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About Miguel21

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  • Flight Simulators
    Cliff of Dover
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  1. ok, thanks for the feedback
  2. here's the latest version of Scriptsmod, it's not yet finalized, so save everything before using it ^^. It fixes a few bugs, notably that of non-compatible targets. (cf UTIL_changelog.lua) ScriptsMod_503.zip
  3. there must be another module (integrated into DCE or not) like mist or something else, which reactive env.setErrorMessageBoxEnabled() In the future version, I'll activate it 2 times, one with a delay (30 or 60s) for the destruction on the ground, I have to test, it will be a little longer ^^.
  4. nulldid you apply the missionScripting mod to give DCE access to certain parts of DCS?
  5. it's boring ^^ can you push me your mission?
  6. the last error message is probably because you have enabled conf_mod : debugInGamePopup = false, it must be set to false, otherwise the slightest bug (and there are some, as it's sometimes difficult to know when an object can or cannot be queried) will block the game.
  7. I didn't understand. Do you mean that the destruction of bases and bridges is not counted? In the next mission, in the game (DCS), do they appear destroyed or not? Which version of scriptsMod are you using?
  8. OK, thanks, I'll look into it. In the meantime, I think you can force a SEAD if you designate a target yourself for option D, it was necessary to be able to play solo on a dedicated server. In MP, the parameters are already implemented
  9. For those who don't see DCE_Manager updates: DCE_Manager_V6_12_39_126.zip . and for those who haven't seen the latest ScriptsMod update, we're moving to version 483 (20.79.483). However, this should update correctly via DCE_Manager (let me know if it doesn't, in which case I'll post the scriptsMod 483 zip here)
  10. following the download problem you had, I tried to correct it. Here is the latest version DCE_Manager_V6_12_39_126.zip
  11. @PB0_CEF ? ^^
  12. Hi, there, What exactly is the name of the zip? And which server are you connected to? thank you In the meantime, here's the latest version: DCE_Manager_V6.12.38.125.zip null
  13. nullBefore / after Yes, I think it's a bug DCE_Manager\ASTI The program needs to be able to put back the same number of backslashes but I'm working on it ^^
  14. the post above has been resolved by updating the version of DCE_Manager. Try it with this one: If the bug persists, can you post me the original files (miz and template) and the final mission (.miz)? thanks
  15. NG = New generation we've changed the system a bit, but it must be 2 years or more now ^^
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