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Father Cool

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About Father Cool

  • Birthday November 11

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  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World
  • Location
  • Interests
    Model Building, 3D CGI modelling
  • Occupation
    CAD designer

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  1. Oh wind your neck in. I assumed a misunderstanding but I obviously didn't.
  2. With respect I don't misunderstand the dispute. It sucks for us from both perspectives. I just interpreted your comments as to imply that RB and more specifically M2M should crack on and carry on working despite it with your 'threat tactics' and 'take his bat and ball home' comment that's all and that that isn't a fair expectation from people who aren't being paid, regardless of the background situation. Sorry for any confusion there.
  3. No I don't forget that at all, however, that still doesn't then mean that the contractor then has to work on for free from then on out. The comment stated that it was RB taking their ball home by not continuing development and updates to their modules which despite the IP issue cannot be expected to carry on without payment regardless.
  4. I'm not a fan boy of anyone and I don't know what truth there is in the 'he said she said' of whether RB have been paid or not (I suspect not or this whole thing wouldn't be an issue in the first place), but as a business owner if I had supplied a product and wasn't paid for it then I certainly wouldn't be continuing the maintenance of the that product while the courts decide on whether I deserve my money or not. You can't expect RB (or anyone working for them such as M2M) to either. Hardly taking your bat and ball home is it.
  5. What utter BS, so now we can just say F22 is unbeatable in combat because whenever its put up against anything its intentionally made to lose to hide what it can do? Ok lol
  6. Correct. You can set it to continuously update i.e not freeze but it needs to rescan each time it does and takes computing power and essential time to do so for no benefit.
  7. This doesn't work for me because when I go back into open beta the 'your layouts' tab doesn't exist and it says that the DCS FILMING layout is not available in cloud.
  8. Agreed, I was very excited to see Heatblur take this over in 2021 but virtually no news since has left me with a sour taste.
  9. DCS-DTC is essential as far as I'm concerned.
  10. Yes I did, I never had the axis bound to anything. It's intermittent. I have flown about 4 times now since with no issues. All very odd.
  11. Solved: It was my Steam screenshot key bound to 'end'. False alarm.
  12. When I press the end key or the numpad 1 key (which is also technically an end key) it plays a sound. This happens only when DCS is the focus window. In every aircraft and in every menu it makes the sound. Out of game it doesn't. No idea what's going on but its very annoying. It didn't used to do it until a couple of updates ago.
  13. I have developed and issue where the TPOD cannot be moved up or down using mapped buttons, but left and right are fine. If I map them as an axis it works just fine in both directions. It's not the buttons as they register in the binding screen perfectly and the cursor works just fine on the radar screen etc with the same hat switch. Has anyone else had this and can it be cured?
  14. It is effected, agreed but by only a very small amount when you are so close to the window itself, even less so with a canopy which doesn't get in the way 'line of sight' as its up in the air until virtually completely down anyway. As I said if I sit in a car park and wind up the window its still probably about 90% volume even when the window is only open probably an inch or two.
  15. Agreed, it ought to in fairness be pretty much 100% until it actually closes. If I crack open the window in my car when sat in a busy car park the external sound is pretty much full volume right up until the window is actually fully closed.
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