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Posts posted by enigma6584

  1. I'll chime in here as well.  A beautiful module.  So many interesting characteristics and really sits well within the DCS "Cold War" universe.  So many ideas regarding mission making and using this module as the primary focus.  Bravo to the developers.

    • Like 2
  2. Just wanted to chime in here myself.  I'm running Stable Version DCS released August 4th and have noticed same thing while attempting Altitude Hold.  In the Track File, you'll see me go to a hover from the runway, about 10 feet, stabilize myself and hit Speed Hold.  You see the box on left side of my IHADSS.  I then come down to about 7 feet and hit the Altitude Hold.  No symbology shows up on right side of the IHADSS.  Yet, it seems to be holding my altitude.  I go "Hands Free" from the HOTAS, and you can see it holding steady and at 7 feet above the ground.  I then go to outside view, again I'm "Hands Free" and the Apache is holding steady and at Altitude Hold yet no symbology on the right side of my IHADSS.

    Please see Track File attached below.


  3. Same thing happening to me repeatedly.  Cruising at FL20 and above at .8 mach.  Obviously, the Developers know about this.  Was wondering whether any of you were able to get alternator restarted?  I've dived down to lower altitude, like FL15, speed up to mach '8+, wait for a while then turn back on alternator.  Alternator still shows caution.

    • Like 1
  4. I've just had two days now playing with this new early access module.  Bravo to the Aerges team.  Beautiful aircraft to model.  So many mission design ideas are banging around my head.  Going to be fun.  Cheers.

  5. On 8/2/2022 at 6:24 AM, Rongor said:

    This is the crappiest radar I saw in any of my DCS module so far. I can't even detect a MiG21 which is in visual range ahead of my nose. It's basically blind.

    Can we get rid of it to enjoy a lighter aircraft This way we then maybe can at least make flying this brick a bit more enjoyable...


    Perhaps DCS "Game Mode" is better suited for your talents?

    • Like 6
  6. Okay, I tested again today and now everything seems to work properly.  The difference is I set all independent flights to only two aircraft and gave them full fuel and weapons loadouts and they take-off and land properly now.  With my own AI wingmen, I cut my flight down from 3 aircraft to just two, me and my AI wingman and that worked properly from a ramp start on the deck.


  7. I use "Stable Release" version of DCS.  I noticed the other day in setting up a mission that AI wingmen DO NOT take off from the Tarawa.  They, as others have stated here earlier, sit in their parking spaces and do not move.  If I place an independent AI Section as "Late Activation" and "Start from Runway" they will do a vertical take-off but then hang there above the deck and not move any further.  Kind of difficult to make a mission using AI and the Tarawa.  AI wingmen and AI Independant Harriers work fine when taking off from a regular airfield.

  8. I was experimenting with the issue in the Harrier today.  Here is what I had found...again, only in the Harrier.  I've not tested the TACAN issue with any other fast jet module.

    First pic. I’m in the mission and I’ve set my TACAN setting on my Harrier to the TACAN frequency of the KC-130 including setting it to A/A. Notice no TACAN symbol but there seems to be a waypoint symbol which moves. I got to think this is a bug.



    The next two screenshots show nothing changed in my Harrier settings tracking the KC-130 except I switched from A/A to T/R. You see this on the second screenshot here and notice that TACAN symbology does now show up on the MFD.




    The last screenshot shows same settings but I wanted to check whether the DME distance figures show up on the HUD. They do. The way this is all going down just leads me to think it’s a bug but I really don’t know.




  9. Within your trigger, add something like "Alarm State Green" or "Weapons Hold."  Something to get them to ignore their primary "Enroute Task."  You can tell them to go to a waypoint like you did but you must get them to ignore the primary tasking like CAP or what-ever you have them set to.  I'm not in the game now but IIRC, if you look at the first waypoint of your ENY fighters and its primary task is like "CAP" or something go into the advanced waypoint actions and look at the button for "condition end" and see if you can use flags or time to end the primary task.  That plus your "Go to Waypoint" action should finally set them to go where you want them to go.

    • Like 1
  10. On 10/8/2021 at 11:37 AM, tugais said:

    It's been a while since you asked and you probably found out that these new pilot models have been released in the latest stable branch release.


    Yep, been flying with them.  Pretty neat IMHO.

  11. 5 hours ago, Foogle said:

    Just a guess, but, the indicator may be an off the shelf part, so the maximum on the gauge is not the maximum of the system, because it's not purpose built for the aircraft. 


    Good point.  I understand this is a short-range fighter so I guess I'll have to carefully think about range when creating the missions.  IIRC, the original versions of the JF-17 did not have Air-2-Air refueling probe, that came later with upgrades to the aircraft.  Perhaps the Developer of DCS JF-17 can provide an upgrade to the Oxygen system to match the new-found ranges with respect to Air-2-Air refueling.  🙂


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