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Posts posted by TheBigTatanka

  1. Other guys with the same force sensitive stick say they also get the "sloppy" pitch.

    I'm on a virpil stick, and I get a noticable rubber-banding of pitch. The FPM doesn't stop where you place it, instead, it oscillates up and down for a few seconds.

    Going back to the original post, I think it's reasonable to think that the yaw and pitch inertia values could be reversed in the code, giving this kind of excessive pitch inertia.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

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  2. You get a launch warning from fox-1 shooters (AA-10s and Sparrows) because at launch the shooter turns on a CW antenna to illuminate target aircraft. If the target aircraft's RWR gear is programed to detect that CW illumination, you get a missile launch indication.

    Is it theoretically possible that you could program a RWR gear to trigger a missile launch warning from a Fox-3 shooter by combining STT + some datalink waves out there? Maybe. How do you know where those datalink waves came from? How strong is that single if it's being directed towards a lofted missile and not the targeted jet? Does the enemy have the EW signature of those waves? Do they change?

    It's very very unlikely that an RWR set (especially the very old flanker and fulcrum sets in DCS) would get any launch indication until MPRF. Don't forget how very old the Russian jets in DCS are.

    Meanwhile, the fox-1 shooters are blasting the target with a CW antenna.... RWR gear is going to pick that up and give you a missile launch warning.

    Also.... Don't be reliant on that RWR gear. All you should care about is: 1. Was I ever spiked? 2. Distance to the leading edge. 3. Type of shooter you face.

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  3. Yeah, i think everyone has experienced the leap in performance when you hit around 2k pounds of fuel, and the sheer doggedness of the aircraft above 3k pounds of fuel.

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  4. I too think the sustained turn rate is matching, but above the Ps=0 line it bleeds a lot more than it should. It's also possible that below the STR line, it isn't gaining energy as easily as it should.

    It seems to be an induced drag problem.

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  5. Thanks this is helpful but it won't even work in CCIP. I will try dropping subsonic like TheBigTatanka said but is there any other potential problems for CCIP?
    Not just subsonic, but below .9 Mach. I hope this gets looked at.

    Let us know if it fixed your problem. Good luck.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

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  6. You're not an idiot. ED coded an arbitrary max mach of 0.9 for bomb release. It's much lower than the real carriage or employment limits -- and we know real world viper guys who loft their bombs on the mach for max WEZ -- But, alas, ED coded this limit in and it's something you need to be aware of when making an attack.

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  7. Use your eyes and drop in a visual mode. The F-16 is designed for visual bombing and can also bomb at night.

    If you want all weather (no visibility) attack, you need something like the strike eagle.

    I'm not saying you can't do an attack in the weather or without visibility of the target in the F-16, but it's not really what it was designed for, so you're asking a lot of the jet. Offset aimpoints could work for such a thing, but it seems unlikely to happen. For a low level CAS in a major combat operation, you're going to be dropping visually. For everything else, your target will be stationary. Hope that helps cage what expectations should be for the jet.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

  8. Skywalker, thanks for posting the manual pages. So it says there on the last line that the buttons are identical, and different buttons won't have a different effect.

    Sounds like for now, we can just leave one selected. Thank you!

    As far as the rest of the discussion -- good stuff, here's hoping it gets further fleshed out on both the jammer and jammed side of things.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

  9. I'm pretty sure we used to be able to hook datalink points on the HSD. I remember doing it, and i haven't flown the A-10 since 2012, so if must have been in the viper. Perhaps it was removed with a recent patch. I'll try it when I'm home and have someone to fly with.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

  10. Raptor, can you link that? Or give a summary? I'm on a trip and away from the computer for several days.

    My question was if it matters if we push one or all of the power buttons (1-5 + blank), or if DCS doesn't care because it doesn't model it in that detail.

    If i were home i would look at the manual and test -- but I'm on the road for a while and curious.

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

  11. Paladin,

    You're describing the mech as i recall for the HSD. I haven't tried it in a while, but it used to work. I do remember though, that you still have to cursor zero. And it will change your current steer point to the data steerpoint when you hook it.



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  12. So in WAG's video, he has buttons 1-5 plus blank selected. What we don't know is if it's more efficient to target certain bands only by only selecting corresponding buttons for certain radars. @BIGNEWY , do you know if the game is modeled to that level? I'm a pretty lazy pilot, and if it doesn't matter what buttons are depressed on the ECM panel, I'll save myself some button presses.

    Likewise, if it's more efficient to only power certain buttons to specifically target threats you are expecting, I'd happily do that too.

    I'm guessing that in modes 1&2 the RWR gear feeds into what is selected to transmit, but maybe it's not the case on mode3, and it would make a difference.


    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

  13. You can either hook the new point on the HSD, but what might be more reliable is to enter the steer point for the data you received. For example, if the message on the HUD says Data 500, you would go to steer point 500.

    Now, the important thing to know is that with whichever method you choose, you need to cursor zero, otherwise the delta from your last steerpoint will be there, and you'll be looking off into some random direction.


    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

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  14. That makes sense! Thanks for that! I guess if you had a low level route with timing on your knee board, and had built the points in the editor (or hand-jammed them in the jet), you could then estimate your entry time to the route, and add times for each steer point based on your planning before takeoff. If you had to Rolex, you could use the time page to shift right.

    This sounds like a great way to torture the dudes i fly with!

    Sent from my Pixel 4a (5G) using Tapatalk

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