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    DCS World

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  1. Well if you pause / menu screen the screen your head movement with for example track ir still registers input and you head will move. At that moment you can also adjust your zoom view.
  2. I've updated the CockpitKeyboardZoomAcceleration = 900.0, but the zoom is still fixed at the default. Only if i pause the screen / menu screen, the zoom works for me.
  3. Sadly doesn't work anymore... Its now only in the menu screen / paused screen.
  4. Is this still an issue? I checked the MGRS but couldn't find anything. The whole area is changed. Please give a Lon Lat or an exact grid. @ctajiuh58 As far i can see / tell all issues are resolved. At least mine are. If you don't find any related to this topic, please mark this thread as resolved. It took a while, but thanks Ugra Media :). I can now properly setup a mission from Golan Heights to Damascus.
  5. I would do it for free to fix the textures if i had the time. Its really a mess and a low effort to make it right. I've got some experience with texturing and UV Mapping and i bet other people in the DCS Community would join / help to fix this if they are invited. There is some amazing talent within the community and in the end its a matter of willing and caring about every aspect of your product.
  6. I agree it would be nice to have better terrain. I also dont like the jagged edges and weird deformation of the terrain mesh. And i think it would be a nice experiment to see if this can also give a boost to ground warfare. The details of the cities in Afghanistan are much better then in te past, but the terrain still an immersion killer on low / ground level.
  7. When i want to start DCS World with the new launcher, i don't see any content or buttons such as my profile and settings. See attached image what i see. Sometimes it shows a bit more, like some text. But mostly it looks like this. I can still click on the yellow orange button and launch the game. But visually everything seems to be hidden. null
  8. Are you sure you are looking at the right spots? As mentioned in the notes, not every part of the Afghanistan map is high-res yet. Go checkout Herat. There is an additional shading technology to make the edges of the mountains much more natural. Still polygon edges are there, but its much less of an issue. Also more polygons will hit performance way more. This image below is taken nearby Herat airfield. Many areas still need some polishing, but what do you expect with such a huge map. I am lost many times when I just go cruising with my camera over this immense map. Also as mentioned by ED, its still in progress and many areas are going to be added with a much higher resolution. null
  9. Love this new feature! Thanks allot. A question comes to mind though, is it also possible to dynamically spawn AI units via this method by script?
  10. @RealDCSpilot Excellent analysis. Thanks for the effort deep diving into this issue. Explains allot why the performance and visuals are lacking. Yesterday did also a closeup compare with the AH-64D and the OH-58D and it is a major difference. Bigger then i expected it would after i did a closeup inspection.
  11. Thanks! I will add it to my tricks toolbox.
  12. I agree to a certain extend, but high resolution textures are very important to mitigate the visuals of a low poly model.
  13. Although i very much love the Kiowa and its awesome versatile role as AFAC / Light attack helicopter there are some major points to be noted: - Very low textures and low poly model, when i downloaded to module, 250MB is just laughable compared to the average of 1,5GB per module. Textures are just below par on every level. - Very annoying MMS issue when zooming and slewing. - Below average sound quality. I'm glad they are contacting Echo19 audio for better sounds, their F-16C and FA-18C Hornet sounds are amazing. - Performance is the worst of all helicopters, it eats atleast 10 FPS more compared to the Apache which is a more complex module - Flight model is nice but requires some finetuning when hover at near ground level. It seems i don't get any torque and it will fall down (not a VRS issue). Switching to AI hover will stop the helicopter from falling down $70.00 USD's is just rude in my opinion.
  14. It would be great for mission building to have Hold / Hover tasks for Helicopters. This way you have a more refined control what the behavior would be when a helicopter reaching a certain waypoint, instead of having to find workarounds with orbit or adding a second waypoint with a very slow movement speed which all have annoying side effects. Parameters what would be nice are: - Duration of hold / hover - Direction / heading of hold / hover - Removing the task hold / hover will cause the helicopter to resume its normal behavior / moving a long its waypoints or route.
  15. Hi CakeSorbus,

    I have a question about your amazing script for the Gazelle. I stumbled upon the same problem for what i trying to do for the AH 64-D Apache when it comes to trigonometry and used your brute force method. But some how i cant get my pitch accuracy fixed. I'm hardly an expert when it comes to math, but the only thing i'm stuck with is the calculation the pitch of the TADS to calculate the distance where it LOS of the TADS hits the ground. 

    I will add my script what i have now.


    what i dont understand is the code below, why aren't you using the pitch angle of the Viviane, or in my case TADS directly?

    if vAngle < 0 then 
        vAngleOffset =  math.pi/2 + vAngle * math.rad(18)
      elseif vAngle > 0 then 
        vAngleOffset =  vAngle * math.rad(13)
        vAngleOffset = 0

    What i don't understand are the arbitrary numbers RAD 13 and RAD 18. How does it relate to the calculation and 

    local LasingCondLLim = (1/18) * -.1
    local LasingCondULim = (1/13) * .1

    Is this linked together?

    Btw before you ask, why are you building this for the AH-64D, it already has a laser spot tracking etc. I want to brute force the position of the TADS so i can use it in other script like Calling Artillery, Creating markers for buddies etc. 

    Thanks for helping!



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