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About dayron405

  • Birthday 01/11/1971

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  1. A mi me pasa lo mismo en la mision 1. Que solucion puede aportarnos el desarrollador o diseñador de la campaña?
  2. We are in 2023, when will subtitles for the voices of jester?
  3. Estamos a 2023, para cuando subtitulos para las voces de jester??
  4. Desktop 2023.01.28 -
  5. Yo tampoco tenia problemas antes de la ultima actualizacion. Ruego vuelvas hacer otra comprobacion que sea posterior al dia 26 de enero. Gracias
  6. I have noticed that since the last update yesterday the autothrottle does not activate
  7. I have noticed that since the last update yesterday the autothrottle does not activate
  8. Right, it happened to me too. It is a campaign programming error. Written to DCS and they are not responsible for the problem and have sent me to the developer "Maple Flag" without even providing an email!
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