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Posts posted by Bourrinopathe

  1. I can't agree more. Fake reflections are an outdated trick, and stereoscopic vision in particular make them look like wallpapers plastered over the glass surfaces.


    I wish we had an option to disable these textures.

    Same for the MFDs in general but that's less intrusive.

    I find the baked reflections on the F-16 canopy subtle enough (but excessive on the MFDs).


    Maybe ED could tweak the baked reflections on the main glass surfaces of the Ka-50 to make them less distracting.




    Nineline already took note of the critics and will pass the info to the team (via Reddit). (Thanks!)


    So hopefully, they'll take a look at it.

  2. Sorry for asking if the answer is in this threat, but isn’t a right turning tendency normal for a counterclockwise turning prop?


    Different, western engine?


    AcroGimp is probably referring to the adverse yaw tendency at higher speeds. Same engine in his plane - counter-clockwise rotation.


    The Yak has probably been tweaked since his latest impressions.


    The ball is not centered at 170 kph (ball slightly right) and 300 kph (ball further right).

    The plane requires some right rudder correction at any speed (so I'm assuming the trim tab is still not set at any value by default - both aileron and rudder trim set to zero in the Special options - it should be possible to set a rudder trim tab for a specific speed now).


    Beyond that, I'm not a pilot so I'll avoid any conclusions. ;)

    I love that little plane :thumbup: (and I'm extremely grateful AcroGimp shared his impressions and videos!)

    (and hopefully, we'll get more updates along the way)

  3. I'd suggest using professional grade velcro with the soft side used on the headset.

    That's how I'm using my UTC so I can just stick it to the side when I want to use it.


    Just keep in mind that even high quality velcro can't resist a zillion cycles of sticking and ripping off the UTC.


    Nice headset ;)

    I'd avoid attaching it permanently on a side plate (as they're removable on your headset) because attaching/detaching it will probably wear the plastics.

  4. Superb work!

    Thanks for sharing this with us!

    I'm glad you've altered/corrected the rough met layer.

    I know ED's F16 texture is not final and I also hope the artist will try to get an overall rendering closer to the real thing as it tends to be too shiny in the current state.

    (even if this one is specifically made for the Have Glass tech)


    Also thanks to rrohde for showing me this thread ;)


    Beautiful livery @PorcoRosso86!

  5. Indeed. Just as Ironhand suggested. Some pictures have not been updated since they reworked some details of the HUD/HDD symbology and you might find other discrepancies.


    I'd assume you're referring to the page 51 of the manual, showing the BVR symbology.

    A while back I did try to update and "enhance" the manual for my own use but I only managed to get through a few pages.

    I'm not sure the following version is up to date but it was showing the corresponding symbology then:



    ИЗЛ stands for излучение радара, meaning "radar emission" - so you know your radar is illuminating/emitting.

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks for the support @Sabre-TLA ;)


    I can confirm the first procedure suggested by BIGNEWY works correctly for the BFM01 mission.

    I just flew it and it's much more enjoyable with the flight plan and the moving map showing up correctly.

    Really nice radio interactions and combats. I managed to get the F5 and the F15C but the Viper slipped through (out of time), and I made it back to Nellis. Very nice mission!


    If anyone's interested I've just edited a reference for my own use (using a tablet as kneeboard).

    I'll keep it available in my Dropbox for a limited time.



    >>> REDFOR INS alignment procedure (A5, PDF) <<<




    @Sabre-TLA: Do you think it would be possible to update the F-16 models from the campaign to the DCS Viper?

    I'm not sure how much work that would require but it should be fun to have the newest model for the dogfights at least.


    Thanks for your work on this campaign!

  7. Thanks =Panther=!


    This sounds like a limitation but if it's a feature using the USAF Aggressors, it's counter-intuitive to say the least.

    Hopefully Maple Flag will update the campaign accordingly and make this info/procedure obvious in the briefing and/or the documentation.


    In the current state it just looks like a nasty bug, which is a shame because the campaign seems nicely crafted.

  8. Thanks for the info Scotch75!

    I thought ED had to configure the camera point of view coordinates in some way that would have delayed the release of the alternate mounting points.

    Maybe it has something to do with the aiming/coordinates/accuracy/calculation due to the different location for the sensor then.


    Time to get that tweak in OvGME and enjoy different loadouts.


  9. My guess is that this issue might require a major modification to the rendering process/engine.

    I wish that we could at least have an alternate solution to help with the runway and taxiway light sources and halo effects.


    Runways are still invisible in the distance from just a few nautical miles and it makes visual approaches hazardous and unrealistic.


    Here's a recent example from a mission attempting to land at Sukhumi at sunset :




    Using the zoom from the exact same position, game paused:



    The runway is really hard to see even with a lower HUD brightness.



    I'm using these settings:


  10. The meaning of the OB additions has probably been lost in translation.

    It makes more sense in Russian:


    • Изменены звуки отказов механизации.
    • Добавлено лязганье для механических отказов закрылков.


    I understand it as : sound effect for flaps actuation failure + sound effect when jamming the flaps (over speed).


    I've tested the second and it's a nice addition.

    Hopefully more to come for our lovely Yak.

  11. Despite the understandable frustration of some users, it's important to acknowledge that the Yak-52 module is still in Early Access.


    This status alone justifies why it's unfinished (as it doesn't promises regular updates or active communication about the module).

    And if there's no ETA for the finished product, it's best to stay away from it/buying it if one disagrees with the process.

    It's obvious EA makes it easier for the development team but it's also what helps them offer more products and stay in the combat flight simulation market.


    And on the other hand I think the issue is not having any regular update on the development or small patch that would let the users understand the module is still being slowly developed, or just temporarily postponed for other priorities.


    I'd be happy with a message stating "postponed due to development of X or Y module, ADF or Interactive Training Missions or Damage Model next on the list" - and in the meantime there's a lot to enjoy with the EA Yak-52 ;)


    Just my two cents of course.


    Here's a proof of great fun with friends ;)


    Back to Batumi after a very pleasant group flight with aerobatics and stupid maneuvers ^^

  12. Thanks for the update on the development.


    I'm still surprised the Yak has been put aside since the engine management has been degraded with a previous patch.

    At first, priming the engine was necessary and decently simulated. Now both overheating and sub-zero temperatures on startup are no biggie.

    Sure the flight model is still very enjoyable and admittedly accurate enough, but I'm sure many of us hoped for a more complete picture.


    Hopefully this lovely module will get revisited in the upcoming weeks/months.

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