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Everything posted by Marstiphal

  1. Same, 1st time in a loong time - complete session with no CTD. Fingers well and truly firmly crossed it continues
  2. Same as above ^^ 30 mins flight on fresh launched client for both of us, RIO CTD while doing absolutely nothing. No engagement, no PAL, just cruising. We simply cannot complete a session without a CTD. Only happens in 14, all other aircraft we can fly for hours without issue. Sometimes its pilot, sometimes its RIO I really cant understand how the testers don't get CTD for weeks when I literally cannot complete an hour session online (mainly BF or DDCS) without either myself, wingman or RIO CTD in the 14. I understand this is a hard one to nail down but the disparity with testers and online experience seem quite large.
  3. Same here, is the 14 flyable just with a pilot and no CTD? Is everyone here having crashes with a human RIO as well or are you flying as just a pilot. I too had a period of no crashes but now the module is unusable (certainly as a 2 human seater). When my RIO crahes out I am then unable to use any of the radar modes at all. This happens on every session. If there is anyone that does fly the F14 with 2 humans and has no crashes at all I'd love to hear what is different or what your settings might be.
  4. Just to clarify, this was at launch and not final phase, its a really odd one. The process was: Acquire ships on radar directly off my nose set Bx8 on the target set Bx7 as a midpoint directly between me and the target Get to within range and fire It was at this point that the missiles immediately at launch veered 45 degrees right, travelled some distance (presumably towards Bx7) and then turned back to the correct heading (presumably towards Bx8) but now offset some distance - certainly not where I placed Bx7 and Bx8 via the radar... hence the thought it was due to drift.
  5. Simple question really, is the RB15 affected by alignment drift? I thought setting bx8 and bx7 directly on the radar would eliminate any drift factor but I have seen missiles veer off on launch and its the only thing I can think of. Thanks
  6. This is unofficial but something I was putting together - more for myself than anything - hope it helps https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tJpHmhKyP8xYuXPCFx6x9rRplhE7WqolghEyhChBCxU/edit?usp=sharing
  7. I have a lot of love for the setup. It is by far my favorite server to play on both sides. Please keep doing what you do Buddyspike team :cheer3nc:- hugs and kisses EDIT: and with the server so popular you know you're doing something right ;) data p0rn...
  8. For sure, but again, there are servers that do have 120's for the F15's and off boreseight for the SU27's - which appears to be what he was after. Some large and very popular servers in fact. It just seems it would be easier to join one of those servers and have some fun rather than post negatively here about this server.
  9. Lots of other servers run with AIM-120's of all flavours if you need to get your 120 fix :)
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