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Flight Simulators





  1. Welcome to JTF-111! We offer: - Handmade wing-wide custom missions - Tuesdays training with our experienced aviators in your squadron airframe - 3 Training servers along - Unique dynamic campaign server - Weekly ops on Saturdays - Most importantly, good people to fly with Currently Recruiting: - F16 - F18 - CH-47F - AH-64D Overview We are focused on handmade PvE missions where we work together as a team to accomplish objectives. Our skilled mission designers produce detailed missions with realistic scenarios to provide the most immersive experience possible in DCS. We operate in the EST time zone, with trainings on Tuesdays and missions on Saturdays at 2000(08:00pm). We feature active F/A-18c, F16c and a helicopter battalion which operates the AH64 and the Kiowa and Chinook. We also on a mission by mission basis's as well including the Harrier, F14B, A10cII and Apache. Many of our members have aviation experience and are former or active duty. A typical mission would be preceded by a detailed mission brief. During the mission, we fly as a flight to the objective, use mulit-ship tactics to accomplish our mission, reform if we separate, and RTB back to base in formation. We use military brevity when possible during missions but are relaxed outside of it. We then review the mission on Tacview afterwards and try to learn from our mistakes. Training night We have four servers available 24/7 with custom-made training scenarios on each of the major maps. These training servers offer static ranges, spawn-able ranges including SAM ranges, red for aircraft, tankers and a BFM area. We do a squadron overview of the intended training goals before hitting the servers and practicing. We also feature a custom dynamic campaign hand built for our servers and available 24/7. Think Foothold or Pretense but scaled to the number of players providing a seamless experience solo or with a group of 20. This campaign features logistics, supply lines, realistic red-for responses and multimap support. You can conduct convoy hunting, anti-ship, SEAD, strike, SCAR and CAP missions. Who we are looking for: Aviation enthusiasts who enjoy engage flying in a group. You do not need to be the best pilot in the world, we would rather have someone who puts forth the effort and regularly participates. We have training materials on everything from ATC comms to BVR tactics to get you up to speed. Our pilots don’t need to complete a complex training regimen prior to be deemed mission ready – just a familiarization to get you familiar with our basic procedures prior to going out. So come, give us a shot. Requirements: - HOTAS - Headtracking or VR - 19 or older - Regular attendance (though we recognize real life comes first) Supercarrier if in our Hornet squadron If you are interested in joining please check out our discord! https://discord.gg/6qAgVgyg2A
  2. [Designer's Notes] 1. Hawk 1-1 (Player 1, Tail # 211), is the mission commander for every mission, and must be selected to trigger designed events. 2. Cold start time is limited for some missions, it's highly recommended that the server remains paused until all players are seated and ready. 3. Please keep the original weapon loadout as some mission triggers will only be activated by a specified weapon type. 4. Please read the briefing material carefully in each mission pack. Please follow the flight waypoints, otherwise, some events might not be triggered. 5. It requires at least 4 players to complete most of the missions. But it's recommended to play with 4 or more players. Hawk 1 Flight is usually designed for primary objective, Hawk 2 Flight is for secondary objective, whilst an hot-on-ramp Hawk 3 with AA Loadout doesn't carry any specific tasks but just in case more than 8 players want to play the game, feel free to change loadout and goals for Hawk 3. [Mission List] Mission 01 - Sunrise [Runway Attack] Mission 02 - Phantom Vanguard [DEAD] Mission 03 - Behind Enemy Lines [TARCAP] Mission 04 - Nocturnal Predator [Precision Airstrike] Mission 05 - Timed Eclipse [Pinpoint Strike] Mission 06 - Arrow Rainstorm [Anti-ship Strike] Mission 07 - Cloudtop Foxtrot [Pinpoint Strike] Mission 08 - Sentinel Shield [BARCAP] Mission 09 - Death from Above [On-call CAS] Mission 10 - Prom Night [Deep Strike] Mission 11 - Act Lancet [Pinpoint Strike] Mission 12 - Twilight Guardian [Escort] Mission 13 - Scrap Valley [Pre-plan CAS] Mission 14 - Alert Five [Intercept] Mission 15 - Wild Weasel Day [DEAD] Mission 16 - Road On Fire [Interdiction] Mission 17 - Dawn Raiders [Deep Strike] Mission 18 - Storm Knight [Deep Strike] Mission 19 - No Time For Caution [Carpet Bombing] Mission 20 - Street Battle [On-call CAS] Mission 21 - Valiant Aggressors [Fighter Sweep] Mission 22 - Fortress Breaker [DEAD] Mission 23 - Moonlight Raiders [Deep Strike] Mission 24 - Operation Opera [Deep Strike] [Air Force Mission List] Air Force 01 - Second Wave [Multiple Tasks] Air Force 02 - Tidebreaker [Multiple Tasks] -------------------------------------Original Post Below------------------------------------ Hi guys, I just made a 2-8 multiplayer hornet COOP mission, it's a simple runway attack under Prowler's (S3B as EA-6B) EW cover. It has detailed mission briefing in pdf inside the download package. Operation Hormuz Mission 01 (digitalcombatsimulator.com) I planned to make a series of mission as a whole campaign, it doesn't have much thrilling plots or challenging tasks, but mainly focuse on following briefing instructions, fly tactical formation and basic weapon handling in an "as-real-as-possible" battlefield environment for multiplayer COOP. Hope you enjoy it. Welcome for comments, and please give feedbacks if there's any bugs, thanks.
