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Everything posted by Kortiah

  1. Same here playing F-18's Caucasus campaign. I used Tomsk's fix and it indeed ran and I didn't have any issue until I quit. Then I got this message and no CMD prompt to accept/refuse the mission's results.
  2. I had an account previously but didn't use it to post and saw it had a typo when first wanting to post so I made another one eventually...whatever. I just mostly lurk, it's just that this issue has been troubling me. It just seemed weird to me that if you can have a verification on "what aircraft you're able to jump into" after typing "red/blue" in chat, you couldn't prevent someone to join if a certain requirement isn't met (eg: "Red == Blue [mod 5]").
  3. What if active blue players want to join when server is full and it's 20v40 ? Won't fix the issue. And Greg, while I fully agree about the idea behind the server and that it's a complete success, you need to take criticism with a bit more of an open mind :/ You can't seriously say that the team balance isn't an issue. Every stream I've been to and every feedback I've had says the same. "It's great, but it'd be better if it was one-sided every time I join"
  4. Your logs? I always have the map on a Chrome tab and every time I'm awake it's 20 blues vs. 40 reds. I don't know if your logs are telling you that it's the other way around after 2am GMT or something, but EITHER WAY it's a bad situation: If your logs say it's balanced after 0300, it means the situation needs to be handle for the 1500-0300 players. If your logs say it's balanced THE OTHER WAY AROUND during the rest of the 24 hours, then you have an even bigger problem because neither Red nor Blue are having fun on your server. People don't like to fight unbalanced war in a game.
  5. You guys need to do something about the server's population. It's been 15-20 vs. 35-40 for the last week (at least during European operating hours) making what seemed to be a great idea for a server at first a complete useless one-sided battle. It was the other way around about 10 ten days ago, and now people must have switched or lost interest in Blue making it completely Red-sided. My suggestion would be something preventing people from joining a faction when the opposite has less than 5 members of theirs connected (ie. when you need to type either "red" or "blue" in chat). Maybe also add an idle maximum time without a faction so that it doesn't clutter the 60 slots with people waiting to be able to type in "red" and prevent "blue" from joining the server intially.
  6. Would love to join in on the action! Callsign: k0rt Preferred aircrafts: F-15, M2000 & A-10C
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