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About Chic

  • Birthday 11/16/1954

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  • Flight Simulators
  • Location
    Connecticut, USA
  • Interests
    Helicopters only
  • Occupation
    Retired Orthopedic Surgeon

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  1. Thanks for response Bud. Went with the HF8
  2. The pitch and roll axis are trimmed independently. You might be observing movement of one axis while the other is waiting to be “centered”.
  3. The NTS switch, IIRC, is an MPD input only. After a scan sweep, the cursor is docked over the NTS switch. Map a controller button to CURSOR ENTER for quick NTS swapping.
  4. Thanks Floyd1212. Characteristically helpful.
  5. Getting No AK responses to PP and FARM REQs. Only tested with 4 member Net parked hot in lot. Just want to confirm that it should work with PLAYER and AI in SP.
  6. Perfect. Thank you both.
  7. In Wags Defense System tutorial, the missile threats were detected by both systems simultaneously. That would suggest that the missile utilized both radar and infrared guidance, if not 2 different missiles from the same vicinity. What am I missing?
  8. Got it sorted. George does show up as CO-OP. Thanks
  9. Will "CO-OP" show up on the High Action Display as it does with humans?
  10. Can George (as CPG) be used as as a Co-op partner for Rockets, or is it humans only?
  11. Chic

    new FM???

    Yah, very nice!
  12. Discussed here as well. https://forum.dcs.world/topic/296425-george-should-hand-off-trimmed-controls/page/2/#comment-5210676
  13. Have you at any time used any controller software/ utilities that might be “toggling” the paddle input or holding the modifier key “pressed” intermittently?
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