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About paul2437

  • Birthday 04/29/1956

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS Flight Simulater 2020
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  • Interests
    Flight Sims Family

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  1. So no change for built in openxr and quadviews.
  2. Thanks I am gonna wait until Pimaxplay is fixed before installing the latest version. Stable at the moment with a clear image.
  3. Yes Completed So you have latest Pimaxplay with Quadviews 1.1.3 installed which boxes are ticked in Pimaxplay to make this work. Also do you have quadviews companion working? I am not sure which combination is best. Thanks.
  4. Ok I am still using PimaxPLay 1.30 with pimax xr 0.44 runtime quadviews 1.1.3 and quadviews companion which is very stable for me. The latest Pimaxplay with quadviews etc is glitchy and the image quality is not as good. Pimax headset Crystal Sim version.
  5. On the survey form it has openxr toolkit compatibility the author of the toolkit has expressed not to use it is this correct as I have uninstalled it
  6. Yes returned to 1.30 with external files etc more stable. Your not wrong.
  7. I understand your frustration since the latest DCS/Pimax play updates opinions vary on what to do. Which pimax headset do you have? Is the headset connected to your PC? What Type of rig do you have?Calvin from Pimax on this forum is very helpful. Also on youtube setup videos from Pimax are available. My settings are attached to the thread below if it helps. Note latest Pimaxplay is 1.33.
  8. Yes seen that set my mouse back to default settings ran DCS mouse movement no glitches in VR [as yet] see how it goes.
  9. I have no idea how to do that 68 years old.
  10. Sorry to say back to square one. What ever polling rate I apply via Ghub its as it was I had about a day with no glitches its got to be something else I am missing. Update only happens in DCS other flight sims are fine.
  11. Not totally cannot run at 90-120hz without stuttering. At 72hz its stable for me. I used Revo Uninstaller Pro to remove XR toolkit etc then regedit to get rid of what was left. Image below is my registry after reinstalling everything. Initially i was going to uninstall DCS and come back in a year it became to frustrating changing one setting that would change another. Pimax Play also had issues as I had corrupted firmware don't ask me how I have no idea. That was fixed via a remote link to Niko @ Pimax in China. I am hoping the next DCS and Pimaxplay updates make significant changes if not i'll hang up my joystick for a while.
  12. I had to set my BIOS to default settings uninstall all pimax software and remove from registry all XR related programs including quadviews then reinstall to see an improvement. But I also had a firmware issue that was fixed by PImax tech support See Below another issue solved
  13. Ghub Installed seems to work ran DCS for an hour or so in VR no mouse issues
  14. Your Right give it a go later.
  15. Its a logitech G402 wired version I've had for years using default windows driver I will check logitech website. I think GHUB will cause more problems by all accounts very buggy.
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