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    DCS, FSX, X-Plane
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  1. Thanks for your tips @PlainSight I am playing with a afterglow (nitendo switch) controller when CPG so I will read up AutoHotKey documentation and see if I can apply your trick to my controller.
  2. what pedals are you using for your sim?
  3. I have experienced the same, so yes it can only be a bug
  4. Can someone explain how make such a macro? I can't figure it out from the above. Do I need an extra software/addon to be able to push the relevant button to achieve the results discussed above?
  5. Thanks for the info. SRS does not work for me either it is showing OFF all the time even when I set a channel. I have again joined multiplayer and again it was working for some people. Anyone can share a link showing where the issue has been reported ? Or anyone else can confirm facing same issue with those voice channels?
  6. Hi guys, It has worked before but now when I try to set channel for VOCA or VOCB it doesn't work. D/L => press VOCA or VOCB => then set the channel to 10 (for example) => then press enter The pad will briefly show 10 then revert quickly to 127 which is the default. I don't think this is a bug because I was online with some friends an they could set theirs to channel 10 and talk on that channel using SRS. Any idea of what I might doing wrong?
  7. Hola Marques, I am still leaning things at the moment (currently following an online course on Arduino) but for your second questions I wonder if you could try to use pre-processor directive with something similar to the bellow; (Assuming your switch is on PIN 2) #define Switch1 2 #define Switch1On digitalRead (Switch1) == 1 #define Switch1Off digitalRead (Switch1) == 0 #if (Switch1On) Load config for aircraft1(); #else Load config for aircraft2(); #endif The above example won’t work as it is but hopefully you get the idea and might be something worth trying (I haven’t)
  8. I really like this concept, I am no electronic guru like you but want to give it a try... In fact my RpPi is in the post right now and I have an Arduino at home. I'll see if i can get this working for simple testing setup SimPC(DCS-BIOS) --Ethernet-> RPi(SOCAT) --USB-> Arduino --I/O-> Physical switch
  9. If I get it correctly you have designed 2 boards, one that uses MAX6956 and the other AS1130. In the following schematic: SimPC --Ethernet-> RPi --USB-> Arduino --I2C-> ICs Where are the MAX6956 and AS1130 coming into play? ICs?
  10. @Thermal, thanks for the Perl code. I know a little bit of Python I'll see if I can experiment something. Will have a look to this thanks I am not clear on the USB bit you seem to be using multiple Arduinos so I guess you have plugged them directly to the RPi i.e. 4 is the max number of Arduino you can have for one RPi? Also I guess you are running multiple instances of SOCAT one for each Arduino (same as explained in my previous post), correct? Yes I do agree but reading about RS-485 is now becoming attractive to me as some people (Tekk and other) have some success with it. I think I will experiment with the RPi first before trying out RS-485 later down the line. Do you have pictures or diagrams of your setup with the RPi that you can share? In the case that you could write some code to bypass the use of the Arduinos are not worried that you won't have enough GPIO on the RPi? Lastly I have seen an article on how to connect Arduinos to RPi do you think something like I2C or SPI or other could work for DCS-BIOS?
  11. This is quite interesting Thermal. The reason I was so obsessed with a network solution at first was because I used to be a network engineer not so long ago (routers, firewalls, switches etc..) and it would have been the one thing I would be comfortable with (TCP/IP, UDP etc..), downside would have been the programming bit. Do you know someone that has successfully tested or implemented a solution that uses RPi with DCS-BIOS? It is not the first time I hear that, some even mentioned that it nearly cost them a divorce. Maybe I should run away before it is too late, or, it is too late already. I better start looking for a good lawyer then...
  12. Have you noticed any difference in quality and reliability with Chinese parts? indeed they are cheap but if you have to replace them often then you end up spending more money. Not 100% percent sure yet but quite obsessed about it already... Actually I am waiting for those guys Open Hornet to release some plans so I can better assess if I would be able to make it. If this project take off it would be a huge help for people like me a bit like DCS-BIOS but more on the hardware side of things.
  13. Thanks for you answer. I am a bit surprised you say that as I have seen your work and assumed you were working in the electronic field. Right now everything seem a mountain to me 1. If I get it correctly export.lua <=> DCS-BIOS <=> SOCAT <=> Arduino. I am still a bit unclear on how export.lua <=> DCS-BIOS work 2. Read it but might need to read again as still fuzzy. I see what you mean I have seen a post from Hansolo where he was showing how he did it here. I understood the concept but not his electronic diagram. That is exactly what I was worried about i.e. not having to plug 10 USB plug to my PC, so RS-485 would solve that issue. The other idea I had was to use Ethernet hence the question around the network side in the case you have Arduino that has Eth port then export.lua <=> Arduino would be possible or not. All devices including the PC would be connected to a Ethernet switch and communicate this way. This however would be too hard for a novice so I should stick with DCS-BIOS. Right now aside going through the Home Cockpit forum I am doing two classes on Coursera, one about introduction to Electronic and the other one about Arduino, hopefully after that I would be able to understand more what people are talking about here on the forum. Thanks again for you help and I hope someone else will give some other inputs.
  14. I have run some testing with DCS-BIOS following the example for the A10 warning button and light with my Arduino Uno. I was really amazed to see how quick I got it working (less than an hour) however it feel really much like magic and would like to know how things work. Please correct me if I am wrong with the following assumptions 1. The only way to speak with DCS is via export.lua? 2. Instructions between DCS and outside world are done via commands sent/received via IP (TCP or UDP) to/from export.lua, in fact DCS-BIOS make export.lua run a server ‘listening’ on IP? 3. In the case of DCS-BIOS communication with hardware is done via SOCAT which take instruction from the hardware send it to DCS-BIOS (export.lua) which in turn speak to DCS via method explained in 2)? 4. If you have more than one Arduino you will need and instance of SOCAT for each card? 5. If your hardware has an Ethernet port you could use DCS-BIOS without the need of SOCAT? 6. If your hardware has an Ethernet port and you don’t use DCS-BIOS (because of non-Arduino hardware) then you need to write an app that can talk on the network (IP), that APP need to be written in LUA and is effectively launch by or contained in export.lua? I am a newbie (as you can see from my questions above) still hesitating to go for building my own cockpit because of lack of skills required for this task (really poor electronic, programming and engineering skills), any help would be much appreciated. I feel like I will not jump into the build until the concept around communicating with DCS (with or without DCS-BIOS) is clear in my mind however there doesn’t seem to have load of document around the subject (certainly not from ED). Lastly one of my friend told me that DCS could export to a file, is there a simple doc somewhere that shows how to do it (just for testing)?
  15. Don't think so, look at his youtube channel he has actually tested with both A10 and Harrier you can definitely see it's working already. I am really curious on how he exported it knowing that he has used rapberry touch screen. I wonder if he has used raspberry as interface at all or just the screen
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