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  1. Thanks for the report. This is a bug, the file and folder should be created automatically. I've released a new version that fixes that. It is not possible via a Scratchpad extension, and I personally don't see the point of a hide button, so probably nothing I am going to add. Yes, you can create as many text files in the Scratchpad directory as you want and name them however you like.
  2. Unfortunately, no. I wish there was a way to get the keybindings into DCS' regular keybinding UI, but I am not aware of a way of doing that for this kind of mod. As mentioned above, you are left with remapping a controller to a keyboard key(combination).
  3. @Draken35 Thanks for jumping in and for the suggestions. I agree that this would be nice to have, on the other hand, having it integrate into the Scratchpad increases the chances that someones comes around and contributes a configuration for everyone, instead of just updating their local config for themselves. I can do that. Probably only makes sense though if the formatting stays integrated. What would your use-case be? It shares the same concern as mentioned above. There is less incentive for people to contribute configurations for everyone to use. However, I like the gained flexibility! One thing that I/we would have to figure out is, how to handle planes that don't have a dedicated extension. So basically the current fallback that just prints out the coordinates in all formats for unknown planes. I guess, for this to still work, the listener would need to know if an extension already actively reacted to the event. Happy to accept a PR to fix that (otherwise I'll keep it in the back of by mind for the next time I am working on the Scratchpad).
  4. @imacken I don’t have plans to work on that myself. However, I hope that the extensions make it possible for someone else to jump in and move that into an extension so people don’t have to run both tools (and I myself do not have the responsibility of maintaining that feature). To anyone interested in jumping in, extensions have access to the coordinates, see the following example: NS430 Extension.
  5. I've released a new version: https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/releases/tag/0.7.0 Changelog: Scratchpad can now be extended via extensions. A prominent use-case is to add a virtual keyboard. (no changes to extensions compared to the preview version posted in this thread a while ago) Set coordinate format for F-15E Add optional hotkey to reload pages from disk Also uploaded to user-files: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3331783/ (not approved as of the time of writing; but should be up in the next couple of days)
  6. Fixed in https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/releases/tag/0.6.1 (The experimental extensions branch has also been updated: https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/archive/refs/heads/extensions.zip )
  7. @speed-of-heat The download link from my previous post (https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/archive/refs/heads/extensions.zip) gives you the latest version of this work-in-progress feature, so you can use it again.
  8. I made an update to the WIP extensions PR: https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/pull/35#issuecomment-1276290786 Text edits from extensions should be more reliable now.
  9. Inserting and deleting doesn't work correctly when selecting from the right to left (the code doesn't correctly consider the direction of the selection yet) - this might be the cause for a lot of weird behaviours. I'll look into that and the other suggestions (but not high on my list the next couple of days).
  10. Added. I've also changed the layout a bit: Since the question will come up, I am not planing to create a full keyboard - I'll leave that up to the community.
  11. I've created a proof of concept for extensions, which should make it fairly simple to add new buttons to the Scratchpad (way simpler than my first take on that topic). More details are available here: https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/pull/35 If you want to try it out, you can download it at: https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/archive/refs/heads/extensions.zip The following screenshot shows some example extensions:
  12. I don't have a use for it myself, so I am not willing to invest the time necessary to maintain it. However, I proposed to extend the Scratchpad in a way that it can be extended with plugins. This way, someone else could create and maintain the keyboard as a plugin. I am still open to that.
  13. I've just released version 0.6.0. You can see the changes and get it here: https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/releases/tag/0.6.0 Changes in a nutshell: - A lot of fine-tuning of the coordinate format for various aircrafts - Optional config to add shortcuts for changing the page and inserting coordinates - Some minor UX improvements A lot of changes came from other contributors (mentioned in the detailed changelog). Thanks to everyone who got involved!
  14. I've noticed the same. It is also not just the aiming cue that is off, the HARM does also go to the original waypoint and not the offset designation when fired (I've made sure to designate the offset and not the original waypoint).
  15. FYI, I've a proof of concept of how the keyboard could be a standalone thing but still integrate with the Scratchpad (main reason: me updating Scratchpad doesn't require anyone to re-add the keyboard). POC: https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad-plugin-example Scrachpad branch for the POC: https://github.com/rkusa/dcs-scratchpad/tree/plugins This proof of concepts is basically a standalone window that could host the keyboard. The window is clued to the Scratchpad, so it will stick to it regardless of if the SP is moved or resized. The proof of concept has a remaining bug though, hiding the buttons when the Scratchpad is hidden doesn't work. If someone ends up writing the keyboard as a plugin, I'd be happy to merge the necessary changes to Scratchpad (the plugins branch of SP linked above).
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