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Flight Simulators





Found 6 results

  1. Medium-Sized PvP event Tuesday, 17th of December 2024, 20:00z/GMT Domination is a symmetrical one-time, one-life, round based PvP event. Anyone can participate, lonewolves and beginners are encouraged to sign up! The mission will be played on Persian Gulf between Liwa (Blue) and Khasab (Red). There are 18 slots. The goal for both sides is to capture and hold as many of the three control zones as possible. The more zones a team controls, the quicker it achieves air control. The first team to reach 100% air control wins. The time limit is 40 minutes. If either team is fully shot down before time runs out, the other side wins. If time runs out before either side has achieved 100% air control, the side with a higher air control percentage will win. After winning, at least one member of the winning team must successfully RTB. If the losing side can prevent all enemies from going RTB, its a draw. If the combined result is a draw, the winning team will be decided based on the amount of survivors. ~~~~~~~~~~ RULES & INFO ~~~~~~~~~~ Flyable aircraft (both sides): F-15C, F-15E, M-2000C, Su-27, Su-33, J-11A, MiG-29, JF-17, F-14A, F-14B, F-18, F-16. Schedule: Be in the Fighting Wing Discord on Tuesday, the 17th of December 2024, 20:00z/GMT. At least 2 rounds will be played, each round is expected to last around 30-60 minutes. Sign-up: State your callsign and preferred coalition. If signing up your squadron, declare how many people are guaranteed to show up to reserve slots for them. You can sign up in the Fighting Wing Discord too. Format: Callsign:.................... Coalition:.................. You must be in the Fighting Wing Discord at the start of the event: https://discord.gg/mCgV2fMeuv 2000s setup: J-11s and Su-33 (J-15) have access to 4 PL-12s on the inner stations, to bring R-77s, they will have to replace one of those PL-12s with one. The warehouses and loadout limits will not allow to load AIM-9X, more than 2 R-73s on Flankers or more than 6 AIM-120C. Both sides have access to the same airplanes. If 50% or more of a team consists of MiG-29/M-2000C/F-14, they can get access to a GCI (Combined Arms JTAC slot) if one is available. Alternatively, they can have an additional slot. Using ECM at all is prohibited! In planes that carry jammers internally such as the M2000C, double check that it is off before takeoff! No exploiting AOA to cause lag. No questionable mods such as exporting MFDs to the main screen or removing the cockpit floor. If unsure about a mod, DM staff in the discord. Do not "GCI" from spectators, join the spectators channel in discord if you want to spectate after death. Do not screenshare your cockpit or the GCI scope to flying teammates. There will be a 10 minute takeoff delay timer to allow people to connect the server. After the timer runs out, a script will prevent any new slots from being occupied. If you die or disconnect past this point, wait for the next round. Landing anywhere outside the home airfield will lead to your airplane spontaneously exploding. Both sides airfields have no defenses at all initially. A set of medium and short range air defenses will spawn at each sides airfields within 5 minutes once winning conditions are achieved. An invulnerable E-3 will be available on 305.000 on a racetrack for both sides near the home base. Tankers are available on 300.000 on a racetrack. Shooting them down is possible, but will not be counted in any way. Texaco: Russian tanker, Shell: Boom tanker (Blue: 41Y, Red: 40Y), Arco: Basket tanker (Blue: 39Y, Red: 38Y). An SRS server will be provided. Slot List: Blue: (4/10) GRY 23 | Yaze GRY 27 | Beans GRY 72 | Xagrem GRY-A | Midnight Red: (5/10) GRY 33 | Maximus GRY 73 | Money GRY-A | Iron87 GRY-A | Fox7rot Rolfey Reserve: Changelog since last event: - Improved Robustness of the scripts - Added a 10 minute timer after the takeoff timer runs out, if a team has no one airborne by then, the other team wins automatically.
