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About Wellenbrecher

  • Birthday September 30

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, Il2 BoX, Il2 CloD
  • Location
  1. Alas... :) (got this for the "Sound" download) I'll try OVGME later. /edit OVGME works like a charm though. Cheers!
  2. It may be on my end obviously, but for what it's worth the manual download times out for me, for all four parts.:c "took too long to respond" Tried with various browsers, Windows Defender, no firewall. Firefox managed to get the download window open before it fails, but that's the best I can do. /edit And the same also happens with OVGME. Unless EU IPs are blocked? I did try with the NA mirror from the OP after all.
  3. I mostly paid the money to get all the planes and to see the project succeed. Never cared about the physical stuff. Not least of all because you'd have to ship it over half the globe, heh.
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