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About TBarina

  • Birthday March 1

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    DCS, IL2 Great Battles
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  1. Thanks. It's fantastic compared to the plain vanilla DLSS in DCS (is it DLSS 2?) Is there anything we can do to activate Frame Generation as well or RTX4090 is not compatible? I don't find any cue in NVidia Profile Inspector that I set like this:
  2. Yes that is correct. I'm a bit confused. I see DLSSv3 v310.2.1 as well. But that is DLSS v3 and not DLSS v4. Is there any way to use DLSS v4 as of now? Many thanks in advance for any suggestion.
  3. I'll do but I don't know whether mission installed with the map come from ED or Heatblur. Who is responsible for the creation? Certanly putting that missing as first mission for F14 when you try/buy Afghanistan map is bad advertising for the moduel, in my opinion.
  4. I definitely agree with you guys. I have been playing with some Moose .lua scripts to flood Kobuleti and Kandahar with some 100 planes and helicopters using Moose's RAT and RATMANAGER (BTW: Moose is a fantastic library) Actually the 2 maps (Caucasus and Afghanistan) behave in a similar way (and without going below 48fps so far, if I use Moose to put the airport to life). As I suspected the culprit is surely not the terrain but that specific F-14 Instant Action mission: F-14B-Cold Start Afghanistan. I know that 7680x1080 are a lot of pixels to render but using the additional 4th monitor above the central one of the triple screens offers a fantastic perspective when flying and doghfighting. I wouldn't be able to use a single monitor any more and even pure triple screen it's too narrow to enjoy a wide view even with TrackIR Better reduce the number of objects at the airport. If I were looking for fully operational airports, I would be better off looking at XPlane or MsFlightSIm. That IA mission is a pure school exercise to stress the system. Many thanks
  5. Thanks. Are u using VR or 2D 1080 or what? What is you resolution? In the meantime I'm playing with some Moose .lua scripts to flood Kobuleti and Kandahar with some 100 planes and helicopters. Actually the 2 maps behave in a similar way. As I suspected the culprit is probably not the terrain but that specific F-14 Instant Action mission: F-14B-Cold Start Afghanistan
  6. I respect your opinion but it would be nice if you can produce your rig specs, nVidia an DCS settings and mission details or track. I doubt that you can get 70 fps on that specific F14 Instant Action mission when parked at Kandahar. I'm going to uninstall it for now unless someone from ED can explain why I can get 90 fps as soon as airborne and get a low 27 fps on the ground than, IMHO, breaks immersion. Also is strange that i lose 10/15 fps if i turn my head at 3 or 9 o'clock on the parking slot. Dont' know... I'm not convinced. It's a terrain map but, unless I set terrain texture to LOW (which is a nonsense for a new map that I would expect be able to exploit new technologies and run better than maps that exist since a decade) is saturates 23GB RAM in my RTX4090. In any case, after reducing static objects and setting LOW terrain texture, I was able to taxi. Usual problem with ATC (but I've made a reason by now). I wait my wingman to allign at my "side" (lets say so). Full afterburner (forced to do so because Wingman rolls on the tarmac with FULL AB which he shouldn't 'cause F14 doesn't require to do so). I'll get back to what I was satisfactory doing before trying AF map and wait and see if there will be a trial period for Iraq. Cheers
  7. I know. I've already a very optimized settings that guarantees optimal and stable performance in all situations even in the most complex missions of many campaigns. It's only that Cold and Dark F14 instant action mission at Kandahar airport that, according to me, deviates from the normal (513 static objects populate the airport!) Have you ever tried that, by chance? I'll take some time to install Moose an create a lua script to automatically saturate some other airports in Caucasus and check if the behave the same. Thanks a lot. Ciao
  8. Ah, you are right! I didn't realize that. Thanks
  9. Thanks for the suggestion. I've done it but it doesn't help so much. The only way has been to edit the mission and reduce those insane number of static objects. Now I'll take the time to activate Moose and write a lua script to put under stress many other airports in Caucasus by filling all ramps and parking slots so to check if the problem is exacerbated by Afghanistan map or is common to all maps. Ciao
  10. Thanks, I appreciate your answer. Please let me make a puntalization because, maybe, what I wrote could be misunderstood! EA is a good thing. IMHO it is so especially for complex aircrafts and helos: it takes months to be proficient in mastering them and being able to start making practice in EA while you can complete the module can be very satisfactory. Also not having some advanced functionality at the beginning doesn't break immersion at all. I bought many EA aircrafts and I've always been very happy doing that also because you made a great job in the following months (thanks ED for you passion !) As to terrains and their impact on the FPS I'm a little skeptic though. I don't like very much having to tweak DCS settings depending on the mission. I would rather have a decent consistent configuration that can cope with all missions. Also, having maps that offers 27 fps at parking ramp, 35 when approaching runway for landing and 75 or even more when flying at 2.000/3.000 feet is not satisfactory. It breaks immersion a lot. I'd like that you could tackle fps performance at the new maps/airports with the greatest priority. Finally, when I said that "EA allows ED to increase revenues and available funds I meant to say that it is beneficial to all of us because I would like you to have plenty of money to finance the projects. In conclusion, tanks a lot ED for your great products, work and dedication. And long life to Eagle Dynamics.
