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About MrJoel

  • Birthday 11/01/1975

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World with all of the available modules.
  • Location
    California, USA
  • Interests
    Flight Sims, Photography, Hiking, Tabletop wargaming and Scale Models
  • Occupation
    IT Support Overlord

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  1. Is there a command to force it to download the module like the other maps? Paid for the whole thing back in April, but it is not showing up in game. No prompts to install the module. It is fully patched and I have restarted the client several times and rebooted the machine as well. ---------------- NM. found it. "DCS_updater.exe install AFGHANISTAN_terrain"
  2. Seriously, Drag a box to select is a basic feature in virtually any editor. It's 2024, it seems like this functionality would be possible. I am tired of spending hours trying to carefully select every item just to accidentally misclick and either deselect all items or move something and have to start all over any time I am trying to make a base or checkpoint into a template I could replicate on the map or spawn in. Even ARMA can do this in the 2d or 3d editor.
  3. MrJoel

    Slow Website

    No website right now. And the server browser shows nothing. Is there a denial of service attack over the current spat? Since Fox3 servers use DCS page for managing servers so it makes is so we cannot change missions when DCS page is down.
  4. I actually came here to see if there was an issue with the FCR. I have yet to be able to scan. I have tried it with both cold and hot start. Made it part of the default hardware of the unit in the mission editor. I have also tried it in 3 different missions. I have searched for something that I am missing, but based on everything I see it seems like it should be working. The unit is powered, The FCR screen is up, but when I click to s-scan or c-scan nothing seems to happen other than seeing the rocker switch on the left stick move in the indicated direction.
  5. Mine is not working either. It usually seems to take 1-2 weeks though for me. Fingers crossed.
  6. Great for those who did not hold off after the same thing happened with the HUEY.
  7. Does rearm not take an hour anymore?
  8. I have been waiting for it to stop saying my key is invalid. Hopefully it works soon.
  9. I paid Full price on the Huey and was not really upset. It is a great module. I waited until today for the Mi8 and picked her up at 60% off. The Steam sale last fall Got me back into Sims with the DCS A-10C for $9.99. I have since picked up every module. because of that I was happy to support a developer in buying the HUEY on Day 1 at full price. I have spent more in Star Citizen supporting the Development and it will not even be playable for flying in Alpha for months. If you want to support and encourage developers then pay the price at release if you can and enjoy the module. If money is tighter just hold off a while. I support when I can and take advantage of saving when I can. Either way I plan on continuing to support DCS World development as best as my wallet will allow.
  10. I had the same mast bumping issue initially. I had some duplicate mappings by default which was creating unwanted cyclic input and causing the mastbump and sheering it off causing the rotors to fly off.
  11. Now I need to scour the map to search. Wags better not be trolling. =P
  12. I originally bought DCS A-10c though Steam last year. and moved to DCS World. Since I have since purchased all of the DCS modules I would not like to buy them again just to have them run through steam with the rest of my games.
  13. It has taken me a while to get comfortable with the Huey. Especially with my focus being on the A-10c. But with practice I am getting better with it each time I fly. I can now get her safe back on the ground and undamaged on a regular basis. I can usually get her landed in the spot I intend. I am still having trouble making any type of hot landing. But it just take a constant eye on the rate of decent and keeping the collective moving to keep it at a safe rate. As the muscle memory builds it become more habit and it takes less focus on that aspect. This airframe is less forgiving than the BlackShark because it does not have computers keeping you safe. But it does a great job teaching you how to fly a helicopter manually. I really think the Huey will result in my being able to fly the shark more effectively.
  14. So I was introduced to the ability to use snap views of the cockpit last week by using Ctrl+0 instead of having to hold Ctrl+whatever number Io wanted to see. This has been helpful, but on occasion it has caused my HUD to be broken afterwards. The Image of the HUD was huge and useless. Tonight when running through a stand alone mission I figured out how I am breaking it. When I use Ctrl+0 then select another view when I am done I keep hitting F1 to leave the view. When I do this is pops back to the central snap view and once I hit Ctrl+0 to move back to the standard view mode the HUD will be broken (HUGE HUD VIEW) until restart. So this is something to avoid if you have been seeing this issue pop up also. I have seen it off and on since last week, but it took me this long to see how I was breaking it. Hopefully it can be addressed in a patch at some point.
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