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  1. Necro-threading, because this is kind of large issue with the 'gameplay.' I'm trying to set specific salvos but still no indicator on these planes. Not something you really want to guess about. Of course I could try to remember what the default mode is and then try to make sure I select from memory the correct number of times I have to press the button for each, but then why have all of the cockpit if I just need to wing it. (pun intended)
  2. Also, my brakes bound to pedal axis don't work worth a damn. W key still operates them though. ALSO, my tires explode pretty easily on this and the Su-27. Ambient temperature is only in the mid 70s. You could see my tires were intact after lifting off, but when I came back to land, I lowered them to find they popped at some point. I was doing a few maneuvers with ASC off, so maybe I just pulled too many G for them in their little cubby-holes.
  3. It's all over. Trying to do strafing runs in either Su-25 and I can't see a damn thing through the glass unless I'm headed toward a sunset, oddly enough.
  4. Ahhh, thanks Ironhand and Knock-Knock! Good to know! Still a ton of fun though. :thumbup:
  5. Hi all, first time poster, long time simmer. I've played this sim since all the way back when it was just "Su-27 Flanker" by Strategic Simulations Inc. It was actually my first combat flight sim. First combat game at all truthfully. Anyway, I don't really have any complaints. I'm just wondering if this phenomenon is the result of an old flight model and will be addressed in the future. That, or it's just me because the universe is against me. If I take off with the Mig-29's with any kind of wind involved, the craft immediately snaps to a new direction when it clears the runway. It just looks visually jarring. Youtube link below since the YT wrap doesn't work for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeCOm9l1_2s This doesn't seem to happen with the others, or the additional aircraft modules. I'm guessing it will be fixed at some point. I can't imagine they'd be neglected, although the roadmap for this sim seems to stretch decades. I just don't want to die before I get the satisfaction of a smooth Mig-29 simulation. Toodles! :v:
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