  2. Sunday November 3rd at 1300 UTC, Phobetor SQN will host a fun BVR PvP tournament for F-18 pilots! Come join is if you are up for some fun or look to improve your F18 BVR skills! Anyone is allowed to join, no matter you skill, and feel free to invite your friends! The matches will consist of simple 1v1's over flat terrain, with 60nm starting separation, and a max round time of 8 minutes. We will use a double elimination bracket, everyone will get to fly at least 3 matches. https://phobetor.site/ - https://discord.gg/BFXQxACC You will not be able to participate without signing up, Sign-ups close 24h before the event! Get yourself signed up here: https://forms.gle/nkFSNsi7Thw3zCm87
  3. Medium-Sized PvP event Sunday, 13th of October 2024, 17:00z/GMT Domination is a symmetrical one-time, one-life, round based PvP event. Anyone can participate, lonewolves and beginners are encouraged to sign up! The mission will be played on Persian Gulf between Liwa (Blue) and Khasab (Red). There are 18 slots. The goal for both sides is to capture and hold as many of the three control zones as possible. The more zones a team controls, the quicker it achieves air control. The first team to reach 100% air control wins. The time limit is 40 minutes. If either team is fully shot down before time runs out, the other side wins. If time runs out before either side has achieved 100% air control, the side with a higher air control percentage will win. After winning, at least one member of the winning team must successfully RTB. If the losing side can prevent all enemies from going RTB, its a draw. If the combined result is a draw, the winning team will be decided based on the amount of survivors. ~~~~~~~~~~ RULES & INFO ~~~~~~~~~~ Flyable aircraft (both sides): F-15C, F-15E, M-2000C, Su-27, Su-33, J-11A, MiG-29, JF-17, F-14A, F-14B, F-18, F-16. Schedule: Be in the Fighting Wing Discord on Sunday, the 13th of October 2024, 17:00z/GMT. At least 2 rounds will be played, each round is expected to last around 30-60 minutes. Sign-up: State your callsign and preferred coalition. If signing up your squadron, declare how many people are guaranteed to show up to reserve slots for them. You can sign up in the Fighting Wing Discord too. Format: Callsign:.................... Coalition:.................. You must be in the Fighting Wing Discord at the start of the event: https://discord.gg/mCgV2fMeuv 2000s setup: J-11s and Su-33 (J-15) have access to 4 PL-12s on the inner stations. The warehouses and loadout limits will not allow to load AIM-9X, more than 2 R-73s on Flankers or more than 6 AIM-120C. Both sides have access to the same airplanes. If 50% or more of a team consists of MiG-29/M-2000C/F-14, they can get access to a GCI (Combined Arms JTAC slot) if one is available. Alternatively, they can have an additional slot. Using ECM at all is prohibited! In planes that carry jammers internally such as the M2000C, double check that it is off before takeoff! No exploiting AOA to cause lag. No questionable mods such as exporting MFDs to the main screen or removing the cockpit floor. If unsure about a mod, DM staff in the discord. Do not "GCI" from spectators, join the spectators channel in discord if you want to spectate after death. Do not screenshare your cockpit or the GCI scope to flying teammates. There will be a 10 minute takeoff delay timer to allow people to connect the server. After the timer runs out, a script will prevent any new slots from being occupied. If you die or disconnect past this point, wait for the next round. Landing anywhere outside the home airfield will lead to your airplane spontaneously exploding. Both sides airfields have no defenses at all initially. A set of medium and short range air defenses will spawn at each sides airfields within 5 minutes once winning conditions are achieved. An invulnerable E-3 will be available on 305.000 on a racetrack for both sides near the home base. Tankers are available on 300.000 on a racetrack. Shooting them down is possible, but will not be counted in any way. Texaco: Russian tanker, Shell: Boom tanker (Blue: 41Y, Red: 40Y), Arco: Basket tanker (Blue: 39Y, Red: 38Y). An SRS server will be provided. Slot List: Blue: (9/9) [FOX] Nemisis [FOX] Venom [FOX] Crawfish [FOX] Zim [FOX] Vortex [FOX] Onnerby [51] Kali [51] Spade GRY 23 | Yaze Red: (7/9) GRY 73 | Money GRY 33 | Maximus E-TF[102] Riker E-TF[108] Lasskii E-TF[101] Breeze E-TF[111] Ankou E-TF[803] Vetis.EC Reserve: [FOX] Joker GRY-A | Gods E-TF[810] Thermos
  4. Medium-Sized PvP event Friday, 13th of September 2024, 18:00z/GMT Domination is a symmetrical one-time, one-life, round based PvP event. Anyone can participate, including beginners and lonewolves. The mission will be played on caucasus between Anapa (red) and Sochi (blue). There are 20 slots. The goal for both sides is to capture and hold as many of the three control zones as possible. The more zones a team controls, the quicker it achieves air control. The first team to reach 100% air control wins. The time limit is 30 minutes. If either team is fully shot down before time runs out, the other side wins. If time runs out before either side has achieved 100% air control, the side with a higher air control percentage will win. After winning, at least one member of the winning team must successfully RTB. If the losing side can prevent all enemies from going RTB, its a draw. If the combined result is a draw, the winning team will be decided based on the amount of survivors. ~~~~~~~~~~ RULES & INFO ~~~~~~~~~~ Flyable aircraft (both sides): F-15C, F-15E, M-2000C, Su-27, Su-33, J-11A, MiG-29, JF-17, F-14A, F-14B, F-18, F-16. Schedule: Be in the Fighting Wing