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  • Flight Simulators
    Be FS fan since 1993, from Air Worrior , FS, Jane's....to FSX, IL2, COD, Flanker, black shark to DCS
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  1. is there any HOTAS key can switch MAP/man (show/hidden map) in TAD? in real life, how is TAD MAP/man working? Thank you
  2. Thank you for illumination! hahhah Appreciate
  3. I saw "briefing room" in Forum. In latest news, even talk about 3D briefing room, but I never saw it in game. My question is where is "briefing room"? how to enter the room? Thank you !
  4. hope this function can be fixed soon.
  5. Thank you for explaination
  6. Thanks it works as you said. BTW, what is ” T UP"? Appreciate !
  7. without STD HDG pressed, INS set at AV or GND, after wait for long time untill it shows OK, but still, heading is unchanged (incorrect heading ) , same as game start. what caused this situation?
  8. my question is : What is the "correct resolution"? in Resonantcard1's reply. I open Nvidia software, the resolution of my moniter is same as the resolution shown in my options.lua still black screen as Karlat1987 said. eager to know Please
  9. is there a action in setting page called "recenter VR" in DCS game Option/ controls/ general page? if "recenter VR " is not in general keyboard setting , where it is? thank You!
  10. I did search in GAME control setting page. search "recenter " no result I 'll try again
  11. As title , at sometime cockpit view, head is not at center position. Which key is the hot key to reset head back to default (center position)? Thanks
  12. Appreciate for reply and those information
  13. thanks I'll see my key question come to my mind because I saw "no proper communiation" after I landed on deck I don't know how to communicate to erase "no proper ....."
  14. thank you! I'll search menu
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