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  1. HI, I just reinstalled the 2.8 beta and ran into the following problem. When I start DCS and enter my dcs credentials (autologin not checked), I get this error message: After I continue with the OK Button, this message follows: In addition every time I hit the first OK button, my laptop disconnects from the wifi-connection. Besides the normal Windows 11 security stuff, that comes with Windows, I don't have any additional virus scanner, firewalls or anything like it installed. Grateful for any advice ... Jens dcs.log
  2. Hi zusammen, verkaufe aus Zeitmangel mein praktisch unbenutztes Thrustmaster Warthog System als auch den F/A-18 Hornet Stick. https://www.ebay.de/itm/304718092454 https://www.ebay.de/itm/304718093810
  3. Hi, habe bei eBay mein Ch Products set, bestehend aus Fighterstick und Pro Throttle eingestellt. Fall jemand Interesse hat, hier der Link https://www.ebay.de/itm/304021328588 Gruß Jens
  4. Hi zusammen, ich bin gerade von meinem CH Products Setup (Fighterstick und Pro Throttle, USB, beides sehr gut erhalten, Originalverpackung) auf ein Thrustmaster Warthog Setup umgestiegen. Hab dann mal bei eBay wegen Preisvorstellung nach abgeschlossenen Auktionen geschaut, aber scheinbar gibt es da keine große Nachfrage/Angebot. Deshalb meine Frage: Was denkt ihr, kann man realistisch für so ein Setup noch verlangen? Gruß Jens
  5. Hi zusammen, ich habe bei eBay ein Handbuch für DCS Ka-50 Blackshark, Spiralbindung, englisch, 548 Seiten, eingestellt. https://www.ebay.de/itm/303906950666?ul_noapp=true Gruß Jens
  6. see attachment for my export.lua P.S. I copied the export.lua from the Tacview ProgDir to the script folder and now everything works fine. Thanks! Jens Export.lua
  7. Hi, I have a problem with Tacview 1.61 not recording probably... - Tacview 1.61 - DCS World 2.1 Open Alpha with NTTR/Normandy - I can see Tacview inside DCS in the Settings / Special Settings tab After the flight, I can find a corresponding *.acmi file under /Documents/Tacview. But these files always have a size of only 1kb and basically contain no data except start and end of the flight. What I can see from the attached dcs.log file, the flight data recorder loads successfully? Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here? Jens dcs.log.txt
  8. Same here. Running Tacview 1.6.0 with a fresh DCS open alpha 2.0.5 install. The Exportter seems to be installed fine as. Every flight creates a new acmi file in the Tacview directory, but they are only 1 kb in size (and contain only start/end with 0 secs) Jens
  9. Hallo zusammen, ich spiele mit dem Gedanken mir nach längerer Abstinenz wieder ein Head-Tracking System zu kaufen. Bin bei meiner Suche bei eBay auf dieses System gestossen. http://www.ebay.de/itm/IR-Headtracking-Set-6-DOF-u-a-Star-Citizen-Elite-DayZ-TrackIR-kompatibel-/142203398953?hash=item211bfbab29:g:pFYAAOSw6DtYRwu7 Hat jemand vielleicht Erfahrungen bzw. kann etwas dazu sagen. Ich hatte in der Vergangenheit ein Track IR 4. Preislich ist ja ein deutlicher Unterschied, von daher würde ich jetzt nicht erwarten, dass ich da die gleiche Qualität bekomme, aber vielleicht reicht es ja für einen Gelegenheits-Offline-Flieger wie mich? Vielen Dank schon mal! Gruß Jens
  10. Hi, DCS World 2.0 lastest Update installed Win 7 on an iMac (Bootcamp) CH Pro Throttle and Fighterstick A-10C Module (along a log of other modules) installed No conflicting axis setups When I start a mission in the air the throttle works without any problems. But when I do a cold and dark startup, I can"t get the throttle out of the off into the idle position. Pressing RALT and HOME doesn't help either. I already saw two other threads on this board, but those guys had the problem with the Thrustmaster Warthog. Anyone any ideas? Jens
  11. Hi folks, I started a little blog where I will write from time to time about my experiences while replaying old combat flightsims. If anyone is interessted, here's the link: Retro Flightsim Blog Jens P.S. Feel free to critisize or to tell what could be made better. Please don't be to hard on me, it's my first blog ;-)
  12. Aah, yes I'm running Win 8.1. Thanks Athlonic! Jens
  13. I'm having a strange problem with my new X-55. When I plug in throttle and stick only one seems to be recongnized correctly by windows. When I look at the stick and throttle in the Windows Device Manager, only the stick can be calibrated. When I look at the properties of the throttle the Calibrate-Button is greyed out. In addition I can't control the axes of the throttle in the Saitek-Software. If I only plug in the throttle I can calibrate it correctly in windows and it's recognized in the Saitek-Software. I'm puzzled ... Jens P.S. Is there any official Saitek forum where we can post such question? In the normal forum from Saitek the X-55 seems non-existent?
  14. Will the new Nevada terrain come as a "pure" map or will it come with new additional stuff like new skins, missions, campaigns or weapons (e.g. NACTS) that fit the Nellis/Red Flag scenario? Jens
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