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Capn kamikaze

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Posts posted by Capn kamikaze

  1. I have a mission where a couple of groups are commanded to hold at the start of a mission, and using the "stop condition" when user flag 29 is true which is triggered by a couple of apaches coming into a zone.


    This DID work prior to the last patch, but now they simply ignore it and just start moving to their next waypoint which means the Apaches don't get to them where they should.

  2. Would it be possible to add a mode for testing missions, where you could bring up a console that lists things triggering, like units entering zones, and flags being changed, and units activating etc.


    It would be quite handy to be able to see a report of things like that to track bugs, especially in very large missions.


    It would need some sort of anti-cheat system in place to stop it being turned on in MP though.

  3. I was wondering what settings people are using, I am running it on a RTX2080, not the Ti version, just the standard one.


    So far it's working well, but I was wondering how to optimise it, FPS seems more than acceptable, so I'm looking to maximise graphics, especially wrt being able to spot bandits.


    One thing I really would like some advice on is does the screen resolution of my monitor settings have anything to do with the HMD, as that is only 1920x1080, and won't go any higher, so I was wondering how to set the HMD's resolution, or if DCS does that automatically?

  4. ..."Okie" has 6000hrs in different fighters. 850 traps (300 night). A-4, F-14, F-5 agressor pilot, F-16 etc. Very knowledgeable about air-air combat and tactics. But it might be bad memory or the Aim-120A he compare it against... Great Q/A, and another one recently came out.


    Considering the era he was going to be doing that in it has to be the 120A maybe at best the B, but not even early C's.

  5. I'm only talking about the HARM since I don't generally fly any Russian stuff, but it seems that ships radars are practically immune to being taken out of action by the HARM, at least that is my experience with them.


    Obviously you're never going to take out even a small ship with HARMs, but taking out their radar should be doable, I've had cases where I've taken 4 HARMs, attacked FFG class ships, had all 4 hit watched them go in, and had to go back to base and get another 4 to finish the radar off.


    No, I don't have a track, this happened a while back, I was just wondering what other's opinions are of this IMO a ship mounted radar should be no more protected than one on a land based SAM site, so have you experienced the same?


    Is this a case of the HARM being too weak, which we already know it is, or also a case of ship damage models not treating their radars as separate damageable items but as part of the ship's health?

  6. I'm trying to run a server for myself and a friend that I'm training, and have done in the past, but for some reason they can't see my server in the server list, and when they try to join via IP they get a message saying the server is offline.


    It is a public server, but is password protected.


    I was wondering if anyone had any idea what the issue could be, and whether it's likely on my side or their side?

  7. Would it be possible to have a mode where you can highlight a control in another players cockpit so when you're teaching them a new module, and for example want to draw their attention to say the APU switch or engine crank switch etc, you can see in their cockpit, click the button, and in their view, it will be highlighted?

  8. Got to agree, the fact is that a flight sim that is open to the public is either going to be one of the following things...


    Based on old aircraft only.


    Compromised anyway.


    Anything that tries to do modern stuff is going to be missing bits and/or intentionally inaccurate in certain areas to protect secrets.


    So accepting that fact, you have to ask yourself, is having bits of a sim that 0.01% of the user base will get any benefit from worth spending much time on actually simulating.


    IMO it's entirely reasonable to have a plane that's 90-95% accurate, or reasonably accurate, and therefore have many more aircraft available, rather than one or two that are 99.9% accurate, when that extra accuracy is because of bits that next to no one uses, especially when you consider that that extra accuracy may in many cases not even be usable because of other factors in the sim, like environmental factors, and reliance on systems external to the plane in question that it IRL relies upon that are not simulated or if they are they are inaccurate themselves.


    DCS at the end of the day is, like any other simulation of modern military hardware, an approximation, a very good one, but an approximation none the less.


    So people screaming "but muh realism", and trying to write off people looking at this issue from a more reasonable perspective by telling them to "go play war thunder", try to be more reasonable.

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