  3. Currently the F/A-18C binding options for the radar elevation is setup like the real jet, where the position of the axis controls the slew-rate of the antenna elevation, I applaud ED's choice to do this as it works great for people that have HOTAS setups specifically tailored to the hornet. However, I very much would appreciate it if ED could add a second axis bind to treat the antenna elevation axis as an absolute position, like the viper and other modules. For people who do not have antenna elevation axes with a sprung center, the current iteration is very difficult to use; this would remedy the issue. Furthermore, I think the current iteration potentially creates a fair amount of issues where newer players (without the sprung-center radar control) do not notice their radar slewing up into the heavens or full down and end up wondering why their radar cannot find any targets. Cheers.
  4. Welcome to Virtual Air Wing 99 (VCAW-99), your premier destination for immersive DCS World aviation experiences! At VCAW-99, we pride ourselves on our dedication to realism, camaraderie, and continuous improvement. As a member of our virtual wing, you'll join a community of passionate flight enthusiasts who share a love for aviation and a commitment to excellence. Our operations are structured around two scheduled flights per week, held every Thursday and Sunday at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Thursday's flight is a combat sortie, providing thrilling opportunities to engage in coordinated missions and hone your combat skills. On the other hand, Sunday's flight is a training flight, offering valuable practice and learning opportunities for pilots of all skill levels. In addition to our regular flights, we provide our members with access to an online flight log for logging flight hours; Aviation Combat Entry System (ACES), ensuring that your progress and accomplishments are tracked and recognized. We also maintain an Air Tasking Order (ATO) to organize and manage our missions effectively, providing clear objectives and taskings for each flight. To ensure that all members are well-prepared for the challenges of virtual flight, we offer a comprehensive training program that covers essential techniques, procedures, and tactics. Our Naval Aviator Progression System (NAPS) tracks your progress throughout the training cycle. New members are encouraged to complete this program within 60 days of joining, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in our virtual skies. As part of our commitment to active participation and teamwork, we expect all members to fly at least one of the scheduled flights per week. This ensures that our missions are well-supported and our wing remains vibrant and engaged. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of virtual aviation, VCAW-99 welcomes you to embark on an exciting journey filled with thrilling missions, unforgettable experiences, and lasting friendships. Join us today and soar to new heights with Virtual Air Wing 99! VCAW-99: Home of the Fighting Redcocks | You can't beat a Redcock (vcaw99.com) Join Us! | VCAW-99: Home of the Fighting Redcocks (vcaw99.com) BD
  5. Sunday November 3rd at 1300 UTC, Phobetor SQN will host a fun BVR PvP tournament for F-18 pilots! Come join is if you are up for some fun or look to improve your F18 BVR skills! Anyone is allowed to join, no matter you skill, and feel free to invite your friends! The matches will consist of simple 1v1's over flat terrain, with 60nm starting separation, and a max round time of 8 minutes. We will use a double elimination bracket, everyone will get to fly at least 3 matches. https://phobetor.site/ - https://discord.gg/BFXQxACC You will not be able to participate without signing up, Sign-ups close 24h before the event! Get yourself signed up here: https://forms.gle/nkFSNsi7Thw3zCm87
  6. Greetings, I've recently read "The Sukhoi Su27 from 1997 to the present" by Andy Gröning,and wanted to find similar books about the hornet and phantom,ie focused on their history from design conception,introduction,their operational history, variants,and technical aspects, and NOT (sorry but the other time I asked elsewhere people didn't seem to catch it) a book for modelling that only has pictures,or a prose book about the day to day of the crew. Something akin to the f18 "Owner Workshop Manual" by Haynes (which was good,but a bit on the short side). For the Phantom, I'm interested in any variation, for the hornet,I'm very much into the legacy version,so perhaps omit books that are solely about the super hornet. (Or not actually, guess I'll just save the recommendation for later.) Thank you and sorry for the bother. Rika
  7. Hi everyone, Welcome to our new thread where we will be posting some of the action we get up to over at VAF - Virtual Air Fighters Squadron.
