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Posts posted by fargo007

  1. Current behavior creates a Control measure in the Apache TSD, and a point in the KA-50 ABRIS for every unit, and static on the map, even if late activated.

    This fills up the available entries with eight pages of garbage and prevents new points from being entered unless others are first deleted.

    Either make Hidden on MFD/Hidden on Planner default to checked, or offer a global override setting that permits all to be hidden on MFD and Planner.

    Mission designers would never want every static and every unit from every coalition populated into the aircraft's systems this way.  

    The default behavior should follow what people are doing nearly 100% of the time, and right now that is reversed.

  2. Right now, the default behavior is that every unit and static on the map gets represented as a control point in the AH-64D or as a point in the Ka-50's ABRIS.  

    Statics, Units, and even late-activated units.  From any coalition.

    Since it's obvious that almost no mission designer would ever intend every single asset to be treated this way, has anyone requested yet to:


    1- Add a checkbox/feature be added to the ME that would check these options at large for all assets.

    2 - Alternatively, pre-check "Hidden on MFD" and "Hidden on Planner" such that they are hidden by default. 

    I've searched around and haven't seen this as a request yet, but this would be huge.  I know it affects the Black Shark as well as the Apache, and likely others too. 

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  3. On 10/27/2022 at 3:12 PM, BRAVO_16 said:

    @fargo007Hi, thank you for this great script.

    I need help with the Mirage F1.  If I place down the F1 and it's country is USA, then the script works and I can request troops in contact and they spawn.
    However, if I place the F1 and select it's country South Africa, then the script does NOT spawn anything, and no 5 line starts.
    Is your script only set for USA units?


    What Coalition?  It needs to be in the blue coalition.

  4. 2022-10-03 18:19:29.235 ERROR   NET: Failed to decode network.vault: either hardware ID or OS username are different. Saved login data will be reset.


    We get this error on our Azure hosted dedicated server whenever the server is started and used.  It's only fired up for missions and testing, so it's not kept running all the time.


    The effect is that saved username/password and auto-login do not work, and a manual login must be conducted each time.


    Just wondering if anyone has found a way around it.


    Thanks y'all!

  5. 1 hour ago, BIGNEWY said:

    We are trying to reproduce but sadly no luck so far, the track replay is a little large and not reliable, also the user mods can not be used in our debug.

    If you are able to reproduce in a shorter track without user mods please attach it. 

    If possible also include the crash zip folder created after the crash happens it may have some clues for us. 

    thank you

    Will do.  It doesn't seem to be reproducing since the last update anyhow.

  6. Squadrons that are driven by the sort of realistic SOP's and milsim environments you are looking for are going to be overwhelmingly organized as IRL squardons would. 

    So your top three choices there are going to put you into three different squadrons (Air Force, Navy, Army).

    And you will be expected to "pick a horse and ride it."  Even in a carrier wing based squadron, flying the F/A-18 today, and the tomcat tomorrow in missions is not going to be a thing you can do at the level of organization, and with the more serious approach you are asking about. 

    You may be better off just picking a single airframe, committing to it, and letting that guide your choices of squadrons.

  7. Quote

    What part of ''buying a license'' isn't making sense here? They DO financially gain. You give them money, they give you permission to use their name and data. Other details vary depending on contract and developer, for example some planes have been described as off limits because the license is prohibitively expensive, etc.

     What part of "not for sale unless the US Government says we can" isn't making sense for you?  

    You don't get the flight manual until they say. 

    I know math is hard, but making a few thousand by licensing the aircraft to a software company isn't an ROI if you're losing the sale of a single airframe, or having the biggest contract of your life (the US Government is one the customer everyone dreams of) stalled.



      And again, multiple aircraft in this game ARE in active service around the world, including some of the SPECIFIC variants we have. Google, even wikipedia, will clear some of this up for you.


    I didn't say "In active service."  I said "in active US service."  I hope that clears up the mess your straw man made. 



    The relevant MoDs are usually also involved, particularly on anything modern. I'm sure Boeing, Lockheed, et al, are more than capable of thinking about that on their own.

    LOL - This isn't Harry Potter. There are no such things as 'Ministries' involved. Boeing, Lockheed and Bell don't 'think about' something like this as much as they get authorization.

    Starting with the release of the flight manual. 

    The US Government determines who these companies can sell their aircraft to, and who they can't. To suggest that they play no practical role in who these companies provide detailed technical information to is asinine.

    They've also determined you can see the AH-1W manual.  Which is why I said this would be the latest model we'd get.


    They haven't said if or when you can have the AH-1Z flight manual.


    It happens to be in active US service and doesn't appear to be retiring anytime soon. It's funny how it works out that you just don't see the FM until that happens.


  8. 6 hours ago, Mars Exulte said:

      It doesn't matter if they're in service or not... they ALL still have classified aspects to them. Neither current service, nor classification, are inherently blocks. These are all very modern 2000s variants from the US, the JF-17 is in service, the Eurofighter is definitely in service. That is not a relevant criteria. The criteria is public availability of relevant data points, and the manufacturers willingness to agree to a license. That's it.

    You're right, those are the ultimate criteria.  

    But an aircraft manufacturer who is actively selling a military aircraft to the biggest and wealthiest customer in the world will be highly unlikely to agree to anything that pisses that customer off, or in the slightest way jeopardize the billions that are flowing in from them.

    Especially with no expectation of financial gain. 

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