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About 13WELT_JankeS

  • Birthday 06/14/1976

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, BMS
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  1. I managed to solve the problem myself. I found a folder with archived firmware versions for ORION BASE 2: https://download.wwsimstore.com/download/Firmware/WINWING_THROTTLE_BASE2/ I uploaded version 1.51 and with this version the base saw the throttle handle. My F16 TGRIP had Hardware version V1.00 and Firmware version V1.10 I updated the throttle handle firmware to the current version V1.23 and then I updated the base again to version V1.61 and this time after the update it works normally. I recommend updating the throttle handle firmware first...
  2. Update - something must be wrong with this firmware version. When I unfastened the f16 throttle Grip, the system saw the base. I did the update - everything is fine. When I connect the f16 throttle grip, it ejects the base from the USB and the A/G and A/A keys flash. It worked flawlessly before - I didn't touch anything, I just updated it. As if this firmware version doesn't support f16 throttle grip? Maybe it's enough to upload an old version of the firmware to solve the problem - but only the latest ones are available on the website. cbf9d9ca-7326-493f-ba9c-41d0659a5c2a.MP4
  3. There are only 100 characters to describe the problem - it's hard to summarize it like that But I sent the ticket too.
  4. I used the throttle for over a year without any problems. And today I ran SimAppPro(after over a year), which showed me that a throttle update was available. So I clicked to make it. The update went well - at the end it showed SUCCESS, and then the system started making a sound as if I was disconnecting and connecting the device to USB. And so on and on... Now only the A/G and A/A keys are flashing green and the system does not see the throttle (it doesn't even see it in Windows>Print and Device as a BOOT device). I tried connecting it to every USB port and it didn't change anything. I sent an email to: info@winwing.cn with a description of the problem, but maybe some of you have already had a similar problem and know how to solve it. IMG_4285.MOV
  5. I recorded a video with the range of displacement of the R3L stick at maximum forces. Unfortunately, the base did not last a year in my cockpit. I wonder if in the ULTRA version the strength has increased or decreased by increasing the deformation of the metal plate with sensors. https://youtube.com/shorts/ix0bQzVVUGw?feature=share
  6. https://youtu.be/IlvTL3JlLYI
  7. I confirm that deleting two lines added by WingWing software solves the problem of CPU overload. File location: \Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\Export.lua It's about these two entries: -- local wwtlfs=require('lfs') -- dofile(wwtlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/wwt/wwtExport.lua') Thank You very much for help!
  8. Thank You for the information. I'll check it when I get back from work and let You know.
  9. I have Steam VR set up so that I can only see mountains in the background. So far, I have had no performance issues on these settings. Recently, I was only flying multi-player multiplayer missions and thought that performance issues were related to a large number of players. But today I got a throttle from the WingWing F-16EX and I was flying single player missions setting up the throttle - and I noticed a huge drop in performance. In steam VR, the resolution for the HP G2 is set to 60%. My GPU is 3080 Ti, CPU i5 10600KF 4.8GHz and 32GB, M2 SSD.
  10. At first, I thought that the re-projection was off. Later I struggled with the GPU drivers including uninstalling everything and installing older drivers. Later, I realized that the problem was with the processor. I recorded a short video of what it looks like. Anyone had a similar problem? https://youtu.be/eNr8m_cV-E4
  11. Mine just left Chengdu FedEx origin facility
  12. There is no vortex in the F-16 during multiplayer. In single missions, everything works as it should. I noticed this during the online airshow (Full permormance 360 turn at 7-9 G) : https://youtu.be/aKo_evIOAIo?t=6644
  13. Exactly - but if this is what it should be like in reality?
  14. Perhaps the Viper is very well developed, but in confrontation with the Hornet, it is very poor because the Hornet is very different from reality due to the lack of appropriate documentation to verify its flight model?
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