  8. Hello, I recently found this bug where, when I try to focus the look at one Aircraft (that is not my own aircraft) The shadows that should apear on their fuselage under the wing dissapear and they appear again when I look away. THIS DOES NOT HAPPENS WITH MY OWN PLANE OR THE PLANE I SELECT WITH ANY OF THE F2 OR F3 AND SO... Only with the aircrafts around). Also this happens with any module, I've been trying with F-16 And FA-18. This seems to happens on the side of the airframe more exposed to the sunlight. Also I tried it on another computer and the same happens. Here are some clips: https://gyazo.com/d08165c6c015c0a06570b89095ceb69a https://gyazo.com/143cda5a7e3e90718cfdc39acb20acb6 My specs are: Win 10 1070ti i5-9600k 16 RAM DDR4
  9. Hi all I've an F18c home cockpit and my UFC and IFEI Good morning all, I'm building a homemade F18c cockpit and want the UFC and IFEI to look like a super hornet However, I would like to know if it is possible to retrieve data from the simulator and display them via Helios when this data is not offered in the drop-down menus in Helios. Example: I would like to collect the amount of fuel in each wing to display it. But this possibility is not offered by Helios. Thanks in advance
  10. until
    Hey Pilots! Practice makes perfect! Goal is to practice BFM manoeuvres, using the Speed & Angels protocol! 1st Saturday of the month, at 2130 GMT +1 (Lisbon Time) See you there on the briefing room, make sure you enable the Speed and Angels kneeboard !! Get it here: https://102albatross.com/members/file-management-system/
  11. until
    Hi everyone! Summer is over but we are still hot! Time to regroup and do a FAM Flight for the community! Expect 2 ship flights, full protocol with comms, G Warm Up, Fence IN/OUT, AAR, rejoins and Speed and Angels! > Any aircraft, Fixed wing > Confirm your presence on ourdiscord! https://discord.gg/xpSvMbbJ?event=1016030720885542922 Let's have some fun!
  12. until
    Come Join Our Sunday Night Campaign! Every Sunday night at 9PM EST we host our campaign missions. These missions have a light story behind them, data cards to go along with each mission, and proper briefings. We try our best to maintain professionalism, teach proper procedure, and most of all have fun and work as a team during these missions. They are also persistent, if a group of units dies one mission, they will not make it to the next mission. We also utilize several scripts made by the community to enhance realism, such as the IADS Script, various Moose Scripts, and so on.
  13. I was under the impression the AI perpetual stall bug was fixed? If so, not quite. If not, it is really game breaking. In this mission, most of the F18s crashed into the water, constantly trying to pull up to much and just staying in a stall, when they rounded to go to the tanker. As an addition, my wingman in an F18, went for the boom and crashed into the tanker, a bug that was supposedly fixed. I think it had something to do with the other planes having already requested refuel before they died. I can't upload the playback, as it is far to big. This is the .miz file. DS28.miz
  14. I´m quite new to this amazing game and in desperate need of help. I have the Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog stick and throttle, but I need realistic profile for both the F/A 18 and the F16. I would appreciate all the help I can get. Thx so much. /Bifrost
  15. Purchased from original owner. 3 way switch (pictured) broke off. Winwing sent him a replacement switch. With a 2 month old, I simply don't have time to replace. $100 shipped to your door ( USA,Lower 48). These are retailing new for $250 new with $45 shipping. If you have the time, this is a steal. Please see my facebook posting for more pictures. Comes in original packaging (minus a cheap piece of 2 sided tape and manual (you can find the manual on WinWing's website. I am more partial to the Viper, so haven't gotten much use from it. I accept PayPal for protection of all parties. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/416206550121427/
  16. OPERATION DESERT STORM | FICTIONAL | INFORMATION LETTER SHORT REMINDER: THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REAL LIFE OPERATION DESERT STORM! __________________________________________________________ Singleplayer - YES Multiplayer - YES COOP - YES Each other - YES Against each other - YES __________________________________________________________ Syria Map - Required Carrier Module - Highly Recommended Tf-51 / Is Free & should be Pre Installed Gray Shark Skin - Recommended 16-32 GB Ram - Recommended Hello and welcome to the information sheet on the mission "Operation Desert Storm" Operation Desert Storm is a dynamic mission that means there are multiple possible endings! You can play Operation Desert Storm alone, in co-op or against each other! There are no limits! The main goal in Operation Desert Storm is to take out the enemy aircraft (AI) and then land! Whoever manages this first, decides the victory for his faction! If one faction wins, the other faction loses! Again, you can fight the AI with