Hello everyone, I’m sort of new to DCS and just recently bought the Mig-15, which is my favorite Module together with the Mig-21 so far. I have great fun flying on the Georgian Spring server, which I only can recommend to everyone – Single Player is a whole different story though.
As I noticed quickly and read in this forum, the Sabre AI is flawed/bugged. It has to be a bug, because everything it does is flying around stall speed after the merge – if that was intended, that would be pretty awkward, mildly spoken.
So does anyone know the reason for the flawed Sabre-AI? Since the Mig-AI seems to be fine, it should be possible to let the Sabre-AI use the AI-behavior of the Mig, right? I’m assuming, that the AI-behavior is hard-coded from ED, but there must be different behaviors, since the Mig-AI is doing pretty well. So can I maybe just change a line of code in a LUA-file and let the Sabre-AI use the behavioral model of the Mig? But maybe I’m missing something and there is actually a reason for this, if so could you guys enlighten me?
This to me seems to be a crucial topic, because there are threads about Mig-Campaigns, which have great potential especially with the Vietnam-Texture-Mod from Starway. But I feel, that at this instant there is no point in playing such a campaign, if it does not include fighting against F-86s in a meaningful manner and doesn’t consist of the Sabres pretending to be choppers and expecting to get away with that.