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Everything posted by DerNeueMensch

  1. Thanks for adding the 50s jets! Would it be possible to change the EWR/AWACS frequ. so that the Sabre/ MiG-15 can receive them or have an extra AWACS/EWR for them? It would be great, if there were a couple of Sabres on the Sukhumi-Babushara AF to choose from as well. Thank you very much for the server!
  2. 2nd bet: Fishbed: 33 Tiger: 23
  3. Team Fishbed: 23 Team Tiger: 27
  4. Ah, see I didn't know, that the Mig can't lock onto the sun - I thought it would be the most quick and convenient way to test. I wasn't able to lock on F5s using the R60ms in MP and, when I tested in SP no IR-Missile was working anymore; but now after a restart it works again all of a sudden. And I guess the r60m was just being an r60m. Sorry, pls disregard or delete the thread. Just wanted to help! :D
  5. Since the latest update I'm unable to fire IR-MIssiles; tested with R3S, R-13M1, R-13M and R-60M. In the track file I'm unable to lock on to the sun with the R3S and R-13M. I think I'm not the only onbe, since I heard ppl complaining on servers stating, that they were unable to fire IR-Missiles. Sorry, if this didn't meet the standards of Bug-Reporting; but I didn't find a guideline... Current Stable-Release-Version: DCS 1 EDIT: I didn't know, that the Mig can't lock onto the sun - I thought it would be the most quick and convenient way to test. I wasn't able to lock on F5s using the R60ms in MP and, when I tested in SP no IR-Missile was working anymore; but now after a restart it works again all of a sudden. And I guess the r60m was just being an r60m. Sorry, pls disregard or delete the thread. Mig21-IR-MISSILE-notworking.trk
  6. The report is referring to a sustained turn. I remember reading that report as well and was startled when I found out, that there is no way that an F-5 can outturn a Mig-21 in a sustained turn and at a co-energy-state.
  7. Nice! A while ago I read, that they wanted to deliver the grey croatian skin with one of the official updates - does anybody know what happened to that?
  8. Besides the historical accuracy claims; this video provides a good visualization of what to expect in a PvP engagement: As long as you have enough altitude, you should be safe.
  9. Great job everyone! Excellent casting!
  10. Just wanted to express my praise and gratitude for the commentators, everyone involved and especially for the main commentator - what a great job! The main thing I take away from this event from a gameplay point of view, is that those two aircraft are able to provide a top notch AA-combat experience and are indeed pretty closely matched; they provide an excellent advertising platform for what I would consider the most interesting time period for AA-combat; the format and coverage of the event was indeeed very enjoyable! That's how it should be: from the community for the community!
  11. So if I would want to test the new changes to the FM in the stable release version; I could copy the files in ...mods/aircraft/Mig-21bis/bin from my updated openbetadcs over to my stable dcs installment; or are there other files as well which I would have to copy? Can't play in the openbeta, because, if I change one thing in the options menue the screen goes black and VR is enabled which makes moving sideways and forward/backwards with trackir impossible. Thanks in advance!
  12. changing one option in the options menue makes the screen go black, it doesn't matter what I change. (Doesn't matter, if it's controls or graphic options or game options)
  13. Hello everyone, I’m sort of new to DCS and just recently bought the Mig-15, which is my favorite Module together with the Mig-21 so far. I have great fun flying on the Georgian Spring server, which I only can recommend to everyone – Single Player is a whole different story though. As I noticed quickly and read in this forum, the Sabre AI is flawed/bugged. It has to be a bug, because everything it does is flying around stall speed after the merge – if that was intended, that would be pretty awkward, mildly spoken. So does anyone know the reason for the flawed Sabre-AI? Since the Mig-AI seems to be fine, it should be possible to let the Sabre-AI use the AI-behavior of the Mig, right? I’m assuming, that the AI-behavior is hard-coded from ED, but there must be different behaviors, since the Mig-AI is doing pretty well. So can I maybe just change a line of code in a LUA-file and let the Sabre-AI use the behavioral model of the Mig? But maybe I’m missing something and there is actually a reason for this, if so could you guys enlighten me? This to me seems to be a crucial topic, because there are threads about Mig-Campaigns, which have great potential especially with the Vietnam-Texture-Mod from Starway. But I feel, that at this instant there is no point in playing such a campaign, if it does not include fighting against F-86s in a meaningful manner and doesn’t consist of the Sabres pretending to be choppers and expecting to get away with that.
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