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  1. silverdevil's post in Can't install was marked as the answer   
    @SharpeXB my first thought was AV too as @sleighzy suggested. another idea is to go to C:\Users\Jim\AppData\Local\Temp\ and delete the DCS folder contents. it is temp files and my folders are empty. when you retry the process it should repopulate as needed. 
  2. silverdevil's post in New Hard drive and transfer issues was marked as the answer   
    negative. only AC that you have show in Instant Action.
  3. silverdevil's post in Multiplayer Crash was marked as the answer   
    just a quick look. it seems you have some unofficial MODS.
    just to be sure, i would suggest you renaming your saved games\DCS.openbeta to openbeta.bak. start DCS. exit DCS. then copy your config folder from BAK to the newly generated openbeta folder. then run another repair.
  4. silverdevil's post in Sensitivity of Pedals was marked as the answer   
    in my recent attempts the AC is empty except fuel. taxiing seemed more touchy than i remember. 
    i made some headway last night. i did a tad of deadzone and some curve. i do not know why all this time using the same settings were all of a sudden different. i had no curve before.

  5. silverdevil's post in Occasional freezes was marked as the answer   
    hello. i suggest as a test to change from MSAA to TAA
    Set Preload Radius to max. 30000.
    Enable Full Screen mode.
    Disable civil traffic.
    Consider using TAA instead of MSAA.
    see if these changes matter. MSAA is a known resource hog.
  6. silverdevil's post in Image database is malformed. was marked as the answer   
    hello. check this link for more information
  7. silverdevil's post in Crash in MP was marked as the answer   
    hello. this does not appear to be DCS crashing. the log does not indicate it anyway. have you looked in window event viewer logs for something reported at the same time?
    2024-10-24 23:12:28
  8. silverdevil's post in After launching DCS I have problems was marked as the answer   
    unofficial mods as you mention are not supported by ED. you need to ask the mod developer. however anyone official from ED and other volunteers on the forum will urge you to disable all the mods and try the sim with official mods. if the sim works then you have a mod issue. essentially using scientific method. ED is not in the business to give us a base game thats free and then support free modules. not good business sense. another thing you can try that is quick is rename the DCS folder in the Saved Games folder. when DCS restarts you will get a new fresh DCS folder which will be free of debris.
  9. silverdevil's post in DCS is downloading lots of unneeded aircraft was marked as the answer   
    you get all these core mods because, if you use MP for instance, how would the AI appear or other players for that matter appear to you? all AC have to have a model to display. SP is the same. if you download an SP mission, you need the models.
  10. silverdevil's post in Crash Effects2.dll was marked as the answer   
    hello. the DCS.log shows just before the crash scripting errors. i am seeing MOOSE errors too. you could try to remove the scripts and see what happens. you could also try to lessen the smoke density.
  11. silverdevil's post in Virus detected by Windows Defender when trying to update DCS through steam was marked as the answer   
    hello. lots of posts about this same thing. not virus. these files get flagged because they are encrypted. this keeps people stealing intellectual property.
    try this if you are comfortable
    add exceptions for Saved Games and the Steam folder where DCS resides. i have standalone. so my game folder will be different.

  12. silverdevil's post in Startup issues after latest update was marked as the answer   
    hello. you can look in the Eagle Dynamics program group in Windows start menu. there should be a "repair" shortcut.
    another way is to open Windows File Explorer, browse to the folder "\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\".

    Then in the URL box type CMD. this will open the command prompt.

    then run DCS_updater.exe repair 
    come back to let us know how it goes.
  13. silverdevil's post in lag spikes like some other people but fixed my issue but not sure why or how it is causing problems. please help was marked as the answer   
    hello. try to disable hot plug in DCS options.

  14. silverdevil's post in Module manager: aqnything to update?! was marked as the answer   
    this is an ongoing issue. If you have FC2024, just ignore the FC3 errors as a group. you can enable the planes from FC3 individually.
  15. silverdevil's post in The hunt for updater (2). was marked as the answer   
    Indeed. The multithread version is in bin-mt. There is a DCS.EXE in both of the folders. They are slightly different.
    when i run the icon in my start menu, this is what is in the target value ["C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin\DCS_updater.exe" update} this checks for updates and then opens multithread preview.

  16. silverdevil's post in Update Error was marked as the answer   
    lots of topics about this.
    in a nutshell:
    first try a reboot of computer try to restart internet equipment check AV / Firewall
  17. silverdevil's post in MOVE DCS TO A NEW PC was marked as the answer   
    hello. i did a doc about this in 2021.
  18. silverdevil's post in DCS Stuttering mess launcing in 4k monitor was marked as the answer   
    you have another large monitor? from your sig you have a 13th gen CPU. any chance you are having the Pcore Ecore issue? 
  19. silverdevil's post in Potentially Unwanted App Message was marked as the answer   
    there are lots of these reports in the forum. the problem is your AV is finding various DLLs in DCS and marking them suspicious. if you feel comfortable, add DCS folders to exceptions. this is also know to speed up the loading.

  20. silverdevil's post in Update failed with virus alert was marked as the answer   
    if comfortable, you need to add a few folders to the exceptions. not just the updater. this is for defender but the folders to exclude are the same.

    you could also "report false positive" to help others. the files are not virus.
  21. silverdevil's post in Replay Mode changing was marked as the answer   
    hello. unfortunately the track system has been this way literally forever. there have been some improvements over the years. and there are many posts about the same problem. there is no fix. the track system was never meant for playback for content creation. it was used as small tracks for troubleshooting for the devs.
    i can however give you a tip. when you want to watch the track to create the content, unplug your controllers. any movement by you will affect what the AI does. the longer the track, the more error you will see.
  22. silverdevil's post in DCS 2.9 Crash at check-out and exit was marked as the answer   
    hello. it appears to be your AV blocking the file.
    2024-06-19 10:49:59.739 INFO    EDCORE (Main): C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\bin-mt\ImGui.dll
    you can if you are comfortable exclude DCS folder from real time scanning or pause AV software.
  23. silverdevil's post in dlc's missing was marked as the answer   
    hey max. sorry for the delay.

  24. silverdevil's post in [FREEZE] DCS 2.9 freezes on loading a mission, log's provided. was marked as the answer   
    ah. i am unsure of a limit for MIZs. i personally have a MIZ that is 75 MB. back to my question from before. can you share the mission? all the supposition is not going to get us anywhere helping you.
  25. silverdevil's post in Modules installing in unexpected folders was marked as the answer   
    hello. i have F-4 and have a folder in Saved Games and at same level as DCS. you did not make a mistake. must be some Heatblur stuff. there is also another folder in \Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\config\Input for each plane for controllers settings.

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