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  1. The gauges with the little inset dial are proving to be a bit of a challenge. You have to get the spacing of holes for the various shafts just right or everything jams up. The two-gear ones are a little more forgiving. Cheers, Colin
  2. Cool. :)
  3. Noise suppression, basically. Here's an example from a MicroChip development board: Note also the 1K in-line resistor on the input pin. Always recomended for pots or switches. But that will be provided on the board by the manufacturer. Cheers, Colin
  4. I'd say you're doing real well there Ragtop. On the pots, you can certainly use common grounds and +5s. You can also, optionally, put a small cap across input and ground on each if it's not allredy in place on your board. What input board did you say you using for the pots? Cheers, Colin
  5. Here's something funny: for the longest time I thought from the pictures of the 358 Wire Manager accessory that how you used it was to put a spool of wire on it. Until I saw the In Use Example here: http://panavise.com/index.html?pageID=1&page=full&--eqskudatarq=38 Cheers, Colin
  6. It certainly is. I dont think I would get a 366 head though. It's not self-centering and doesn't look to be as "industrial" as the 376. Some of our panels, even replicas, can get quite heavy. For the size circuit boards I do, the Standard Head with the 344 Grooved Nylon Jaws works pretty well. http://panavise.com/index.html?pageID=1&page=full&--eqskudatarq=33 203 PV Jr. Head is also good, though the last PV Jr. I had, the two adjustment knobs on the end got locked up together and would not separate. http://panavise.com/index.html?pageID=1&page=full&--eqskudatarq=24 Cheers, Colin
  7. I ocurred to me that you might want to look at the Panavise Model 376 head. It's a real solid piece of kit, and I've found that it works well with our panels. http://www.allspectrum.com/store/extra-wide-opening-head-panavise-model-376-p-1510.html Cheers, Colin
  8. Yes, that's what works for me too. Colin
  9. This is way cool, brother. Colin
  10. Like, "used once" ?
  11. Nice work! Nice write-up too. Colin
  12. Nice. Really want to see the SU version. Colin
  13. I don't think I'd say only CAD drawings :-) They look mighty fine to me. Colin
  14. Looks pretty good. Colin
  15. Gears is here. Cheers, Colin
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