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  • Birthday 05/08/1967

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS, MSFS 2020, IL2, ED, SC, Falcon BMS
  • Location
    Argentina - Buenos Aires
  1. tienen que poner 6.5 grados de TRIM positivo de Pitch, van a ver que es mas facil salir
  2. now directly not load textures anymore not only slow, never, is a course, last night I have reinstalled all game completely and nothing, same thing
  3. yes 6042 is my BIOS version
  4. it´s a SSD M2 SAMSUNG 950 PRO, its seems there are a bottle neck in my ASUS B350M-A mother M2 socket, I gotta buy a PCI-e adapter for the SSD and works fine, as they told me
  5. here is the dxdiag.txt , but it seems the problem is my SSD SAMSUNG 950 PRO 512gb, caus reinstall DCS today on HDD disk and works fine, I don´t know how SDD is not work fine, maybe pagefile I don´t know DxDiag.txt
  6. I have not this option on win10 display settings
  7. stutters are solved with controls setup button that deactive hot plug, but the freezes continues, and is very frustrating dcs.log
  8. ok I´m trying the three steps, and fly 3 sessions in MP witohout freezes, but now I have stutterings, trying to solve this now, thank you Flappie for your cooperation!!!!
  9. copy that I´ll try all this and say what happens, thx in advance
  10. I´m not using Leap Motion, I dont know how this error appears DxDiag.txt
  11. no, was an historic mission, only warbirds
  12. yes but happens on other missions different of Foothold, last night freeze flying warbirds, explain better, flyng F14 the bug occurs? or F14 module on DCS? flying or not, and another cuestion, if unistall F14 solve the problem?
  13. bump, nobody can help me?
  14. Since 2 weeks I have this problem, and have to play a hard reset to my pc that not responding, hear discord voices, and mouse works, but ctrl+alt+delete not responds, reinstall win10 and game 2 times, no mods, and 32gb page file, need a help please, attached my log dcs.log
  15. I'm not flying the F14, last night I didn't even have it installed, because I reinstalled the DCS and only installed what I was going to fly last night, and I still have the same problem, unrecoverable crash
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