-really-low-flyby.html
  12. I just thought I'd give something back! Enjoy! http://www.patricksaviation.com/videos/Guest/129/large/
  13. AT NIGHT?!?!?! OMG I can't imagine a night refueling! My problem is that I cannot stabilize the aircraft that well. Maybe I need to adjust the sensitivity of the joystick inputs? I mean, it wasn't that sloppy, but I found if I was off by 1-2 mph then that was it, they'd tell me to break off approach. Of course I've seen all of ironhand's videos, but perhaps I'll watch again. Thanks as usual!
  14. I consider myself to be a very proficient pilot. Certainly, I don't have the experience some of you veterans have, but I can fly a plane! I can land on carriers in most conditions. However, I attempted to refuel my F-15 with a KC-10 last night and it was a disaster. I tried for 30 minutes and eventually killed the entire crew in the KC-10 when I ran into the back of them. No matter how slight the movements I made, I couldn't do it. Is there a track to it? Can you autopilot refuel? Some missions I cannot complete because I suck at mid-air refueling. Help!
  15. Thanks for the video urze That really helped a lot. Thanks!
  16. I've viewed many training movies and tracks but I'm wondering if there are any on dogfighting. For example, in the merge, what techniques are used to get behind an enemy aircraft when you're in that turning/scissor situation. I'm an intermediate pilot and am successful in most missions, but dogfighting is my weakest area and I'd like to learn more. Any links to pages or movies would be helpful. Thanks.
  17. Refueling Having to refuel when I shouldn't have to is inefficient. So I'd like them to refuel as fast as possible. Not to mention the AI aircraft will likely run into each other and die trying to figure out who's going to refuel first. And even if they do make it through the mission they will likely kill each other on the landing approach. The odds of taking 4 planes out and them all coming home is pretty slim if you ask me.
  18. Is anyone out there running on a MacBook Pro for example? I suppose you'd have to get bootcamp to boot into windows instead of Mac, but just curious if anyone's tried that and what's the performance like, etc.
  19. I was wondering, the Russian planes (although the F-15 has a great flight record) seem to have an incredible advantage over American planes, at least in my experience so far. My question is why don't the American planes use IR missiles like the Russians (ET missile for example). I realize the Aim-120 is fire and forget and all that, but an IR missile can hit you by surprise. Any idea why the F-15 doesn't carry something like this? And why doesn't it carry a long range missile (like the Russian EM or the F-14's Phoenix). I can't imagine why the F-15 is so lacking in these 2 areas. Anybody?
  20. New System I just put a intel dual core 2.x (cant recall exact speed) ghz system together with dual SLI cards (GeForce 7900) and 4GB RAM and HOLY CRAP! Lock on runs like a dream now, I can set all the settings to HIGH and it runs super smooth. I'm running at 1920 x 1080 resolution on my HDTV (1080p) using the PC input. Wow!
  21. Thanks! Yeah I've seen most of those videos. Very good stuff. I've learned a lot in the past year. Actually, I've been flying in PC simulators for a decade but only recently (since I got Lock-On) have I REALLY tried to understand EVERYTHING about flying. It's always been a passion but now I want to get deeper knowledge. For example, I just did my first spin recoveries yesterday. Used to be that once in a spin, I was doomed! Anyway, I want to get my pilot license ASAP and fly for real. But I want to learn as much as I can before I start so the classes will be easier. Any good sites/books you can recommend that will really prepare me for the real thing? Thanks again.
  22. I apologize if this sounds like a newbie question, but where can I get training videos/tracks? I've searched Google and the lock on sites and found a few, but I get the feeling there has to be more. Is there any link(s) to a specific pages that's dedicated to training? I'm looking for stuff that's very realistic as I'm really interested in learning every last detail about flight, combat, etc. For that matter, we have a mods, missions, etc. subjects here in this forum, but not one for training? Sorry if I missed something obvious and thanks in advance.
  23. In-flight refueling Well if I have 3 wingmen, then you mean make 3 tankers available? That is, assuming they won't crash into each other while they fight over who's tanker is who's. Not to mention if everything goes as planned, it costs me about 20-30 minutes. When I all I really need is for them to correctly use fuel. These are some basic bugs you'd think would be worked out by now. No, the reality is that they don't always make it home. But therein lies another problem. Once they are low enough on fuel, they head for home anyway and leave me to die in battle.
  24. New Patches? Is anyone actively developing anything for Lock On at the moment? I'd love to see the bugs ironed out one day. It just sucks that this sim is so great and realistic yet i can't even take my wingmen out on a mission and back home because they run out of fuel they are SUPPOSED to have.
  25. Still Broken!!! okay, i installed the patch and it's officially still broken.
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