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    The Continent

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  1. With all the discussions regarding trimming, why isn't an auto-trim option implemented which removes the necessity to trim? I guess it should be easy to implement. I'd appreciate it...
  2. Carrier group templates (SC and non-SC, USA and Russia) would be usefull for quickly creating some missions - with AWACS and helis and stuff please. And: same mouse functions for editor and F10, especially LMB and RMB functions. This always keeps confusing me when trying out missions I'm throwing together.
  3. Hi there! Attached you'll find a Perl script which uses the Keyboard.html you can create within DCS and adds all shortcuts to a provided pr0 so they are selectable within the profile editor. Please rename it to shortcut_merger.pl Caveat: the profile editor will become pretty slow after adding 100+ new commands to choose from. You have been warned. You need: - Perl (e.g. http://strawberryperl.com/releases.html) - the Perl modules "HTML::TableExtract" and "Data::UUID"; you may need to execute "cpan install HTML::TableExtract" and "cpan install Data::UUID" to install depending on your environment - A pr0 file to add the shortcuts to - A Keyboard.html which you'll get from the "make HTML" button If you have the script, an Untitled.pr0 and the Keyboard.html all together in one dir just call "perl shortcut_merger.pl.txt" or "perl shortcut_merger.pl" and you'll get an Output.pr0 if all goes well. Or use alternative file names with "perl shortcut_merger.pl [input profile] [Output profile] [Keyboard HTML file]" And then :joystick: ... shortcut_merger.pl.txt
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