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About Zettman

  • Birthday December 1

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, IL2 BoS/BoM
  • Location
  • Interests
    Running, PC (Modding, Overclocking, Watercooling), Flightsims
  1. If one would produce a Articulation sphere, to use that word, out of metal and simply replace the Plastic one, would that still work or would it interferre with the hall sensors? I'm happy that my Warthog gimbal is still okay after regreasing it several times and getting a stickextension, only cut one of the cables in an accident during my first regrease, nothin what a bit of soldering couldn't fix. I still would prefer a sturdier gimbal, just to be save. It is good to know that TM sells the gimpal as spare parts. Zettman
  2. The rear cockpit seems to have 3 MFDs. Just imagine what two people with working multicrew could do with a total of 3 MFDs. I mean you could even watch a youtube video during combat! :pilotfly: Zettman
  3. They pretty much removed all the unlocks in the latest version. They don't have a fully clickable cockpit, but I would start to considering them a full sim again. After they noticed that they couldn't get any new players with these 'fancy stuff' like unlocks, they switched their policies. They are even announced to introducing the good old Tante Ju as flyable plane. This. I enjoy my MiG21 and would really love a F-4 Phantom to counter it. A MiG23 to counter the upcoming F14 would also be nice. Genrally I would like to see the concept of planes being developed and released in pairs. So that you always have an enemy from your era. Zettman
  4. He recently added these in his shop. http://warthog-extensions-by-sahaj.com/custom-hoodies/ Zettman
  5. Also got his covers and I'm quiet happy with them. Good quality and he offers bigger covers for Warthogs with stickextensions. [ame] [/ame] Zettman
  6. Also had some issues with VR Zoom not working correctly yesterday. Planes where MiG-21 and F5 on the BASIS Multiplayer Server. About the instant VR Zoom. I would really like to see that. That slow motion Zoom you get while in a dogfight with lot of planes and therefore often low FPS is not really helpful. It seems to take forever in a sitiuation where time is critical. Zettman
  7. So you didn't change the core voltage? But I guess you put the powertarget to 120? Zettman
  8. What values did you change? I'm asking, cause I want to overclock my STRIX too. Zettman
  9. Nice work! I would buy one for sure. Would be nice if you could keep the original controller board so that it will still work out of the box with the DCS A10C module. But even without I would still buy it. About greasing the Warthog, I first used a more fluid grease when I switched to a more solid grease, I had less stickion problems and did not have to regrease every 3 month. Last time I regreased with the more solid grease was about one year ago. Zettman
  10. On paper this is right, but in practice many games will be bottlenecked by the CPU before they hit the GPU limited, even with my 21:9 (3440x1440) UHD Monitor I was often limited by my CPU and not by my GPU. So SLI won't always help and nothing is more saddening than unused hardware imo. Even VR isn't using SLI/Crossfire if I'm still uptodate. You are right in case of VR through, here my single GTX 1080 runs at ~100% if I turn the pixeldensity above 2.0. But that depends on what the OP wants do do with his setup and as it was already said twice, he won't have a problem with games that don't support SLI, the will automatically just use one GPU. Zettman
  11. I'm not quiete sure if I misunderstood you, but you make it sound like we HMD users don't have any zoom feature in the game. But in the current 1.54 version we now have VR zoom, which works okay in my opinion. I would prefer that it would zoom in faster as it currently does, but it works. http://imgur.com/ZnHYCUR Zettman
  12. I used to have a SLI setup with two GTX 780 which I eventually upgraded to a 3-SLI setup before I went back to a single GPU setup. If a game doesn't support SLI it will run automatically with on only one GPU, you don't have to turn it off yourself. I will also add some of my experinces I had with SLI. Starting with the frustrating and negative things. First, there aren't many games that support SLI and if a new game gets released, the SLI support often lacks behind. Than there is the point that many games, if they support SLI, will be bottlenecked by the CPU before they can use the GPUs to there full potential. I had an i7 4820K which was running at 4.6 GHz for that setup. The only game that used all 3 GTX 780 at ~100% was Witcher 3. Next problem is the heat. For a two way SLI you want a Mainboard that offers enough space between the two graphic cards, so that the cooler of the upper card doesnt sit directly over the 2nd card. You can circumvent this problem by watercooling the graphic cards. Otherwise the GPU might hit the temperaturelimit and start to throttle down. ANother problem is the increased input lag. Not sure if that is the correct term, but I will try to explain it. With each graphic card you add to the setup, the input lag increases. If you are playing FPS or 1st or 2nd WW planes, you will have to lead much further ahead of your target, because the image needs more time to be calculated and the target you see on the screen has already moved further ahead. I could test that quiet good with my 3 SLI setup, it was much easier to hit/lead a target with SLI turned off than with all 3 cards enabled. But if you play mainly singleplayer games and stick to modern jets, this won't be a game breaker. It was for me, when I was stilled playing alot of WT FRB/SB and IL2 BoS, which eventually made me change back to a single GPU setup. Last big drawback, if you aren't single and have a girlfriend/wife, you will need either a good explanation or compensation for buying PC hardware for roughly 2400 bucks. Good things is that you have more GPU power. I can also tell you, that the games I played with my SLI Setup which did support SLI, worked without problems. Especially Witcher 3 worked really good with all 3 GPUs. Anoth good point is that you can use this setup as a good room heater (no joking), With all 3 GPUs running at 100% I could turn of my heater during winter. Zettman
  13. Quiet happy with my Rift. Flying feels totally diffrent now. Problems I'm facing at the moment is spotting targets without labels, which is no problem if I fly a fighter with a good Radar and RWR. But spotting small groundtargets while flying the SU-25T or A-10 is quiet difficult. Another problem is that the F10 map seems to be broken, the tactical symbols are on it, but there is no terrain on it, everything is just grey, so I can't bring the tactical symbols in correlation with cities, lakes, streets or rivers. Anyone has the same problem? It's anoying not being able to use the map properly. I'm also considering upgrade as soon as the next version of the Rift arrives, given that it has a better resolution.
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