Discord on Friday, the 13th of September 2024, 18:00z/GMT. At least 2 rounds will be played, each round is expected to last around 30-40 minutes on average. Sign-up: State your callsign and preferred coalition. If signing up your squadron, declare how many people are guaranteed to show up to reserve slots for them. You can sign up in the discord too. Format: Callsign:.................... Coalition:.................. You must be in the Fighting Wing Discord at the start of the event: https://discord.gg/mCgV2fMeuv Classic SARH. The warehouses and loadout limits will not allow to load ARH missiles including AIM-54. Neither R-27ER/R-27ET or AIM-9X. R-73s are limited to 2 on flankers. If 50% or more of a team consists of MiG-29/F-16/JF-17, they can get access to a GCI (Combined Arms JTAC slot) if one is available. Alternatively, they can have an additional slot. Using ECM at all is prohibited! In planes that carry jammers internally such as M2000C, double check that it is off before takeoff! No exploiting AOA to cause lag. No questionable mods such as exporting MFDs to the main screen or removing the cockpit floor. If unsure about a mod, DM staff in the discord. Do not "GCI" from spectators, join the spectators channel in discord if you want to spectate after death. Do not screenshare your cockpit or the GCI scope to flying teammates. There will be a takeoff delay timer to allow people to connect the server. After the timer runs out, a script will prevent any new slots from being occupied. If you die or disconnect past this point, wait for the next round. Landing anywhere outside the home airfield will lead to your airplane spontaneously exploding. Both sides airfields have no defenses at all initially. A set of medium and short range air defenses will spawn at each sides airfields within 5 minutes once winning conditions are achieved. A circling, invulnerable E-2 with Datalink feed is available over each sides home base. An SRS server will be provided. Slot List: Blue: (8/10) GRY 77 | Jot GRY 72 | Xagrem GRY 33 | Maximus GRY-A | Kubner GRY-A | Coldclaws GRY-A | Gods GRY 73 | Money GRY 23 | Yaze Red: (10/10) [CETAV] Wildchild [CETAV] Naza [CETAV] ToRo [CETAV} Hunter [CETAV] Erwin [M] Zachtrix ETF[101] Breeze ETF[102] Riker [51] Kali ETF[803] Vetis.EC Reserve: [FOX] Nemisis <64>YAGA
  5. Medium-Sized PvP event Friday, 30th of August 2024, 20:00z/GMT Domination is a symmetrical one-time, one-life, round based PvP event. Anyone can participate, including beginners and lonewolves. The mission will be played on caucasus between Anapa (red) and Sochi (blue). In the first iteration, we will limit the slot count to 16. If there are no performance issues, this number will increase in the future. The goal for both sides is to capture and hold as many of the three control zones as possible. The more zones a team controls, the quicker it achieves air control. The first team to reach 100% air control wins. The time limit is 30 minutes. If either team is fully shot down before time runs out, the other side wins. If time runs out before either side has achieved 100% air control, the side with a higher air control percentage will win. After winning, at least one member of the winning team must successfully RTB. If the losing side can prevent all enemies from going RTB, its a draw. If the combined result is a draw, the winning team will be decided based on the amount of survivors. ~~~~~~~~~~ RULES & INFO ~~~~~~~~~~ Flyable aircraft (both sides): F-15C, F-15E, M-2000C, Su-27, Su-33, J-11A, MiG-29, JF-17, F-14A, F-14B, F-18, F-16. Schedule: Be in the Fighting Wing Discord on Friday, 30th of August 2024, 20:00z/GMT. At least 2 rounds will be played, each round is expected to last around 30-40 minutes on average. Sign-up: State your callsign and preferred coalition. If signing up your squadron, declare how many people are guaranteed to show up to reserve slots for them. Format: Callsign:.................... Coalition:.................. You must be in the Fighting Wing Discord at the start of the event: https://discord.gg/mCgV2fMeuv Classic SARH. The warehouses and loadout limits will not allow to load ARH missiles including AIM-54. Neither R-27ER/R-27ET or AIM-9X. R-73s are limited to 2 on flankers. If over 50% of a team consists of MiG-29/F-16/JF-17, they can get access to a GCI (Combined Arms JTAC slot) if one is available. Alternatively, they may get an extra slot. Using ECM at all is prohibited! In planes that carry jammers internally such as M2000C, double check that it is off before takeoff! No exploiting AOA to cause lag. No questionable mods such as exporting MFDs to the main screen or removing the cockpit floor. If unsure about a mod, DM staff in the discord. There will be a takeoff delay timer to allow people to connect the server. After the timer runs out, a script will prevent any new slots from being occupied. If you die or disconnect past this point, wait for the next round. Landing anywhere outside the home airfield will lead to your airplane spontaneously exploding. Both sides airfields have no defenses at all initially. A set of medium and short range air defenses will spawn at each sides airfields within 5 minutes once winning conditions are achieved. A circling, invulnerable E-2 with Datalink feed is available over each sides home base. An SRS server will be provided. Slot List: Blue: (8/8) GRY 99 | Siknosparnis GRY 77 | Jot GRY 73 | Money GRY 72 | Xagrem GRY 33 | Maximus GRY-A | Kubner GRY-A | Coldclaws 9g | Surt Red: (7/8) E-TF[101] Breeze E-TF[102] Riker [CETAV] Naza [CETAV] Hunter [CETAV] Wildchild [51☭] Spade (P) [51☭] Teknetinium Reserve:
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