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About sgmcgee1967

  • Birthday March 30

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  • Flight Simulators
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    Video games dogs and tools.
  • Occupation
    Disabled veteran

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  1. I finally found the issue. I had added an aircraft mod. When I uninstalled it, the ships came back.
  2. I place my ships in the mission, but when I start the ships do not appear. I have been playing for years and this is new. Missions I played today had ships, but this evening, they won't show up. I repaired dcs open beta (current version), everything runs fine, just no ships. I've tried different ships, different countries, but have had no luck. Any suggestions?
  3. Something else is happening. When I change between pilot and rio, the plane rolls over and crashes, regardless of what commands I give.
  4. Make sure that you have the models button. It's on the bottom of the me screen. I think it looks like a tank.
  5. I have noticed that I have to apply more throttle than usual to begin aircraft movement on the flight deck. The F-14 needs extra throttle to get going, but once it starts, it will run right off the deck even when applying brakes. The F/A-18 is not as bad, but has the same issue. I have tried calibrating my throttle, but it has not helped.
  6. My son's laptop has that same configuration except it has an I 7. My laptop runs DCS great, and its graphics are great. My laptop has I 7 gtx 1060ti and 16gb of ram.
  7. Thank you. I will try that tomorrow
  8. I noticed that my radar switch is changed from baron to radar sometimes the radar alt works. Other times on radar the b in the hud just blinks. Any ideas on what to do?
  9. Does anybody know why the tdc slew pushed upward the view goes down and vice versa pushed downward.
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