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Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC


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Everything posted by Faith

  1. If you don't want the SAS system to be on in the A-10 just get the A-10C module and turn the system off...
  2. The better question is how many years will it take and how many environmental artists will it take to create a million square kilometers of terrain to the detail seen in Arma 3. The tech is there, it just depends on the LoD values and the draw distance you want vs. your computer hardware. Put the battlefield 3-4 money into DCS and the engine if you want to see something like that. Though the sheer amount of manpower required to create that terrain would be insane. P.S. you would think the ED forums wouldn't say "DCS" was a spelling error...
  3. As stated above the Su-25t does not have a functional trim reset button. Other than using the autopilot trick mentioned to get level flight trim you can just adjust your trim until the trim lights indicate neutral position.
  4. Honestly I never want to fly "realistic" ILS approaches in DCS so that feature may not be vitally important to the entire player base. Honestly if you want to do ILS approaches just lock the screen to the instruments and go for it. Even in current Garmin cockpits ILS approaches are simplified to computer graphics and indications on the landscape where you need to fly. If anything some current types of ILS techniques are more "gamey" than VFR approaches in DCS.
  5. Honestly 1800 or so should be just fine even for a beefy system. I don't think RAM around that speed will ever bottleneck the system themselves. Save the money and put it towards another part.
  6. I think it's safe to say that when a procurement program takes 15+ years, 6-7 or less is considered soon. The Air Force is seriously thinking of retiring the B-1 along with the A-10 and F-15 fleets as soon as possible to continue funding other programs.
  7. That's really cool but the upgrade seems pointless since they might get rid of the entire B-1 fleet soon.
  8. While the 4gb of vram is good, if you are planning on running across 4 screens you will need more raw power than just video memory. I would highly suggest getting at least a 770 if you want to run on high settings at high frames. Consider a 780 also.
  9. This^^. That statement also applies to anyone that can fully explain every A-10C or Ka-50 system without once referring to the manual.
  10. I highly doubt Lockheed would give an Iranian dual citizen the top secret security clearance required to work on the F-35 program. It sounds like he was one of the lower level guys involved.
  11. Cell check out the Saitek X-55 that is available to pre-order. It is an imitation of the Warthog stick design and looks like a much better alternative to the X-52 if the TM Warthog is overpriced in your country.
  12. Jumbik, as an interim measure for throttle control you might be able to map the right and left bumper on the xbox controller to the "page up" and "page down" keyboard assignments to increase and decrease throttle. It won't be as comfortable as an axis assignment but at least your throttle will be on the controller instead of keyboard. Try not to get frustrated with the sim using a xbox controller since it is designed for a basic joystick at least and really shines with a HOTAS. In that regard I would highly recommend you checking out the Saitek X-55 HOTAS controller that is soon to be released. It would be a great entry joystick if you know you are serious about flight simming in the future and would work well with the study sims such as Ka-50/A-10C/MiG-21 and also the Flaming Cliffs aircraft.
  13. Well considering almost every system on the F-35 will be highly classified I don't think ED could do any kind of meaningful model of the aircraft in DCSW unless you are thinking 80 years from now...
  14. testing. Why does my signature have so many blank lines? I only have the A-10 banner and my sig page just shows the [sig][sig] type writing.
  15. I doubt that is a "conspiracy theory" so much as fact as the Air Force chose the B-2 because Lockheed already had the F-117 contract even though the Skunk Works were the ones that originally proposed a long range stealth bomber which the Air Force then turned into a competition. So do not judge them too harshly, if anything criticize Northrop for their incompetence and failing at the development of an airplane that was deficient compared to the Lockheed entry and was originally proposed to cost $150 million or so. Honestly Northrop should never be allowed to develop another military aircraft again as the B-2 along with all of its problems and cost overruns only has a mission readiness rate of 47% or so compared to the average of 70+% of the entire fleet. I would suggest you read the book "Skunk Works" by Ben Rich and Leo Janos if you are interested in the politics of military acquisitions and development cycles of the time. The book discusses the many inefficiencies and inflated egos that go along with procurement programs and the trend for higher ranks to want aircraft or ships that make them look better and advance their career. Also a well known aircraft design book by Daniel Raymer explicitly states that when designing an aircraft you need to keep in mind that given fairly equal performance a customer will always choose the more visually pleasing aircraft (see the A-10C and the "Warthog" nickname along with the military attempting to cancel the program for 20? years or so now). A few examples of this are the Lockheed stealth ship program and stealth aircraft carrier/sub designs. Ben Rich states that none of the admirals would approve the program because they didn't want the secrecy behind only commanding a fleet of stealth ships they can never show off to the world and do not advance their career... The stealth ships were built to defend the CAG's from aircraft due to DoD analysis of a full scale war with Russia predicting most of the naval ships and carriers being destroyed within 2 weeks or so I believe. Keep in mind this was in the 80's so I don't know if they have filled that defensive gap since then. In the book Ben Rich admits the military would deliberately spread out military contracts to keep as many companies in business as possible instead of say, Lockheed monopolizing the fighter/stealth market and pushing others out. Further reading would be "Kelly Johnson: More Than My Share of it All" by Kelly Johnson and (ghost writer). It does not have nearly as much detailed information on aircraft and development programs but he does discuss the aircraft industry almost from its beginning to late 80's and the shift of military commanders from high integrity to only wanting to advance their careers and push paper. Most of this information is from the Skunk Works book and some other reading so I would highly suggest reading them yourself. It is a very insightful book. The Mach 3 autonomous reconnaissance drone launched from the SR-71's in the early 70's and overflying China is very interesting among other things. P.S. My first post on the ED forums! Have to say I love the franchise and thought this thread would be a good place to start.
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