a friend and then land. Or you can fight the enemy AI on your own while your friend / enemy has to do the same against you! The first to turn off all targets wins! You can of course do 2v2 1v2 and so on, no limits! The location is on the new Syria map and starts at sunrise! Now you are setup for my first Dynamic Mission and I really hope you will enjoy it! I have also added a Airshow! So you can train with oldschool aircraft like the TF51 or BF109! (please keep in mind that this mission does not try to be realistic at all! Its a 100% Generic Fun Mission, something you just wanna throw on without thinking to much and just testing out the latest stuff of DCS!) OPERATION DESERT STORM CONTENT - 2 rival factions, each with 4 selectable airmen - Real radio messages from the political groups: USA & RUSSIA - Different endings possible (Dynamic Mission) - Audio announcements if a team member has died or an enemy player has been eliminated. - Audio announcements if an enemy is sighted in the area & warning if you are in an enemy area. - The latest carriers are available for both factions! - SAM targets available for both factions (A-10II, SU25T - to counter SAM site) - Mission briefing for each Faction! - RAM friendly, despawning of cinematic aircrafts, carrier and assets only spawn when needed (if you spawn inside a f14 it will unlock the carrier (same for russian carrier and cinematic aircraft) - Many many IF conditions for a balanced game flow - Self-made mission pictures so that you know what your task is! - Airshow (Ram friendly, if you spawn in a Neutral aircraft everything that is related with the Operation Desert Storm Mission will despawn so you save Ram and can press F2 without seeing other aircraft then yours! REAL ATC AUDIO RECORDINGS For an immersive feeling! Russian and American Voices! Alerts and kill confirmation Voice! SELECTABLE AIRCRAFT RUSSIA: - Su 33 (on Carrier) - Su 33 (on Carrier) - Mig 29 (on Airbase) - Su25T (on Airbase) - Su27 (on Airbase) SELECTABLE AIRCRAFT USA: - F14 B (on Carrier) - F18 (on Carrier) - F16 (on Airbase) - F14 A (on Airbase) - A10II (on Airbase) ------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECTABLE AIRCRAFT NEUTRAL (AIRSHOW): - BF109 (on Airbase) - Mig29 (on Airbase) - Spitfire (on Airbase) - TF 51 (on Airbase) - AV8B (on Airbase) EPIC BATTLEFIELD INTRO SONG Epic Intro for following units - F14 B - F18 Whats planned for future Update: - adding 2 Helicopters with unqiue Tasks for each Faction (Hind + Blackshark - Russia) (Apache + Huey - America) OPERATION DESERT STORM TEASER (we recommend you downloading the Gray Shark Skin for cool looking SU33 AI and Client Aircraft ( https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/files/3312850/ ) ENJOY OPERATION DESERT STORM ( https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/de/files/3316674/ ) | REMINDER FOR THE DOWNVOTERS | the Operation name was a mistake, i accept it. So please evaluate the mission and not the name! And for the Haters: If you are not able to read a description then i cant help you! The name is definently not a misleading Title, i wrote down like a 100 times that this mission is Fictional! With best regards BlazeXI
  17. Recently I got the f-18 hornet and tried flying it with vr hand controllers, my original plan was to use it exclusively in vr with them, but that hope is dashed so I was wondering what hotas under 200 would you suggest for the hornet in vr?
  18. Join VFG as a Tomcat Pilot or Hornet pilot part of VF-32 or VFA-105! Who we are: At the beginning of 2021 me and two good friends were frustrated when we couldn't find a squadron that was a healthy breed of milsim and fun. So that is why we founded this group! We have a passion for realism, but also want to provide a welcoming experience for players of any skill level in our custom built campaign with custom made skins! Requirements: Discord SRS F-14 or F/A-18 Syria Map Supercarrier 18+ Communication! We have our campaign nights on Sunday 9:30PM EST Training on Friday night 9:00PM EST Stop by our Discord! https://discord.gg/FEaM72AWKY
  19. Can anyone tell me if that's a bug or why ED make back steps in keybinds? Before the patch we had more variants for Switches in the F18. Example Hook Bypass: before the patch we got carrier and field separately and now only toggle. Same for the lunchbar, Retract and Extend and after the Patch only toggle. Why? That's ab big backstep i think ED should give us as manny options as possible to bind the Switches. They sould give us for each Switch 3 Options 1. Toggle On/Offf 2. ON and OFF separatly 3. Special On els Off or something for Spring loaded Switches
  20. Does anyone know how to increase the amount of G’s pulled before the wings break on the F/A-18C? I would like to mess around with this and see what’s possible
  21. Does anyone know where the files are for radar performance? I have the CJS Super Hornet Mod, and in the .lua file for it, there is a line that reads: ' RADAR = "AN/APG-73" ' I believe this means the .lua finds this radar file to use in the super hornet. Where is the AN/APG-73 file located?
