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mav doesnt hit the target in track file after editing - help pls


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Hi Guys,


got a small problem which is sort of driving me nuts - i recorded some trackfiles - viewed them - everything fine - afterwards i edited the views - saved it under a different name - now, when i view the edited track the mavs launched do no longer hit their targets - i tried all sorts of things - messed around with the launch range, etc .... - it just does not want to work - arrrrrgggg


:helpsmilie: :helpsmilie: :helpsmilie: pls


thanks in advance for your help,






CoolerMaster HAF RC-932 - Intel Core i7 950 - Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro - Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R - Kingston DDR3 6GB - Gigabyte Radeon HD 5870 EF 6 Edition - Western Digital 640GB SATA-III - CoolerMaster 700W - TrackIR Pro 4 - Saitek X52 - Saitek Rudder Pedals - Hotas Warthog

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The "Edit track" command, for whatever reason, will screw up tracks from time to time. I've never found a solution, though using default skins (go figure) will sometimes allow the process to succeed. Something you might want to give a try.


Editing bloats the file size. At one time I thought it might be a matter of the extra info choking the program at critical times. But I've found that, when editing is going to cause a problem, it often causes the problem whether you actually alter or not. Just starting the track with "Edit track" is enough to cause incorrect playback of the newly saved track. You don't even need to alter a view in the process.



YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1...CR6IZ7crfdZxDg



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Thanks Ironhand - in the meantime i think i tried it all but without success - bummer








CoolerMaster HAF RC-932 - Intel Core i7 950 - Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro - Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R - Kingston DDR3 6GB - Gigabyte Radeon HD 5870 EF 6 Edition - Western Digital 640GB SATA-III - CoolerMaster 700W - TrackIR Pro 4 - Saitek X52 - Saitek Rudder Pedals - Hotas Warthog

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I happened to me. My "solutio" is forst to make a backup of my original track, after that I try to edit it. If I see changes, I return to a copy of the original backup and start again.


I have noticed that when a track was ruined, editing it again from the backup let me edit it and succed in the 2º or 3º attemp.

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Guest IguanaKing

Noti, did you, by any chance, do any patching of LOMAC between recording the tracks and trying to edit them? If you upgraded from one version to another in the middle of the process, this can change weapon and sensor behavior and make your Mavericks miss their targets.

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that is exactly what i do, i record the track and then save it - then i edit it and save it under a different name again - all fine so far - even whilst editing the mav hits the target.




i dont make any changes in between, not even changes with the grafic settings. At first i thought it has something to do with the track ir, then with the target designator (changed the buttons on the hotas) and also with the joggle (shift j) somehow screwing up the designation of the target. None of those seems to be the culprit. An other possibility could be that the area (currently gelenzik) sort of mucks it up. I will try somethings today as i have more time to experiment. I will let you know if i have success



thanks for trying to help me, I appreciate it








CoolerMaster HAF RC-932 - Intel Core i7 950 - Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro - Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R - Kingston DDR3 6GB - Gigabyte Radeon HD 5870 EF 6 Edition - Western Digital 640GB SATA-III - CoolerMaster 700W - TrackIR Pro 4 - Saitek X52 - Saitek Rudder Pedals - Hotas Warthog

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re. my reply above


I got confused there - the mav does not hit the target when editing






CoolerMaster HAF RC-932 - Intel Core i7 950 - Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro - Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R - Kingston DDR3 6GB - Gigabyte Radeon HD 5870 EF 6 Edition - Western Digital 640GB SATA-III - CoolerMaster 700W - TrackIR Pro 4 - Saitek X52 - Saitek Rudder Pedals - Hotas Warthog

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I just contucted some new tests now and it appears that the outside view causes the problem. When I edit the track and if i am in the cockpit view whilst designating the target the mav homes in to where it is supposed to. When i look at the plane with F2 or F3 it misses it. hmmm








CoolerMaster HAF RC-932 - Intel Core i7 950 - Arctic Cooling Freezer 7 Pro - Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R - Kingston DDR3 6GB - Gigabyte Radeon HD 5870 EF 6 Edition - Western Digital 640GB SATA-III - CoolerMaster 700W - TrackIR Pro 4 - Saitek X52 - Saitek Rudder Pedals - Hotas Warthog

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