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Everything posted by harsh47

  1. I am here today, for just a quick note. I went and picked up a Rift S today at the local big box store, after dropping my CV1 on the floor a couple weeks ago. It got smashed good. I have had the DK2, CV1, and now, the Rift S. Wow! Not only does it look better, it runs better. So for anyone who has been on the fence, jump over, grab a beer and a burger, and lets party. Oh, the F/A-18 OMFG! And it fits my glasses perfect. So for $400, I think its a steel. Now back to it.
  2. I can not get radio communication to the tanker. I set up a mission too refuel. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 251 bla bla bla its late, I am frustrated. Please help. Thanks, Out of gas, Hog
  3. harsh47

    MSI GTX 980Ti

    Sold Sold, Thanks DCS Forums and Jim!
  4. harsh47

    Free stuff

    See my other post.
  5. harsh47

    MSI GTX 980Ti

    Been away all weekend, sorry. No issues with the card at all. I ran the MSI Afterburner for awhile, but did not get into overclocking. Temps, loads, ect. I bought it new about a year ago from Frys. Upgraded to a 1080Ti to get the most out of my Oculus CV-1.
  6. harsh47

    MSI GTX 980Ti

    MSI GTX 980Ti 6G OC gaming edition. No box. I have the box from my new card I can ship it in. $200 USD plus shipping. US only. IMG_20170601_192014078.jpg
  7. This is a free post, you pay shipping!!!! I have a Saitek X52 stick with throttle, and Thrustmaster T-pedals. It is free! Yes free. All works, needs a good home. Need a backup, trying to get a friend flying, one for the wife? IMG_20170601_190625496.jpg Free. You pay shipping.
  8. Same here. Had the PTT on my Warthog stick. Then, nothing. Sent from my D6708 using Tapatalk
  9. Please, please release the cursor input from the HMD input. Please. We need a option to turn that off. To be clear, mouse cursor, and HMD cursor need to be separate. Thank you for EVERYTHING else.
  10. Multicrew Any word on when we can muticrew this mission? I am really enjoying the campaign. A left seat WPO would be a hoot!
  11. Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I don't know how to remove this post. Harsh
  12. I started with doing my key mapping in the TARGET GIU. View script button shows created script in WordPad. Copy all. Close the GUI, open the script editor. Menu/New/TARGET Code .TMC/Open Delete all the starting code from the new .TMC you just opened, and paste in the code from the GUI that was copied into clipboard earlier. Save As,".........TMC" Menu/Open/".......TMC" Compile/Run/Stop, this is to check that its working properly Now add your lines of custom code. Everything I needed to know, I found in the help file of the script editor, read it all! BUT, it did not say how to get the script from the GUI, which was the easiest part. If you carefully read the help file in the Script Editor, it will tell other factors involved with twisting the stick, and how to correct them. You lose full deflection in the corners. Other thoughts, Device analyzer, and calibration. Now if I could learn how to HTML, maybe I could do this post a lot better without the thumbnails. The file I needed was not in the "bowels" of Windows.
  13. Solved! Will give a update on how later tonight.
  14. Looking for some help with writing script in the TARGET editor. I am trying to set the twist in the WH stick. Its a little over my head getting started. I have used the GUI to set all the key commands, and would like to add to the script it creates, instead of starting from scratch. Running the GUI you can "view script", but how to save it and import it into the script editor is proving to be a pain. I have heard mention in the forums of using the editor for this, but have not found any solid information on how to do it. Waiting on this to mount the TM to a solid location. Thanks, Pat
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