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MP: Visibility of enemy units on F10 map

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I discovered a inconvenient "feature" when hosting multiplayer sessions:


I host a map which has the F10-Map-Setting "Fog of War" activated forcefully. It works fine, and as soon as a blue UAV is airborne, I can see all hostile units und the F10 map around 60-70nm of the UAV. Works as expected, in my opinion.


But players who join the session as clients can't see any of those units I can see on the map. The map setting should be the same on there side, shouldn't it?


I do have CA installed, but it doesn't matter if I'm in a plane or as Cmdr/Jtac.


Can anyone explain what behaviour I discovered here, what it's origins are, or if this is even a bug?



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This is from page 68 of the user manual and may be something of value.

Mission Options

The Mission Options menu can be used to lock certain gameplay options for the particular mission loaded. When the "USE THESE OPTIONS FOR ALL MISSIONS" check-box is unchecked in the Options\Gameplay menu, the locked mission options will override the settings in the main Options. However, when the "USE THESE OPTIONS FOR ALL MISSIONS" check-box is checked, the settings in the main Options screen will take priority.

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Thanks for the info. I'm aware of the functionality of this setting, but forget to mention, that in my case, I have both (the mission and my options) set to the "Fog of War" setting, and the contrary behaviour between host and clients still persists.

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