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  1. I'd buy a DCS tank simulator with a clickable pit (or should that be hull) without a second's hesitation. Of course we'd have to be able to make holes in the scenery in order to go 'defilade' if you intend to do it properly.
  2. Just got Combined Arms. That M1 Abrams came in useful for wiping out the bad guys that I couldn't hammer with the UH-1. Best $11.99 I've ever spent. :thumbup:
  3. I'll check that out, 26-J39. Lots of the Black Sea resorts have many palm trees. Sochi is know as little Vietnam (ok, I may have made that up). There was a Hawaii add-on for FS2002 that had animated (and lowish poly) palms that would sway in the breeze when wind was set in the wx editor. I'd like to see DCS have palms that were scripted to sway in rotor downwash.
  4. How about palm tree objects for DCS World? Or any trees for that matter in the editor. It would be quite useful to be able to place them in missions; I'd like to make a clearing for a UH-1 mission well away from towns and airfields.
  5. DPS

    The vortex trap

    I've found that the sim will enter vortex ring/settling with power much more easily since the last update - any chance of going back to the last flight model? Normal approaches to hover in ground effect are now very tricky indeed. I did a test last night and found the only safe way to get on the ground is to arrive at a tall reference feature like a block of flats at 100' agl in the hover and then descend VERY slowly to the surface.
  6. Thanks for the update. Good service from DCS. Nice to see the UH-1 changes, although the maintenance option always seemed to be able to fix the machine from a 'wright-off' condition after a heavy landing.
  7. Just did a FARP test post-update. It gave me a 'hot' refuel/re-arm with all the objects in situ around the site. Of course, without the vehicles, tents, etc nothing happens. It would be nice if in a future update we could get the complete FARP set-up with one click like the SAM sites in old Lock On. Guess we could use the template/rubber stamp tool for planting these sites in mission editor.
  8. Just downloaded the update. Vortex ring/settling with power still works fine for me.
  9. Thanks, TurboHog. Good fix.
  10. FZG Immel, what config are you using? I've set my Catalyst panel to use game settings and turned down the DCS options so it's sub-Lock On. Just tried a session with the free Su-25 and I'm getting 25 fps looking at the terrain, with the frame ratings rocketing when I look at the sky (fps locked at 60 fps). Windows 7; 64bit Intel i5-2320 3GHz; 8GB RAM; 2TB HDD; AMD Radeon HD6670 2GB. Nobody96, tried it with force feedback off but no improvement.
  11. Looking forward to that, PilotMi8. Looks like I will have to give up beer (or healthy eating and soap) for new hardware as I've got DCS World tweaked down so it's not really DCS World anymore.
  12. As a matter of interest, how many polygons are players carrying into battle in the UH-1H model? A training config model would help folk with top-of-the-range budget PCs like me. Without the heat blur on I noticed if you look down the exhaust you can see the turbine turning; I could live without that animation. And I wouldn't mind losing the gunners and some of the cabin detail, too. Windows 7; 64bit Intel i5-2320 3GHz; 8GB RAM; 2TB HDD; AMD Radeon HD6670 2GB.
  13. Glad to see the 'heat blur always on' issue has been fixed. Should be able to get better frame rates without it.
  14. Got just just the line options.graphics.maxfps = 30 in the file. Changed 30 to 2 but no change in game from my usual fps. Tried re-saving the file with various notepad encodings but no luck.
  15. I created the autoexec.cfg as per the Read Me in the Saved Games part of the directory. Doesn't seem to have much effect though: even setting MaxFPS to 2 I'm still seeing the usual 18 to 24 in game. Perhaps I'm missing something.
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