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Everything posted by outbaxx

  1. I'm not sure that it's the TIPPV. that's the problem here. I flipped the TIPP VÄXEL to Till and this should give a pitch input gearing that correspond to landing speeds. And I see a difference with in on. The question is if the outer elevons have a exaggerated movement? The outer elevons should give you fast and precise corrections but instead it gives fast and exaggerated corrections. It's even possible do 25G pulls. Are we perhaps missing some dampening effect ?
  2. No, I don't think it should do much difference but I just noticed it's there and it shouldn't be afaik :)
  3. I forgot to mention that it's with gear down, untouched from take off.
  4. If I fly at low alt and M1.1+ and move my stick fast about 10% I get about 7G readout on the G-meter. Why is that ? Shouldn't I get a smaller output from that?
  5. It does work but it doesn't illuminate the tail. Cobra said it will be fixed in the next update.
  6. No, I feel this too, it's impossible to start rotating before a certain speed, it's like elevons doesn't have authority before that speed. If you pull the stick full aft as soon as you start, nothing will happen until you suddenly have your nose looking at the sun :) So to take off smoothly I need to apply pitch up after this speed. If I start pulling before I tend to pull too much.
  7. Noticed when I did a take off from external view that when I got airborne the flaps start to rapidly change between 99 to 100%. On the ground it show 100% steady.
  8. I've checked that, and I checked with ctrl+enter to see if the brakes move if I move anything else. So your nose wheel does not compress if the aircraft roll to a halt without break input ? It's visible to me from external view .
  9. I have the opposite feeling, it's like it's always on. If I start rolling and pull back to ground idle, the aircraft will stop like if there is brakes applied. The nose wheel compress just before the stop. I could be wrong of course but why would it compress if it just rolled to a stop?
  10. I'm almost sure that I've read that they couldn't be fired from the center, it was just for transport.
  11. Is there a different flight model when you are on ground vs in air?
  12. Speed at rotation Well, to be honest, I don't know what the manual says. I'm looking at the charts in SFI AJS37 part 2 chapt IV page 11. And I see I misread the recommended airspeed, it says that the SI show the recommended airspeed as 250kmph. And it also say that the minimum allowed speed of rotation is 190 kmph. But the chart show that it can be done at lower speeds.
  13. Speed at rotation The thing is that I can't even lift the nose until 230 something. So it's not possible to rotate too early for me. And if I force lift it at that speed with full aft stick, I'm at alpha 20 as soon as there is some lift(because I'm full stick aft and over rotating) If should be able to rotate or at least start to rotate at 165 kmph given my weight according to the charts. I'm at 50% fuel =2000kg of fuel Ac + driver is 10749kg So my TO weight is 12749kg
  14. I'm reading the SFI part 2 and with a weight of 19 tons and +30C the minimum recommended rotation speed in the SI is about 235 kmph. My problem is that you can't rotate the aircraft at that speed even if you weigh 13 tons. This is with zone 3. The chart say that with MS and a weight of 17 tons and +30 the SI rotation speed is about 305 kmph. The chart don't even show higher than 17 tons for MS so perhaps there is a restriction there?
  15. But can you do it before that speed?
  16. I've tried to do some short take offs but there are some things that I can't get my head around. No matter what the aircraft weight, I can't start rotate before 250kmph. According to the charts the minimum recommended speed of rotation is between about 150-220 kmph depending on weight. The recommended would imply that it could be done earlier but it's not recommended, right? But I can't do it on a clean aircraft at 50% fuel, not even at 20% fuel. The nose will not raise until the speed reach about 250 kmph. Am I doing this wrong?
  17. I've just read a book about the viggen and how they overcame the problems with the aerodynamics. There are pictures that show the pitch moment for the viggen changing with Mach. These pictures show a positive pitch moment until the transonic region where there is a pitch down followed by a pitch up and the a decreasing pitch moment as the speed increases. But in the sim it feels like there is a negative pitch moment even in the subsonic region, I have to trim pitch up a lot to make it fly straight. Wouldn't a positive pitch moment mean that there should be a "nose up" instead of a "nose down"?
  18. I had some trouble with them yesterday, I used the scroll wheel on my mouse and could turn on the side panels and front panel (the light came on if I rotated the anti clock wise) but I couldn't get the flood light to turn on. I got the tip to use "click and drag" instead. And then the knobs turned on the light if rotated clock wise and the flood light worked too.
  19. The light that was pointed at the number of the stabilizer is now pointed at the body of the aircraft. The rotating anti collision lights can barely be seen at night ( this could be a graphic setting perhaps) but it's like the light is too small and is inside a black painted glass.
  20. Yes, the first answer was a JA pilot too. He said that he did fly the AJ or SH at first for a short time if I remember a post he wrote a long time ago.
  21. But would the click of a solenoid overpower the noise of the engine? My guess is that the need for ear protection is not there because of button presses in the cockpit ;) I hope it isn't too loud if implemented and that the "hear as helmet" option reduces it hard.
  22. I have only started in "parking hot" yet. Will start my cold start training tonight, but yes, if it's ok in air start then perhaps the gauge get weird in hot start?
  23. Ah, but isn't 1 liter = 1 liter? Is the % based on weight then? And perhaps that is why the external tank hold less liters for AJS as the weight increase with the new fuel?
  24. It's kinda weird, if you read the SFI pt2 for the AJ it says that 5525 liters is 100% and in SFI pt2 for the AJS it say 5525 liters is 107%. The AJ external tank hold 1320 liters and the AJS 1250 liters. It says 1250 liters is 26% but I get it to about 24% (if 5525 is 107% 9600lbs, 100% is about 5163 liters 9000lbs) How come that 5525 liters became 107% for AJS when it was 100% for the AJ? Anyhow, the external tank in sim seem to hold between 2375-2540liters, about 1000-1200 liters too much. Unless the fuel gauge has an error.
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