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Everything posted by FireCat

  1. I've added you at the end of the list, I can't see anyone objecting.
  2. Hi DthFrmAbv, You have been added to the list link below. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3862014&postcount=690 Also, check out MilesD post for the PointCTRL Discord link. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3607054&postcount=1 Regards FireCat.
  3. I had this problem and as now with you, Miles pointed me in the right area to look at. Once I covered the light spots with blinds I was OK. Hope your problem is the same.
  4. Hi LimitedLiability, You have been added to the list link below. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3862014&postcount=690 Also, check out MilesD post for the PointCTRL Discord link. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3607054&postcount=1 Regards FireCat.
  5. Hi rosteven1, You have been added to the list link below. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3862014&postcount=690 Regards FireCat.
  6. Hi, have you tried to reach Miles on the Discord channel? You should try there if you have not already. Don't forget to allow for the time difference. If you have not joined the PiontCTRL Discord follow the link below. PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ
  7. Hi Vitallini, You have been added to the list link below. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3862014&postcount=690 Also, check out MilesD post for the PointCTRL Discord link. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3607054&postcount=1 Regards FireCat.
  8. Hi assafm25, You have been added to the list link below. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3862014&postcount=690 Also, check out MilesD post for the PointCTRL Discord link. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3607054&postcount=1 Also, check this link below as it explains what is happening at the present time. Only Miles can answer your question re: time. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4049817&postcount=1768 Regards FireCat.
  9. Hi Assafm25, I can answer the waiting list question for you here is the link. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3862014&postcount=690 You will also find the lists repeated on the Discord channel link also below. PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ Regards.
  10. Looks very intuitive and easy to navigate a welcome addition for everyone. I am looking forward to this. Just a quick question on the fixed monitor resolutions. Will you cover all possible resolutions in the selection boxes? I have a single monitor with a native resolution of 3440 x 1440. Thanks again Miles
  11. I look forward to trying out the firmware. That's a good idea from Mariner which FCU right hand I presume? If so, is it possible to have the spare button on the left hand FCU as the zoom button just a thought?
  12. Considering there are some 32+ 3D cockpits of one type or another helo's/warbirds/fighters etc and more in the pipeline cockpits full of buttons/switches/knobs/levers etc all needing to be adapted with new code to allow hand tracked fingers to engage them, + all the 2D screens, would ED even consider taking on that task? Maybe with new modules, but how many of the present modules would they adapt and how long would it take say, to write the code for the F18 to allow interaction this way? I don't know if anyone does I'd truly appreciate being educated on this subject. Just food for thought.
  13. IMO. I guess, what is practical and relatively easy to achieve now, in a comfortable time zone for you Miles? Also, benefit the most owner/users of let's call the Mark I PointCTRL. I think firmware/software-based benefits all owner/users. So I think 4, 1, 3, 7, I like the idea of 9 but would that need input from ED DCS? I suppose on a physical manipulation change 8 will be welcomed by many and I love the idea of two-button FCU's. Is it possible as a tempory measure to apply this as a firmware solution by turning one of the buttons off? This type of firmware update is probably last on the list and maybe could be classed as an extra. Which I and I am sure many would not mind paying a small fee to cover the cost of your time. Those of us who want it pay for it. I think Getting the firmware (4, 1, 3, 7) is probably the most important at present to complete the Mark I package.
  14. Hi, I would think MilesD will adapt it to work with the cosmos if he hasn't already. I think it has been adapted for the Rift S which also has an upward facing camera there were a few posts back around tab 110. You should (if you haven't already) join the PointCTRL Discord and ask there. You can normally catch MilesD there morning time East coast. Having said that Miles always answers posts here each day as he logs in. If you are interested there is a waiting list for ordering at the moment, you should consider putting your name on. If you do want to let me know. PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ Regards FireCat.
  15. For those interested Miles has written a firmware update for me at my request to try out. It changes the button 3 button (mouse wheel) for button 1 (left mouse click) I asked for this as when my arm & hand is stretched reaching for the DDI buttons my thumb sits naturally over button 3. So now for me, button 1 (furthest away) is my wheel. 2 (middle) is still the right mouse button. 3 (nearest) is the left mouse button. After firmware install, I did not have to set up as it worked out the box for me. Check the firmware update tab on the PointCTRL Discord. PointCTRL_Standard.pdf PointCTRL-Alternative.pdf
  16. Hi if you are interested, let me know and I will put you on the list of those wanting to purchase. You should also, if you haven't already head over to the PointCTRL Discord link below. PointCTRL Support Discord https://discord.gg/jH5FktJ
  17. Hi, and welcome back. If you haven't browsed back through the pages and save you a little time here are a few interesting posts also the PointCTRL Discord channel is up and running a good place to go now if you haven't already joined link at the bottom of any of MilesD posts. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4016919&postcount=1642 https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4018401&postcount=1655 https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4018943&postcount=1667 https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4023818&postcount=1699 Well, they are a few things I found interesting you can also catch and chat with Miles on Discord re any future developments he has in mind and the community as a whole.
  18. Yes, I certainly like this style of tutoring as opposed to reading it. For a dimwit like me, it actually has a chance of getting through and making sense sooner with far fewer 'eureka' palm slaps to my forehead as it finally sinks in. Excellent work as always Miles.
  19. This link might be of help also you can buy FIMO modelling material on eBay. http://forum.free-track.net/index.php?showtopic=2378
  20. Well said. So friend lets take a day off and R&R, fly I will be looking for you Miles on discord listening for a beep. F18 and a new toy (or if not set up) helo's Huey for me just some fun & chatter.
  21. Hi Miles, yes still been working in the background adding to the list. 3 since Monday all PM and a few before Monday. So yes I am still breathing lols. You seem very busy as well haha. Must arrange that flight.
  22. Hi AspenGrey, You have been added to the list link below. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3862014&postcount=690 Also, check out MilesD post. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3607054&postcount=1 Regards FireCat.
  23. That is one wicked office I am green with envy and admiration. Regarding the level of the monitor just a point to note. Check things in peripheral vision that includes behind the monitor (straight ahead of you) we think buildings floors, walls, ceilings etc are all level and plumb but they do move and over time buildings settle in. It only takes a horizontal line from another source (i:e where the wall and ceiling meet) that you are not focused on but in your, LOS to create the illusion the monitor is not level when its the other source even something close like the horizontal edges of the keyboard table. Just some thoughts to eliminate as a cause. I don't think that was a beer can in the cup holder although that would normally be the reason my monitor would look skew-whiff. Again great office.
  24. Lols. me too on realising I had missed an R I immediately stripped to the waist walked to the naughty corner and began to flog my back. Tonight I shall go to bed in an itchy horsehair shirt as further punishment.:bash:
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