  22. 21NSQD | Recruitment Letter | 10/03/2022 Our squadron is operating with member countries of the NATO and therefor allows a wide range of available airframes for all types of operations. Our goal with the 21NSQD is to provide a high standard of training, exercises, and operations to complete combined with fun and lots of events. Note: The 21NSQD is currently a German based squadron (all leaders are from a German-speaking country) but we also want to have members from all over the world. In order to apply for our squadron, you have to meet certain requirements which are listed below: Minimum age of 16 years Minimum 150 hours of flight hours in your main airframe (Goal: You need to be experienced with your airframe) Keyboard or HOTAS (HOTAS is preferred) Good English knowledge We also provide training for specific airframes for new pilots without any flight experience in DCS. If you choose to join our squadron as a new aviator, the minimum flight hours do not apply to the minimum requirements. For already experienced pilots, you have to complete a basic course, which is the “V1 Checkride Course”. In this course, we will provide basic information about our workflow in our squadron for you to study. All the contents in the checkride course will be checked in a theoretical and practical assessment. This allows us to get a better view on a possible new pilot for our squadron. With this checkride we want to check the following things: Airframe fundamentals General workflow Teamwork Current knowledge If we think you're a match for our squadron, we'll let you know and talk about goals we want to achieve with you in our squadron. We plan to improve your hard & soft skills, procedures and working in a team to get good effects in our operations. For squadron members, we provide various options for further education, which includes: [V1] Qualified Airman (completed once you have completed the checkride) [COQ] Carrier Ops Qualification [QLSO] Qualified Landing Signal Officer (NEW -> Currently W.I.P) [V2] Qualified Flight Lead [V3] Qualified Instructor If you want to join our squadron, make sure to visit our Website & Discord Server. If you have any questions, feel free to ask one of our project leaders. Website: https://21nsqd.org Discord: https://discord.21nsqd.org E-Mail Contact: 21nsqd@proton.me Kind regards Sven | [F/A-18C] Kuezy “Bolter”
  23. VFA-151 Vigilantes is Recruiting! We are a semi-serious group emulating the VFA-151 "Vigilantes" deployed aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72). We are a primarily 18+ community that focuses on "fun through realism" while ensuring we are keeping the fact real life always comes first. As a group we strive for realism and following real world procedures, tactics, and training whilst keeping the fun aspects of game intact. Training Pipeline Our training pipeline is designed to get pilots flying with squadron as quickly as possible. Pilots must complete (2) phases before going active duty and playing in Saturday operations. Familiarization Flight (FAM) - Field Operations, Formation Flight, Air-Air Refueling, Air-Air Engagement, Air-Ground Engagement, CASE I Recovery [50%+ to pass onto CQ - (WE OFFER 1 on 1 TRAINING IF YOU STRUGGLE AT ANY OF THE ABOVE!)] Carrier Qualification (CQ) - x4 CASE I Departures/Arrivals & x2 CASE III Departures/Arrivals [50%+ to pass onto CQ - (WE OFFER 1 on 1 TRAINING IF YOU STRUGGLE AT ANY OF THE ABOVE!) Requirements To join VFA-151, Basic requirements are: 18+ (Exceptions are made) Working mic Flight hardware SRS Persian Gulf Supercarrier modules Able to play @2200 EST, Saturdays https://www.vfa151.com/ VFA-151 Discord
  24. Hi guys, Just wanted to start the RAVEN ONE Campaign and the mission starts with my plane splashing in the water. When i check in the planner it is settled on the Carrier, but when i start the mission the plane hits the water...... game over there. I have the supercarrier and the latest update 2.7. Can anyone help out ? dcs.log-20210430-184638.zip
  25. I made a fa18 formation flight training mission so you don't have to. You can change the weather in the mission editor if you want. If this helped you out, subscribe to me on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNijtw5S2Op9sHXrL9kujjg To use simply 1: download the mission 2: Open C/users/your name/saved games/dcs/missions 3: if dcs is downloaded to another drive (D or E or F etc.) just look for dcs/missions 4: drag the download into this folder and you should be good to go FA 18 formation flight training.miz
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