  11. You are right. In fact I never buy unfinished without testing before. I love all my modules (and I have about 70% of released products). It is difficult to judge the commercial policy of continuously releasing new Early Access products: on the one hand it allows ED to increase revenues and available funds but on the other it risks delaying the completion of the products already released. For now, overall, it has gone well. Let's hope for the future. For the moment I am slowing down the purchases also because before I become really good at managing A10, F14, F16, F18, Huey, Gazelle, AH-64D, Sabre and all the WWII birds I think years will pass.
  12. Thanks for sharing your opinion. However I don't think that upgrading would fix and surely I'm not going to spend 1.500 euros every two year just to cope with new maps. In your case the upgrading from 4790k to 14900KS was worthing; 4790k was released 10 years ago and the gain in performance is about 70%. 5800X3D has been released in 2022 and I9-14900ks offers only +27% gaining. Also I can get steady 75 fps in any other complex missions (sometimes getting steady 100 fps) If you open that particular mission in ME will find out that there more than 500 static objects at the airport, which is insane. And after a minute or so from take-off I can reach steady 75 fps. Many thanks for your answer that I much appreciated Ciao
  13. When flying high i don't have any issue. There are big issues when parked at Kandahar airport in some instant mission. For me it's not a trustable terrain so far. I downloaded the trial version but I'm not going to buying it. It's unfinished, with a few custom missions available and no campaigns. I've bought plenty of DCS modules. Most of them are very very good and a real fun to fly but from now on I will only buy completed and deeply tested modules. With so many Early Access modules I'm afraid that it will take decades to have the finished in time for me to run them. I'm 65 this year
  14. I've also taken some time to provide some additional techical info. My DCS settings are the following (as per image attached): I launched F-14 Instant Action mission: F-14B-Cold Start Afghanistan Without doing anything in the cockpit I took 4 snapshots as follows: 1) in cockpit view (F1) locking at my 3 o'clock (see attach image DCS 2025-03-05 00-16-06): fps is 39 fps2) in cockpit view (F1) locking at my 9 o'clock (see attach image DCS 2025-03-05 00-17-48): fps is 27 fps Then I tried same view angle from outside cockpit (using F4): 1) locking at my 3 o'clock (see attach image DCS 2025-03-05 00-15-22): fps is 57 fps 2) locking at my 9 o'clock (see attach image DCS 2025-03-05 00-18-43 fps is 32 fps
  15. have downloaded the trial version of Afghanistan and can confirm that I can easily get 75 and more fps after taking off. The fps drops to 27 when parked at Kandahar in F-14 Instant Action Cold and Dark (IMHO there are too many objects in that mission parked at Kandahar). My config is: Ryzen 7 5800X3D, MSI RTX 4090 24gb, 64GB DRAM, 2 x 1TB SSD, 5 Monitors 1920x1080p, Win11-Home The resolution is 7680x1080 to cope with my monitor setup (see image) where: 2 is the monitor dedicated to the left view 4 is for the center view 3 is for the right view 5 is for the view at the sky above the HUD at center view (very useful for dogfighting and for general immersion since I don't want to use VR) and monitor n. 1 is dedicated to Helios. Never got 27 fps in any other map/airport so far. It breaks immersion at all. i also have the 3 mini-monitors from WinWing for the MIP in F18 that would require to increase gloabal resolution but I've not tried them yet. I guess that the 27fps will decrease to a lower value. I'm not sure I'll buy Afghanistan for now. There's plenty to do and to learn elsewhere where things run definetly smooter.
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