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Posts posted by Terrorban

  1. Get the F/A-18 if you plan on enjoying the most DCS has to offer. F-14 if you are fan of iconic jet which is way outdated now but has superb simulation and feel in comparison. One is a jack of all trades, master of none while other is dedicated fighter designed for only one purpose.


    Additionally you will be more engaged with the systems in the hornet while in tomcat a baby can fly since the jester AI does all the system management for you.

  2. RAZBAM does not reply to general queries in this forum anymore. They enjoy using discord more where they can just tell people whatever they want to hear. I asked earlier here if they are planning any support for Supercarrier module but they didn’t bother to reply.


    Regarding your question, RAZBAM has promised a lot of modules and have too many projects in their pipeline. Quantity over quality is their attitude so far. I’m sure they have the harrier 2 shoved somewhere within their pipeline too.

  3. Huh? Not only is it totally possible to set it up as a key bind, there are totally situations when you need to switch programs quickly.

    I’m beaming an AMRAAM and want to use my two buckets efficiently I’ll do single release chaff. But wait if I’m beaming that means the enemy is closing with their AIM-9X, in which case at some point it’ll be wisest to switch to single release flare unless I have enough flares to waste on a combined program.


    With two buckets of flares, I’m going with single release and switching programs. Only way to survive for more then two minutes


    Fun little scenario however, the jet simply does not have enough thrust or top speed to casually drop single chaff and notch AMRAAM. If you have not traded missiles then it is time to go defensive and get out. If enemy is at the AIM-9X range then they will have seekerhead and radar both locked at you. Simply dumping flares won’t help because they will just launch another one afterwards using radar lock so it is best to dump both chaff and flare together.


    Also notice that the jet does not carry lots of chaff and flares. They don’t expect you to linger around for too long. I suppose in the DCS environment where safety and proper procedures do not exist, having quick swappable program buttons is probably handy.

  4. Since the function consists within the MFCD, I doubt it is possible to Set it up as a simple keybind. Also you are suppose to set a profile before entering combat zone. Switching profile mid combat might work for a specialised jet like A-10 which was designed to linger in the combat zone but JF-17 has different method of attack. More like a viggen when attacking ground.


    I am not even going to pretend you mean to swap countermeasure profiles mid air combat.

  5. I like carrier ops but I am also holding back on this. Producing more early access content so they can have funds to continue developing previously released early access content is making me come back to DCS lesser and lesser. I am not getting any younger and the argument about if you don’t like early access then wait till it is released does not really apply here since majority of content in DCS is early access.


    P.S. watch how the mods merge this thread with the discussion thread as they have done with other negative ones on here.

  6. Well that puts my wallet back into my pocket.

    My commitment was to buy the module when the cockpit textures are better and now that it is on hold im not gonna buy it until its done.

    Im sorry but AAR is not on my priority list but that decision is not up to me. Good luck though with the update :thumbup:

    Cool beans. Razbam is more your type of developers mate. Check them out. Very good looking modules.

  7. It is simple, If you do not own either F/A-18 and or F-14 then this module is of no actual use to you other than look pretty. It was developed with F/A-18 in mind primarily so expect full support for it and F-14 is compatible with the help from Heatblur.


    Jump jets and helos can probably land on it like any other free carrier but no real simulation provided for them.

  8. Perhaps I shouldn't have said the JF-17 is so incredibly good, but rather that the SD-10 can outperform the AIM-120C (from what I've seen, anyways), and this has gotten me rather excited; it's not a Russian missile, but it's still red. Apologies if I was misunderstood.


    Did you try the SD-10 missile yourself yet? In actual DCS combat scenario the AIM-120C and this missile are barely any different.


    The fact is that ED quickly "Improved" their AIM-120C in just around 2 weeks after SD-10 was introduced. Between that time they said that it is a very long process to do another full research and they will not touch it before the new API is out.


    One missile is properly researched and developed and other is a quick patch job. We need to wait for the new missile API first and then we can have these types of talks.

  9. I appreciate you guys developing this however I need to see more than just text which can always be changed further down the line. Will get this once I see more in videos showcasing the functions and features that are actually finished.


    Spending food money, as everyone is calling it, is not the problem for me. I just want to actually see what is already availabe at launch and how much of the text is to be developed at later timeframe.

  10. Harriers don't operate from supercarriers anyways AFAIK.


    You are right. There were some tests on them but nothing came from it. This is why I was curious if there was any possibility for Tarawa to have animated crew but this is completely upto Razbam.


    Hope to get some reply from the developers when they return from their holidays.

  11. Like OP said, this jet can perform quite well in battle against other nato jets. The mentions of any mass killing of any adversary is just a fanboy claim.


    The immature replies such as "this can kill that" jibberish should not be taken seriously and ignored.


    In DCS we should all admire the developers efforts to simulation and not focus on what jet is better than what while stating unprovable claims.


    Please do not be dragged into pointless topic battle with obvious fanboys, this will never end. If you guys really want to prove your claims to each other so badly, do it in PvP match and not over the forums.

  12. I suppose the developers are still on their holidays. Or they are too afraid to look at this forum after leaving it unmoderated for weeks.


    I asked about the harrier support for Supercarrier and Razbam didnt reply while Wags said that they have no plans to support it for those ships. Wonder if we will ever see crew animations for jumpjets.


    I want to believe in Razbam because I love the harrier for being such a unique jet in DCS. Wishing them good luck with the carrier and harrier support for 2020.

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