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Having had problems in getting OPFOR artillery to fire once friendly forces enter a trigger zone... here's some advice. Advice given presuming you know where's where in DCS World Mission Planner and know the basics. STEP ONE: lay down some artillery vehicles. Not static, vehicles. Be mindful the targets have to be outside their minimum range represented by a green circle. You also want to name this group something you can remember and identify later on like "Nona". STEP TWO: you need some friendly vehicles on the move. You want to name this group starting with a prefix clearly indicating being friendly like TF. I prefer friendly TFs in the Caucuses theatre named after Georgian ballerinas (e.g. Nina, Nutsa) but that's me. STEP THREE: you need a trigger zone. Can be circular or four-sided. I recommend giving the artillery 2-3 minutes to get ready to fire at a point with a circumference of like 1000 feet or so. STEP FOUR: You need trigger rules. This is where we tell DCS what, how and where to shoot artillery. A) The best trigger rules are 2 Repetitive Action for Type and NO EVENT for Event. B) Then you want to under "CONDITIONS" either go "Part of Group in Zone" or "Part of Coalition in Zone". Make sure you select the proper coalition or group you want fired on. I recommend limiting this to "Ground" units in UNIT TYPE. You also must select the right trigger zone also. C) Finally, the Actions. You need to do two (2) actions - first, activate the artillery unit by first selecting for action "GROUP ACTIVATE" and selecting the group I hope you named clearly back in step one. Second, then you need to create a second action by selecting "GROUP AI ON" for the same artillery unit doing the firing. The below screen shot should help: This is what after a week of trial-and-error works. Safe to say this should work with some tweaks for SAMs & AAA. Finally, I have attached a static mission I'm still working on with more assets to be added to the final version & better routing + timing. But for the sake of simplicity I'm sharing now before those assets get added - like some Georgian Su-25s, an E-3 Sentry, some C-17s, and more Idaho A-10s. For starters. So please don't read too much into this. A-10C II Basic Mission 08 BETA v2 - Battle of Poti.miz
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- trigger
(and 2 more)
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I often spend most of my time making missions and I would just like to make suggestions for units to be added. Artillery: Australia, Canada, Colombia, India, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, and the United States: M777 Howitzer 155mm (Modern 2000-present) ________________________________________________________________________________ Soviet Russia/Russia, and many many other countries from South Africa to Asia, Vietnam war to current: M46 130mm (1951-Present): ________________________________________________________________________________ United States, South and North America, Middle Eastern and South Eastern Countries, used in Vietnam war to present conflicts M114 155mm (1942-present): _________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: In order to make them mobile, some sort of animation will be needed where a truck could hitch up an artillery piece and tow it, this would also make for more interesting scenarios for convoys but as a start can do without mobility ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ground launch ATGM (Stationary Units): United States and many others, BGM-71 TOW, from Vietnam War to present (1970-present): _________________________________________________________________________________ Soviet Russia and many others, 9K111 Fagot, from Vietnam War to present (1970-present): Note: It would be interesting to have troops able to deploy these ATGM Launchers in the field after getting to their destination ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yes this is a game/sim for aircraft, but I reckon most players spend their time doing air to ground then any other in DCS, more cold war aircraft are coming out and these units I suggested I tried to aim for a cold war setting to add life the those dates. In Mission Editor for the Towed Artillery and ATGM Launchers, it would be great to have a box to tick to weather or not have a semi circle wall of sandbags as a defence. Picture below with the Artillery or ATGM firing from behind it.
Thanks in adv for going through this scripting debugging. I have the below code which is part of the larger code: local targetPoint2d = {} targetPoint2d.x = targetPoint.x targetPoint2d.y = targetPoint.z local fireTask = { id = 'FireAtPoint', params = { point = targetPoint2d, radius = 3000, expendQty = 10, expendQtyEnabled = true } } local groupName = spawnedGroup:GetName() spawnedGroup:OptionROEWeaponFree() Group.getByName(groupName):getController():pushTask(fireTask) local spawnMarkPointText = "RED Artillery has spawned in " .. selectedRedZone:GetName() trigger.action.markToAll(10, spawnMarkPointText, spawnPoint, true) local targetMarkPointText = "RED Artillery is targeting " .. nearestBlueZone:GetName() trigger.action.markToAll(11, targetMarkPointText, { x = targetPoint.x, y = 0, z = targetPoint.z }, true) local redZoneName = selectedRedZone:GetName() local blueZoneName = nearestBlueZone:GetName() MESSAGE:New("Spawning RED Artillery in zone: " .. redZoneName .. " and targeting blue zone: " .. blueZoneName .. " Artillery Group Name is: " .. groupName .. " Target point is: x=" .. targetPoint.x .. ", y=" .. targetPoint.y .. ", z=" .. targetPoint.z, 10):ToAll() The marker appears as well as the messages and arti group, but they dont start firing! and the target point is within a range. any idea how can I debug this ?